Yandere wednesday

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[Alr Wednesday won the vote so here is Yandere Wednesday]

                               Cool bitches gc

Lesbian furry: Willa where did u go 😭

Gay emo: I'm at Yokos dorm she getting me a potion

Lesbian furry: what potion?

Gay emo: Yoko told me to try it but she didn't tell me what it is

Lesbian furry: Yoko

Yolk: chill it's not a bad potion

Lesbian furry: fine

Gay emo: I'm on my way back Amor

Lesbian furry: Alr

Wednesdays POV:
I got back to the dorm and drank the whole bottle but didn't make a reaction, "damn, whole bottle?" I nodded and laid down next to Enid.

Cool bitches gc

Yolk: uhhh Enid

Lesbian furry: what

Yolk: did uh Wednesday drink the whole bottle or a bit?

Lesbian furry: she drank the whole bottle why?

Yolk: I accidentally gave her the Yandere potion...

Lesbian furry: Yoko

Yolk: im sorry😭

Enid's POV:
I looked at Wednesday and she was blushing so I just sighed and pulled her closer, she started to blush even more and wrap her arms around me, "Wednesday, do not say a word" I covered her mouth so she wouldn't go crazy or try to fuck me.

Later she fell asleep so I slowly got out of bed and faced Wednesdays bed, thank god she didn't wake up, as I said that I get tackled to the floor by Wednesday "AW COME ON!" I face Wednesday but my legs and arms were trapped by her so I couldn't escape, "love~ why are you leaving, don't you love me?" Wednesday said in the most seductive voice, I started to blush uncontrollably and I couldn't even hide it "I...uh how about we j-just go to Yoko's dorm?" "Fine" she let me up and when I was about to go she jumped on me so I had to carry her, "Willa, are you being serious right now?" She started to slowly kiss my neck, but I ignored it and went to Yoko's dorm.

We finally got to Yoko's dorm and she told us the door was unlocked so I went in and Wednesday then was hugging my legs together looking at me. "Why you here?" I crossed my arms and looked at Yoko with a pissed off look, "oh yeah about Wednesday, by the way where is she?" I point down to my leg and Yoko saw Wednesday there giving Yoko a glare "I feel like if I laugh I'm gonna die" suddenly Wednesday pulls out a knife and runs to stab Yoko but I quickly tackled her to the floor and took her knife and was on top of her "WEDNESDAY NO" she rolled her eyes and I put her knife in my pocket and picked her up, "I'm scared, anyways the potion lasts for 24 hours" why did Wednesday have to drink the whole bottle. I left Yoko's dorm with Wednesday and got back to the dorm.

I locked the door and Wednesday pinned me to the wall and was about to kiss me but I covered her mouth to stop her. "No" I grabbed her wrists and started to walk forward and she walked backwards, "you will not kiss me until the potion wears off" I did feel a bit guilty but I just shook that feeling away. "Why, do you not love me?~" I covered her mouth again and picked her up then put her on my bed and laid next to her.

I was on my phone while Wednesday still tried to kiss me at least once, I will  admit it I kinda have been craving her lips. "love, just one please" I put my phone away and faced her "fuck it" I pulled her really close and kissed her, I kept kissing her until she needed to breath, "happy?"  She nodded and blushed more. She finally went to sleep and I put her hair behind her ear and just looked at her cute face until I fell asleep

[wholesome chapter hehehehhe]

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