The moment he envisioned punching Jin Liwei in the face, a small twinge inside him protested.

’Oh, shut up!’ he scolded the annoying presence inside him.

The intangible presence inside him gave a silent harrumph before settling down.

Iris’ phone vibrated. It was a text message sent by Ketchup. It said:

"[cute kitty emoji] Mommy, Uncle’s people have surrounded the entire property and have begun patrolling with Daddy’s subordinates. Ketchup is waiting for Mommy’s instruction on what to do about them. [a cuter kitty emoji]"

The message was written in Hausa, a language Lu Zihao wasn’t familiar with. He glanced at the message. When he didn’t understand what was written, he lost interest. He had no idea that it was about him.

Iris slightly tilted her head to the side. However, she didn’t feel too suspicious. This was her big brother, after all. Besides, she was too happy about his return that she didn’t want to create conflict between them so soon. She figured that it was just her brother being cautious as usual, that was why he ordered his people to patrol the property. It seemed that Jin Liwei didn’t mind, even instructing his own subordinates to go along with it.

"Ketchup, leave them," she replied in an audible voice, speaking in Mandarin.

Her phone vibrated again. It was another message showing a cute sticker of a white cat giving a thumbs up.

"What ketchup? You want to eat?" Lu Zihao asked, confused.

"I’ll tell you some other time but not now," she replied with a mysterious smile.

"Heh~" He raised an eyebrow but didn’t continue asking any further. After all, he didn’t answer all of her earlier questions either.

Iris didn’t mind telling her big brother about Ketchup. She trusted him but not his people. She would tell him when they weren’t around.

Finally, they arrived at the door leading to the huge rotunda which had been transformed into an indoor forest. Lu Zihao gave a silent order to his subordinates with just his eyes alone. They nodded and stationed themselves outside the door. They wouldn’t follow the siblings inside.

He opened the door and entered with his sister. As soon as they stepped inside, a streak of orange flew towards them. Popcorn launched his agile body at his mommy who caught him. He meowed loudly and rubbed his head quickly against her before attempting to leap at the man beside her. The affectionate cat remembered his Uncle Zihao, even though the man had changed a lot since the cat last saw him. Iris handed Popcorn to her brother who could only sigh, as he received the cat in his arms.

A big grey furball arrived next at a much slower pace. Ice Cream huffed and puffed, as she jogged with much effort to greet her mommy. However, she stopped in her tracks when she saw the tall and big man beside her mommy. Her eyes became suspicious, and her body language indicated that she went into full-alert mode.

Iris chuckled seeing Ice Cream. "Come here, baby. Look, it’s Uncle Zihao."

The grey cat refused to come closer, even when her mommy called for her.

"Hmmm. I like that grey one. She’s smart and cautious. She’ll live long," Lu Zihao commented about Ice Cream while petting Popcorn. "Unlike this stupid dog-like cat who trusts everyone."

"Meow~" Popcorn became even more affectionate to Lu Zihao, thinking that his uncle was praising him.

Iris pouted, unhappy that one of her babies had been insulted. Although she agreed that Popcorn wasn’t a smart one, his big brother was too mean for speaking too bluntly.

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