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[the title says it all]

Cool bitches gc


Fishy divi: what

Yolk: so I was walking in Jericho yeah and I saw a lady selling potion recipes so I bought one 😁

Gay emo: oh that woman was my mother

Lesbian furry: wtf 😭

Yolk: anyways I found a weird potion and it says to use on everyone, so everyone get to my dorm

Short gay: yeah no

Vamp: nah I'm staying

Medusa boi: I'm coming

Lesbian furry: same

Gay emo: fine

Little mermaid: me too

Fishy divi: I don't have a choice

Yoko's POV:
I waited for those RETARDS to get here and they finally did so I got the potion and read the steps, "Alright it says for everyone to step away from each other" as I said that everyone stepped away from each other. I still didn't know what the potion was but the name was 'gender bent' or something like that. "Ok it says to smash on the ground" "WH-" I smashed it on the ground before Enid could finish her sentence.

No one's POV:
Yoko smashed the bottle on the ground and a green smoke came out and filled up the whole room and everyone passed out from the gas and didn't wake up for a few minutes

Wednesdays POV:
My head hurts so much, I fully opened my eyes to see everyone still passed out but all of the girls looked like...BOYS?! I stood up quickly and went to
The bathroom to see I looked like a boy, I felt like I was going to throw up. I quickly went back to the room and kicked Yoko to wake her up "WHY DO I LOOK LIKE A BOY?!" Yoko woke up and looked at me surprised then went to go check to see her self as a boy "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Enid woke up and saw me "WTF" I gave her a mirror and she saw and almost screamed so bloody loud "HOW- YOKO I SWEAR IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Divina and Bianca woke up and looked at them selfs in the mirror. Ajax woke up and started to cry because he looked like a girl.

We all later calmed down and talked "Yoko, there better be a fucking potion to make us normal" I had to hold back Enid because she was pissed "yeah I have the ingredients, it will take me at least 5 hours" we were all super pissed but we all left to our dorms.

Enid's POV:
God this was a nightmare, I turned into something I hate so much. Wednesday kissed me to make me feel better at least and it helped a bit, "Thanks Willa" she smiled and went to her type writer and I texted on the group chat

Cool bitches gc

Short gay: SO SO U GUYS ARE BOYS😂😂😂


Medusa boi: so I have a pussy 😦

Lesbian furry: WH-😭

Yolk: I GUESS 😭

Fishy divi: shut up and make the potion Yoko

Yolk: yes ma'am

Lesbian furry: I'm gonna kill Yoko

Vamp: I feel bad for you guys😭

Little mermaid: at least one person feels empathy for us😭

Yolk: I made the potion

Lesbian furry: damn that quick

Yolk: HEHHEHE u guys stay in ur dorm

Lesbian furry: uhhh ok

Enid's POV:
I was in my bed bored af while Wednesday was taking care of Oreo, then suddenly Yoko comes in our room looking back to normal then shouts something and smashes the bottle on the ground and closes the door and runs away "HAHAHAHA BITCHES!" I passed out and so did Wednesday

A few minutes past and I woke up to me being back to normal "THANK GOD" I looked at Wednesday, I guess she was still passed out. I picked her up and put her in my bed then slept next to her.

[lil wholesome funny chapter]

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