Pregnancy is a pain

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Cool bitches gc

Lesbian furry: how has it already been 3 months😭

Yolk: damn that sucks for u😜

Gay emo: Amor I'll be back soon to look after u

Fishy divi: Enid can I talk to u rq

Lesbian furry: mhm sure

Yolk: div why?

Fishy divi: none of ur business Yoko

Yolk: damn Alr 😭

Fishy divi: sorry love

Little mermaid: i bet she is pregnant too

Fishy divi: STFU



Enid's POV:
I hear a knock at the door and it's Div, "I need help" I let her in and made sure no one was there then closed the door. "What you need?" I was leaning on the door crossing my arms while div was pacing back and forwards, "I'm pregnant" i choke on the air and look at her with 'are you serious' look "are u sure?" She pulled out of her pocket 2 tests and showed them and they were positive, "omg" she started to get even more nervous, "I KNOW! What will Yoko say" I felt happy for Yoko and Div because Yoko wanted another child but felt bad for Div because she doesn't know Yoko would love this, "Div" she stopped and looked at me, "Yoko told me she wanted another child" her jaw dropped and she started to calm down. "are you sure?" I nodded and she sighed then I told her to calm down.

She finally calmed down and Wednesday came, "Amor, what's happening?" Wednesday said while taking off her shoes, "Well, Div is pregnant too" Div awkwardly smiled and Wednesday looked surprise. "Does Yoko know?" She shook her head and Liz came in, "YOUR PREGNANT?!" How tf does she know, "how do you know" Liz closed the door and div looked pissed at her, "i saw a pregnancy test in the bathroom and it was positive" div mumbled shit and started to get nervous again, "SO ITS TRUE YAYAYAYAYAYAY" i started to laugh a bit at Liz's reaction.

Later Div decided to leave and go tell Yoko while Liz went to her dorm to tell Claire everything, "Amor how is the baby" I look at Wednesday and she looked concerned, "he is fine why?" Wednesday looked shocked. Oh shit. I didn't tell her the gender yet, "a boy?" I nodded and she gave me a kiss instantly, "what's his name going to be?" I held her hand and already decided on a name, "Micheal" she smiled a bit and gave me another kiss.

Divina's POV:
My hands started to shake as I opened my dorm door, "hey..." I see Yoko on her bed crossing her legs holding something, "lock the door" i started to blush and locked it quickly. I look behind me to see Yoko's face inches from mine, "when were you going to tell me?" Oh shit, "w-what?" She picked me up and pinned me to the wall and started to kiss me, "Yoko...". I started to lose my breath and just told her, "Y-Yoko stop I'll tell you" she stopped and waited for me to continue, "i woke up and vomited so I took a test then it came positive so I got nervous but told Enid first" she started to smirk and kissed me, "Baby, I'm so happy and next time don't ever hide it from me" I blushed even more, "next time?" She nodded and pushed me onto the bed, "YOKO NO-" "too late baby"

                              Cool bitches gc

Lesbian furry: well div is pregnant

Little mermaid: told u suckers

Vamp: they fucking again😭

Lesbian furry: how can u hear them-

Short gay: our dorm gotta be right next to theirs 😭

Lesbian furry: that sucks and I'm out byeee

Gay emo: bye

Short gay: 😭

[sorry i haven't been posting I've been so tired and not bothered to write a chapter so sorry 😭 byeee suckers]

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