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19:26 in their dorms

                                  Cool bitches gc

Lesbian furry: I'm so boreddddddd

Gay emo: Enid be quite

Lesbian furry: no I'm bored willaaaaaa

Yolk: guys shut up div is sleeping

Lesbian furry: oooo~ with u?

Yolk: maybe-

Lesbian furry: fruity gay bitches


Lesbian furry: remember what i sent u?

Yolk: ok sorry

Gay emo: Enid I swear I'm going to leave this group chat if you guys do not shut up

Lesbian furry: fineeeee

                               *2 hours later*

Lesbian furry: GUYS I HAVE A IDEA

gay emo: will it make you shut up

Lesbian furry: why don't u come and make me 🤭

Yolk: ENID-

Little mermaid: HA-

I suck at painting: rizz

Gay emo: I do not understand why you guys are making such a big deal?

Yolk: is she that stupid-

Lesbian furry: well she never seen these stuff

Yolk: true

Gay emo: someone explain to me what's such a big deal

Lesbian furry: dw Willa it's nothing 😁

Gay emo: ok

Lesbian furry: ANYWAYS so let's play a little game

Gay emo: I'm already not interested

Lesbian furry: please willaaaaaa just one game~

Gay emo: fine but just shut up

Lesbian furry: deal

Lesbian furry: so for the game we are going to answer questions like what's ur fav animal who is ur least fav person etc 😁

Gay emo: fine

I suck at painting: I'm in

Little mermaid: I was sleeping but idc I'm in

Fishy divi: ok

Yolk: if div in I'm in

Medusa boi: I'm also in

Lesbian furry: ok let me ask the first question
Who is ur least fav person and reason why

Medusa boi: Tyler-I don't need a reason

I suck at painting: rowan-he was just annoying and I'm glad he is gone

Little mermaid: all of u- u won't let me sleep

Yolk: Bianca-she put garlic in my food and sabotaged our boats

Lesbian furry: Tyler- I killed him u don't need a reason

Gay emo: tyler-a annoying boy and I regret ever liking him

Fishy divi: Kent-he is a annoying brother


Little mermaid: too bad

Lesbian furry: whatever next question
What's ur sexuality

Little mermaid: bisexual

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