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[lil short chapter enjoy!]

                                Cool bitches gc



Gay emo: fine but I'm not going in the lake

Lesbian furry: awww but fine

Fishy divi: im defo coming

Little mermaid: I'm doing work can't come

Speedy: im staying home im not getting cold

Medusa boi: same 😁

Vamp: wimps

Short gay: fine I'll come

Yolk: everyone meet at 18:30 there

Lesbian furry: alright

Enid's POV:
I was getting ready to go when Wednesday came out with a rather large jacket? "Why you wearing such a large jacket?" I was very confused "I'm wearing my swim suit underneath in case I wanna go swimming" I just nod and find it confusing why she has a jacket that goes down to her knees.

It was 18:25 so we went and I was wearing a swim suit underneath my clothes. When we made it there I saw divina and Claire in the water and Liz jumping off the cliff into the water and yoko just watching while drinking blood "Hey Enid! Hey Wednesday!" We went over to yoko and I took off my clothes and jumped into the water while Wednesday just sat next to Yoko drawing something.

Wednesdays POV:
I sat down next to Yoko while drawing something "oooo drawing your lover?" Yoko saw I was drawing Enid so I just nod "I'm gonna go in the water cya!" I just do a small wave and Yoko jumps in the water.

A few minutes past and I hear "Willa can you come in the water pleaseeeeee!" I just sigh and put my book down.

Enid's POV:
Wednesday takes off her jacket and I swear I died and came back to life on how hot she looked then I started blushing a lot. She was slowly getting in the water when Claire went up behind her and pushed her "HAHAHAHHA SUCKER" Wednesday was then underwater then she came up and started swearing at Claire in Spanish? "hijo de puta!" [translated to You motherfucker!] but when Wednesday looked at me I swear she was way too hot, wet hair with a swimsuit holy shit. "Addams, someone likes the look" Yoko started to point to me and Wednesday saw I was blushing a lot but she did something I swear to god I never seen...she started to giggle and covering her mouth a little.

Then I did the most embarrassing thing ever...my nose started to bleed and I almost passed out "ENID-" I could hear Yoko just laughing.

Wednesdays POV:
"YOKO STOP LAUGHING" "SORRY THIS SHIT TOO FUNNY" Claire just faced palmed her self while Liz and Yoko were laughing and divina was no where to be seen? "Where's div?" Liz starts looking around then suddenly Yoko gets dragged underwater.

I would have loved Yoko dying underwater but it was just divina "DIV U GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK" divina was just laughing and I was holding Enid because she passed out "should we go home it's getting dark" Liz looked at her watch we all nodded and went to the dorm but Enid woke up when we got out of the lake

No one's POV:
The girls reached the dorm and got changed then cuddled and started to sleep while their cat was sleeping on Enid's bed. Everything was


[Small lil chapter lmao byeeeeeee suckersssss]

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