"Bye guys!" I grinned following after Lawless as Cricket followed behind me.

"We really need to teach our parents the new lingo for communication." Cricket commented getting in the backseat of Lawless's dads truck.
"No, what you need to do is speak English." Lawless told him.
"Our parents are old as fuck and trying to explain teenager lingo to them would be a waste of time."

{"Oh is that so?"}
Lawless froze looking at his phone that was still on the speaker with dad on the call screen.
"Daad... How ya doing?" Lawless grinned at his phone.
{"Being old as fuck apparently."} Another voice responded and it looked like Lawless was praying as he folded his hands together and put his head on the wheel.
"I had no idea you guys were still on the phone." Lawless said now.
{"You literally told us to hold on, why would we hang up?"} His dad asked.
Lawless lifted his head.
"Good point, but you know I wasn't referring to you guys about being old as fuck-"
{"Language, Lawless."} His dad hissed now.
"Right, sorry." Lawless rubbed the side of his neck.

I grinned at the other drowning.
"Good morning Mr. and Mr. Ray." I greeted.
{"Is that Iggy? Oh good morning! How are you feeling for the first day?"} His dad asked me, the tone in the other completely changing.
Lawless looked to me before mouthing a thank you as I grinned at him.

"Sad as heck Mr. Ray!" Cricket chimed in from the backseat.
{"Oh hell, they have Cricket as well."} Lawless's father commented.
Cricket blinked.
"Why you making it sound like such a bad thing?" Cricket asked.
{"Because you're one of the brats who can't speak English to us old fuckers."}
{"Jensen!"} Lawless's dad hissed disapprovingly.
{"What? I'm just trying to fit in with these young ass-"}

"Alright I'll see you guys later, bye love you both." Lawless said hanging up before groaning as he drove down the road.
"I can't believe you left your dads on hold." I smirked at Lawless who sighed.
"To be fair? I completely forgot about them, I figured they'd hang up when I was gone for five minutes." He said driving into the school parking lot.

I only sighed getting out.
"Well I'm sure that'll be a lovely conversation when you get home later." I teased as Lawless rolled his steel blue eyes before looking at me.
"Hey actually, are you free after school?" He asked me.

I paused as Cricket looked around for a certain vampire.
"I should be, why whats up?" I asked him.
Lawless was hesitant but tilted his head with a charming smile.
"Wanna come over when we get out?" He questioned.
I blinked a few times.

"Aw shit the boy wants to bone." Cricket whispered very loudly in my ear as I shoved the other away with a grin.
"Shut up Cricket." I smirked as Cricket raised his hands in defense.
"Look, that's the exact line Zell used to get me to his house the first time, next thing I know we're having the sex and eating pizza after." He shrugged.

Lawless arched a brow.
"Not exactly the image I wanted in my head, but pizza does sound great." He said now with crossed arms.
I looked at the other grinning.
"Is that why you're inviting me over, for sex and pizza?" I asked him.
Lawless smirked stepping forward and looked at me as my breath hitched now looking at him.

"No actually, my parents are having a cook out, I'm sure my parents will want to run it by yours as well, but I wanted to bring it up first." He told me.
I felt hot for a moment but it disappeared as I just smiled at the other.
"Well I'll definitely be there then." I told him going to turn but he caught my wrist that made me pause as I turned back to him confused.

Lawless studied me before he blinked and let go.
"Sorry." He released me as I blinked but smiled softly, leaning up I kissed the others cheek.
"I'll see you in second period." I told him as Lawless watched me before he smiled softly with a nod.
"See you in second period." He agreed as I followed after Cricket.
"When are you two going to make it more official than you did from when we were kids?" Cricket asked at the lockers.
I frowned with a shrug.
"I don't know, I want to, but I don't know when Lawless will be ready to." I shrugged before my eyes grew wide when my locker door slammed shut.

I turned before frowning as our other cousin, Lore Ellison stood there, this annoyance in her hazel eyes.

