Gender Reveal

419 7 49

[the title says it all also if u wanna join the wenclair rp a new one we already got Enid Wednesday thing Bianca and Eugene so type in your discord🤭]

Cool bitches gc

Lesbian furry: omg omg omg omg omg

Gay emo: Amor calm down they probably made a mistake

Lesbian furry: WHAT IF THEY DIDNT?!

Gay emo: the doctor said he wasn't sure

Lesbian furry: GOD GOD GOD

Yolk: what happened?

Gay emo: the doctor said enid may have...twins?


Yolk: YAY

Lesbian furry: SHUT THE FUCK UP

Yolk: ok ma'am 😀

Gay emo: Amor he is calling

Lesbian furry: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Fishy divi: woah u may have twins?

Gay emo: he called you aren't amor

Lesbian furry: thank god

Yolk: oh ye Enid your 4 months pregnant aren't you supposed to know the gender?

Lesbian furry: yeah I do know it

Gay emo: she wants a gender reveal party so she isn't telling me

Yolk: lollllll

Fishy divi: ooooo

Short gay: just watch it's gonna be a boy

Yolk: uh no it's gonna be a girl

Short gay: wanna put money where your mouth is?

Yolk: bet £50/$50 deal?

Short gay: get ready to pay up

Yolk: mhm

Lesbian furry: ima gonna find a way to do a reveal

Gay emo: Amor can you tell me already?

Lesbian furry: no

Yolk: lmao

Lesbian furry: maybe because the doctor isn't sure what the gender isssss-

Yolk: Enid-

Short gay: Bru-

*a few hours past and now Enid knows the gender*

Lesbian furry: OMG

Gay emo: Amor Tell me now

Lesbian furry: waitttttt

Medusa boi: I know what gender it is 😂

Gay emo: Enid how does he know

Lesbian furry: cuz I needed him to make the cake I ain't gonna spend money

Yolk: lmao

Lesbian furry: and the gender isssss

Lesbian furry: and the gender isssss

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Gay emo: it's a boy?

Lesbian furry: yes Willa

Gay emo: good

Fishy divi: lmao

Little mermaid: what the name of the baby-

Lesbian furry: idk

Gay emo: Yoko Said she had names

Yolk: I'm too sad to tell u them 😭

Fishy divi:'s not ur baby...


Short gay: ty for the money 😂


Lesbian furry: BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP

Yolk: wait why aren't u emotional?-

Gay emo: pills

Fishy divi: there is pills for that shit?

Gay emo: yes

Lesbian furry: I ran out 😭

Gay emo: merde

Yolk: fuck-

Lesbian furry: am I annoying😭😭😭

Gay emo: no your not

Lesbian furry: really I love you 😭😭😭

Gay emo: love you too Amor

Yolk: damn 👁️👄👁️

Lesbian furry: Shut up 😡

Yolk: what did I do 😭

Lesbian furry: stop 😭

Gay emo: 5

Yolk: FU-

Gay emo: 4

Lesbian furry: willaaaaa stay 😭

Gay emo: fine, your saved Tanaka


Lesbian furry: ur welcome 😁

Short gay: I'm out-

Vamp: same

Fishy divi: me too

[btw don't forget to join the rp server on discord🤭]

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