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[ ANGST BITCHES HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH ANYWAYS CREDS TO Anonimearmy2022  for dis idea and I hope u cryyyyy]


                                    Cool bitches gc

Lesbian furry: has anyone seen Wednesday?

Yolk: no why?

Lesbian furry: she said she was going to the graveyard and she hasn't came back for 4 hours


Lesbian furry: OH MY IM ON MY WAY

No one's POV:
Enid left the dorm as fast as she could and ran out to the forest to go to the graveyard. When she got there she saw Wednesday unconscious she quickly then picked her up in a bridal style and started running to nevermore

They reached the medical room and the nurse said she has to be transferred to a hospital so they transferred her to a hospital but they said Enid had to visit her tomorrow

                                  Cool bitches gc

Yolk: Enid Enid Enid? Is she ok?

Lesbian furry: the nurse said she has to be transferred to a hospital...

Fishy divi: oh my god...

I suck at painting: don't worry Enid she is Wednesday she will make it

Lesbian furry: thank u xiaver I really needed that

Yolk: u wanna come to my dorm?

Lesbian furry: I think I'm fine I'll stay at mine

Little mermaid: Enid, Wednesday is strong she will be alright

Medusa boi: yeah Biancas right she saved the school I bet she can survive

Lesbian furry: thanks guys...I think I'm gonna go to bed bye...

No ones POV:
Enid began to miss Wednesdays dark cold presence and decided to sleep in Wednesdays bed so she would think she is still there with her.

*next morning*

Enid woke up and remembered she could go to the hospital. She made it to the hospital and went to check on Wednesday she also texted Yoko to come.

Before Yoko came the doctor came in and needed to speak to Enid "she has a very severe head injury which is why she is in a...coma..." "w-what when will she wake up?" Enid try to hold back her tears but failed "she will probably wake up in a few months but since she is strong it might be earlier" the doctor tried to make Enid happier and it did...a bit

Yoko arrived and Enid told her but Enid started crying and Yoko hugged her. Later divina,Ajax,xiaver,Liz,Bianca and Claire came but Bianca and Ajax and Xiaver left early. Claire told Liz she could go because Liz looked tired so Liz just kissed Claire and said goodbye and left with Yoko and divina

"Mother, is she going to be ok?" "Hopefully dear but Yk ur mum is strong" Enid said trying to give Claire some hope the doctor came in and said visiting hours are over so they both left and Enid locked herself in the dorm and didn't talk to anyone but one person...

                                 Hot emo girl💖🖤

Cara Mia: hey Willa Yk I miss u...

*few days past*

Cara Mia: love when are u waking up?

*about half a month pasted*

Cara Mia: Yk I will always be here until u wake up I love you...

No one's POV:
Enid decided to go visit Wednesday she hasn't visited Wednesday for half a month because she would miss Wednesday even more if she saw her.

Enid arrived and took a deep breath and went inside to see Morticia pugsley and Gomez (Gomez is also cheating on Morticia 😁) " have you been taking it?" Morticia asked "not too well I miss her too much..." later Morticia hugged her and pugsley was quietly crying while Gomez just looked at Wednesday with a worried face.

Later Wednesday family left and Wednesday was alone with Enid, "hey love u still look beautiful as always" Enid says while smiling and crying at the same time

A few minutes past then Enid gave a kiss on Wednesdays cheek and left crying still

"I'll wait for u love no matter how long it takes..."

[CLIFF HANGER BITCHES dw I will make a part 2 and I hoped u cry 😁 Idk if I wanna piss u guys off more by posting the next chapter tmmr or nahhhhh- if I feel evil I will if I feel nice I won't 😁 have a good dayyyyyyy]

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