"I really had hoped you would have skipped school this year, you know you make everyone insanely uncomfortable being at this school right?" She asked me.
I blinked before frowning deeply.
"That's a bit rude, Lore-"
"No, it's honest Iggy, you're a freaking walking abomination that's risking everyone's safety just by breathing the same air as us, your parents really screwed up." She hissed bitterly.

"Jesus Lore, is it that time of the month for you?" My best friend, Azalea Parker, the daughter of Stetson and Jayce questioned with a glare as she walked up to the lockers.

Lore glared at the blonde haired blue eyed vampire.
"No, but it's about time you go to the bathroom stall to be a typical whore." She shot as Azalea's eyes grew wide with rage.
"What was that?" She growled.

"Hi there! The peace keeper is here! Let's stop trying to rip each others hair out and focus on the first day back." Our cousin Mitzi Ellison, the daughter of Rhys and Angie chimed in.
Her blonde hair was pulled back into a high pony tail that helped expose her bright gray eyes.

Lore glared at Mitzi.
"Don't be an ass kiss Mitzi, it's unattractive for an Alpha." She told her.
Mitzi blinked but she smiled.
"I'm not kissing anyone's ass besides Moons if he truly wanted me to, but Iggy is our cousin, our parents don't live in the past and we shouldn't even try to either, I don't want our family to fight all because you don't agree with the fact, our cousin is an Eve." Her arms crossed.

Lore frowned.
"He's a danger to us all, my mama told me all about what she went through, what our family went through just from our uncle having a hybrid. Aunt Zoe was nearly killed and-"

"Lore, shut the fuck up." Cricket hissed bitterly at the brunette whose eyes grew wide with rage.
"What did you just say?" She growled stepping forward but it was enough to make one of those weird headaches to appear as I winced cupping the side of my head stepping back.

"Iggy?" Azalea looked to me concerned as I stood there frowning deeply.
There were loud noises and someone was yelling.
I looked around before my eyes widened.

"Lore, move!" I hissed pushing her back as she stumbled.
"What the hell, Iggy?!" She screamed but her hazel eyes widened as this kid on a skate board raced past us.

"Sorry! No breaks!" The kid yelled over his shoulder but kept going.
"Try using your foot!" Mitzi yelled back glaring.

I stood there frowning deeply as I held my head.
"Iggy..?" I blinked a few times before looking at Azalea and Cricket who were both frowning at me.
"Are you alright?" She asked me.

"Oh I'm fine too thanks for asking." Lore hissed behind the two.
"No one asked." Azalea responded before her eyes were back on me.

"Was it another vision? Is that how you saw the skater dude?" Cricket asked.
I stood there frowning.
"I.. I think so." I looked at them frowning.
"It was small though." My eyes fell on them before looking at Lore.

"I didn't mean to shove you Lore, but he would have ran you over." I explained.
Lore rolled her eyes.
"Whatever, come on Mitzi, we have class to get to." She growled storming away from us.

Azalea's arms crossed stepping up next to me.
"Remind me again how pissed your aunt Lexi and uncle Bexley would be if I damaged her face a little?" She questioned.
I blinked but smiled softly.
"They'd be pretty pissed, especially aunt Lexi, let's get to class." I told them.

"Excuse me?"
I paused and turned to this guy with messy black hair and light gray eyes.
It felt harder to breathe with him near us.
And I was sure Cricket felt it, because he was an omega.
This guy was an alpha.

"Can we help you?" Azalea arched a brow at the other teen.
He blinked but smiled.
"I hope so, I'm kind of new here and literally have no idea where Biology is." He told us.

I stared before offering the other a smile in return.
"That's my first class, I can walk you there, I'm Iggy Grimes." I said introducing myself to the other.
The black haired teen smiled softly.

"I seriously appreciate it, oh and I'm Dexter Jones." He introduced himself as I smiled softly walking next to him.

"I guess we're chopped liver all of a sudden?" Cricket looked to Azalea who grinned shaking her head.

"Come on sulky, we can tease him about it later." She grinned.

Their Omega [BOOK THREE]Where stories live. Discover now