Chasing The Waves

Start from the beginning

''What's up?''

''How are we here already?'' He asked.

''Thomas, this train travels at over 200 miles per hour.'' I said, picking up my stuff. ''Come on we're here.'' I said approaching the door.

As we stepped off the train, I pulled my sunglasses down. One to protect my eyes from the sun, but two to protect myself from the small group of paparazzi waiting. ''Come on.'' I said, gesturing towards our taxi. The taxi took us to a small hotel, which overlooked the sea.

''God Willow, this view is amazing.''

''I know right. Wanna get changed and then head to the beach for something to eat?'' I suggested. Thomas nodded eagerly before heading off to his room to get ready. I twisted my hair into a fishtail braid and changed out of my jeans into shorts. It was always a lot warmer in District 4 and I was already starting to sweat.

Within half an hour we were sat at a bar by the beach eating fish and chips. ''This is so much better than in 12 oh my god.'' Thomas gushed as he munched through his food. I laughed to myself as I watched him get excited, this was normal to me so it was nice to see someone actually savouring the trip.

''Wanna go in the sea?'' I asked once we'd finished. Thomas bit his lip and looked down at the floor.

''I- um, I can't swim.'' He admitted. I'd forgotten that the only reason I knew how to swim was because of the lake and my mother teaching me how.

''Come on, we won't go in deep- just so you can stand up.'' I said, stretching my hand out for him to take and dragging him down to the shoreline. ''Have you ever been chased by waves before?'' I asked. He shook his head. ''Oh it's so much fun, I'll show you.'' I made my way out to the sea, it was deep, but still shallow enough to stand. I stood there waiting for the waves to come. When I could see one approaching Thomas shouted.

''Willow you'll get carried away come back!''

''No, no it's fun! Watch!'' I said. The wave was about 5 meters away, so I started running back to the sand as it chased me, getting closer and closer, eventually it caught up with me and splashed against my back. I tripped into the water and fell into the shallow, laughing. ''See I told you it was fun.''

''Okay, I want a go. Come on.'' Thomas said eagerly. We went out into the waves and waiting for them to come, when they got closer we started to run to the shore. They slapped up against our bodies, sending us down into a pit of laughter.

''Hey Tom.'' I said with a mischievous grin.

''Wha-'', before he could finish I'd splashed water on him. ''Oh the games on Mellark.'' He bellowed, sending an even bigger splash of water my way. We played in the sea for ages, until we decided to get out.

''Did you bring any towels?'' I said, suddenly realising I'd forgotten.


''Ah well, my Aunt's is just up the street I'm sure she won't mind if we dry ourselves off there.

We slowly made our way up to Aunt Annie's house, she knew we were in the area so a visit wouldn't be unexpected. I knocked on the door and she answered it smiling. ''Hey you two. God you're soaked come on in.'' She said, ushering us inside. Aunt Annie showed Thomas to a bathroom to dry and change in, before telling me to use her ensuite. I quickly showered off all the salt water and dried myself, twisting my hair back into its braid. I put on my shorts and an aqua tank top, unlocked the door and came out of the room. I went downstairs where my Aunt was stood at the kitchen counter, aimlessly stirring a mug of tea. ''Hey poppet. Here you are.'' She said handing me the mug.


Moments later, the back door opened and Finn came in. He was wearing his workout clothes, a vest top and shorts, his hair was tousled from presumably the running and his cheeks had a slight red tint to them. I cleared my throat. ''Hey.''

''Er-Hi. What are you doing here?''

''FINN!'' His mother scolded. ''Manners.'' He just rolled his eyes and awaited my answer.

''I've brought Thomas up for a couple of days, he's never been and it's half term so.'' I said, shrugging my shoulders.

''Ah right. Is he here?''

''Yeah, he should be down in a minute.''

''Alright.'' Finn headed towards the fridge and took out a large bottle of iced tea. ''Want one?'' He said holding up a bottle.

''No thanks, your mum's made me a cuppa.'' I said, sipping at it.

''Alright, well anyway I'm going to go get a shower. Bye Wills.''


''Do you know what's up with him? I know he tells you everything.'' Aunt Annie said, almost pleading for me to tell her.

''Not so much anymore. I'm not sure. Sorry.''

''It's just ever since your father and mothers reception he's been acting strange.''

''I'm not sure I can help you there.'' I admitted. Oh no. The kiss. Did she know?

''Clara's been off too. They've been arguing a lot, she hasn't come over for a while.''

''Oh dear.'' I tried to sound empathetic, but it came out sarcastic.

''Lovely girl, don't you think.'' She said, as she continued to stir her spoon in her mug.

''Seems it.'' I said, swallowing the lump in my throat.

''You're not a very good liar Willow.'' She said, smiling knowingly at me. ''You know, in that horrible, horrible place I learnt a thing or two. Especially how to tell if your father was lying, you do the same thing.'' My head snapped to face her in confusion.

''Why? What do I do?'' I asked playfully.

''That, my love, would be telling.'' She laughed.

After a moment of silence, she looked at me in the eyes, her sea green trying to find any sign on information in my azure blue. ''Please tell me Wills.''

''Tell you what?'' I said innocently.

''What happened with you and Finn? He was fine up until half an hour before we left. And even worse after that.''

''We just had another disagreement.'' I said bluntly.

''Another?'' She prompted.


''What happened between you two?'' She sighed.

''I've been asking myself that same question for 3 years.'' She grabbed my hand and held it in hers comfortingly.

''Wills, tell me from the beginning.'' She pleaded.

''Okay. It started when we weren't allowed to be with each other anymore. He didn't want me.''

''Yes he did.'' She interrupted.

''Then why is he with Clara?''

''Has he not told you love?'' I shook my head. ''Well-

''I'm with Clara because I love her.'' I heard a familiar voice say. ''Now if you two don't mind I'll be up in my room with Thomas probably playing video games until you've both had your little chat.'' He said, before storming upstairs. I sighed deeply.

''Carry on dear.'' And so I did.

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