Happy pills

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[angst and requested and inspired by 7eleven_store ]

Cool bitches gc

Yolk: guys, has Wednesday been acting weird?

Lesbian furry: yeah when I dropped off Toby to daycare and I came back she just was not writing and looking into nothing

Fishy divi: I've seen 3 kids follow her

Little mermaid: maybe something is going on

Bee boy: she hasn't been attending our bee meetings :(

Lesbian furry: I'm going to talk to her

Yolk: Alr btw find out before Toby comes back home

Lesbian furry: yeah I don't want him to see

Enid's POV:
I waited for Wednesday to come back and she finally did, as she was closing the door I was right behind her and scared her, "why are you here amor" she started to step back and I stepped forward, "what's going on" she hit the wall with her back and I grabbed her hand and just held it, "nothing is going on" I slowly brought my hand up to her arm and she whimpered, "pull up your sleeve" I was super pissed if anyone hurt her or she hurt her self, "why, I'm fine" I started to grip on her arms even more and she whimpered more, "Wednesday" she looked away and pulled up her sleeves and there was bruises everywhere "I want names" Wednesday tried to escape but I didn't let her until she told me what happened, "Enid I promise, no one hurt me I just fell down the stairs and bruised my arm" I still didn't believe her, but gave up, "promise?" "Promise" she gave me a kiss and I took her to the bathroom to get the bruises healed.

Cool bitches gc

Lesbian furry: she has bruises

Yolk: WHAT-

Fishy divi: do u know who did it?

Lesbian furry: she said she fell down the stairs but I'm not believing it

Little mermaid: make sure she is careful, there has been a pill going around school that are making students go crazy

Medusa boi: ye I think the new boy has been giving them to people

Lesbian furry: I'm going to bandage her up a bit more and make her tell me the truth

Wednesdays POV:
I was sitting on the counter in the bathroom while Enid was wrapping up my arm, "you promise no one did this to you?" I wasn't going to tell her Xiaver and his 2 other friends have been bullying me and almost sexually assaulted me, "yes I'm fine amor, I promise" she sighed and I gave her a reassuring kiss and left and made up a excuse.

I was going down the stairs and checked if Xiaver or his friends were there and they weren't. I walked down the stairs more when I knew they weren't there and stumbled upon something, I crouched down and picked up a tube and looked around if anyone was there and no one was, it said 'Happy Pills' with a smiley face and I read the warning signs and it said 'do not take 3 it will make the person go insane' I put it in my pocket and went back to the dorm to see Enid was gone to Yoko's room.

Cool bitches gc

Lesbian furry: I swear if I see any more bruises on her

Fishy divi: maybe u should just trust Wednesday right now

Lesbian furry: maybe ur right

Yolk: has she been acting weird with u?

Lesbian furry: a bit like: avoiding my hugs, whimpering when I touch her, leaving early in lessons and coming back late

Medusa boi: maybe she is being bullied?

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