Parents day

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[angst ehhehehe cuz I wanna see y'all suffer btw the song is 'all the things she said' i thought it would perfectly match this chapter lol so enjoy]

                                Cool bitches gc


Fishy divi: I can't wait

Gay Emo: why does there have to be a parents day

Lesbian furry: that's what I think every time it comes

Little mermaid: Enid I'm sure they are gonna be proud u wolfed out

Lesbian furry: I hope so...

Gay emo: if they are not you can stay with my family for the day and I'll kill your mum if she dare lay a finger on you or say something

Lesbian furry: I love you too Wednesday and thank you

Gay emo: anything for my Amor

Thing: simp

Gay emo: 5 seconds


Gay emo: good

     *next morning and it's Saturday parents day*

No one's POV:
Morticia stood up and got everyone's attention due to her being the new principal "parents and children I hope you enjoy this parents day and make sure to spend time with your kids!" Morticia said in her hot sexy ass voice- I'm sorry-

Enid and Wednesday went downstairs due to them hearing Morticia

When they reached the quad Enid was nervous but Wednesday just held her hands and kissed her on the cheek then whispered "it's alright amor just come to my table if you need me" Enid just smiled and waved goodbye to Wednesday before going to her parents.

Enid's POV:
I walk over to my parents nervous as fuck "well have you wolfed out yet?" My mother didn't even say hi but I just replied "as a matter of fact I have" my mother had a very surprised look on her face and was smiling at me for once "you finally have made me proud now I can call you my daughter" I was just fake smiling and ignoring my parents until the bell rang for all parents and kids to sit down at their tables.

I sat down with my brothers who looked happy from finding out I wolfed out. "So?" I looked confused at my mum "so what?" "Have you found a mate yet?" I just dropped my fork on my plate and was angry that my mum tried to make me perfect "yes I have mother" "well who is he" I just got even angrier and clenched my fists then I looked to Wednesday and she looked backed at me i noticed she smiled at me just making me calm down.

"Mother, it is not a Boy" my dad stopped eating and my mother looked angry with a mixed of shocked "this is terrible! How will your aunts and uncles think of this i cant have a gay daughter!" I then thought 'all the things she said all the things she said running through head', I suddenly snapped "MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE HAVING ME!" "DONT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT YOUR MOTHER YOUNG LADY!" I started crying while my brothers and my dad just watched "YOUR NOT MY MOTHER AND NEVER WILL BE UNTIL YOU START ACTING LIKE IT" I ran away to my dorm and ran into the bathroom quickly then locked the door and leaned on the door then slowly fell to the ground then I started crying while curling up into a ball.

Wednesdays POV:
I was eating and pugsley was just telling me how he found a pet cat and my parents let him keep it and his cats name was pugs. I missed my brother but I never told anyone so I just smiled and nodded

Suddenly I hear Enid shouting at her mum and running away "mother, father may I be excused" my mother knew what i was going to do and let me "your excused Wednesday" I quickly ran upstairs to my dorm

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