56. Meeting His Family

Start from the beginning

He was lost in his thoughts when he suddenly bumped into someone.

Fluke looked up and saw that it was Ohm.

"Watch where you are going, kid." Ohm frowned looking at the younger one.

"I am sorry P'. I was just thinking about something." Fluke looked up and saw that they have walked out of the hall into a garden.

"P' Ohm weren't we going to greet your parents?" Fluke asked feeling confused about why Ohm brought him out here.

"Oh? Are you upset that I interrupted your sweet time with those girls?" Ohm scoffed sarcastically.

Fluke sensed that there was something wrong with the way Ohm was behaving tonight.

Fluke assumed that it was due to Fame. He had to admit that he had overdone it tonight.

Normally he would always try to keep a distance between himself and Fame. But tonight, after learning that she was Ohm's fiancée a weird feeling took over him and he played along with Fame.

"P' Ohm, please don't misunderstand. I and Fame are just friends. There is nothing between us." Fluke tried to explain feeling a lump in his throat.

"Then, what about my Nong? Since when did you get this close?" Ohm was trying his best not to burst out in anger.

Yes, he was angry. Angry that Fluke was so close to Dream without him noticing.

He still remembered his father's words. He didn't want Fluke and Dream to get close. He didn't want the two to end up together.

Fluke had never imagined that the source of Ohm's anger was his interaction with Dream.

"We got in touch via my mom. After all, like you, she too used to play with me." Fluke said fiddling with his bracelet.

The bracelet was a gift from Ohm for winning the awards.

Fluke cherished the bracelet very much as it was the first gift Ohm got for him. He had kept it aside to wear on special occasions only. And today was one such occasion.

He wanted to tell Ohm that he loved the bracelet he gifted.

On hearing Fluke's reply, Ohm's anger shot up again.

Fluke saw him and Dream on the same level? Did that mean that Dream had the same importance he had in Fluke's life?

Fluke could see that Ohm was really angry. He wanted to explain to Ohm that he saw Dream as his own Nong and nothing more.

Before he could say anything, they heard a voice from behind.

"What are the two of you doing here? They are about to cut the anniversary cake. Come inside." Kao pulled his cousin while signalling Fluke to follow.

Kao knew that Ohm was in a bad mood and the reason was Fluke. It wasn't difficult for him to guess that Ohm was feeling jealous.

Knowing his cousin well, Kao knew that if Ohm was to start talking, he might end up creating a bigger mess in his relationship with Fluke and might even end up ruining it.

That was the reason why he followed the two to the garden and interrupted their conversation the moment he felt that things were going west.

Inside the hall, Kao took Fluke to Ohm's family and introduced him to them.
Everyone was happy to see Fluke.

Ohm's parents were especially friendly to Fluke, knowing their son's feelings for the younger one. They tried their best to make him feel as if he was a part of their family already.

Initially, Ohm was happy about their approach but when he saw Dream joining them, he began to sulk.

"Stop it. Fluke is not such a person. He is just being friendly to Dream." Kao stood next to the frowning Ohm and said in a low voice enough for the two of them to hear.

Ohm glanced at Kao who seemed to know what was going on in his mind.

Taking deep breaths Ohm tried to calm himself down.

He made his way to his grandparents who were talking to Fluke.

His grandparents adored Fluke ever since they were young. Being cute and sensible at the same time, Fluke had managed to win his grandparent's hearts once again.

"What are you guys talking about?" Ohm joined his grandparents and Fluke.

Fluke noticed that Ohm was not angry anymore and felt better.

"We were just asking him if he could sing a song for us tonight." Edward laughed heartedly.

"It has been long since we heard him singing. Don't you remember, when you guys were young, Muffin loved to sing? He would sing anytime, anywhere as long as he got a chance." Tracy, Ohm's grandmother said nostalgically.

Fluke smiled at the memories.

Fluke turned to Ohm as if asking for his opinion.

"Can you do it? It would be great to have you perform here." Ohm encouraged Fluke with a smile.

"That is a good idea." Ann and Seth walked over.

Seeing that everyone wanted him to sing, Fluke agreed to it.

Fluke had hesitated initially as he was not sure if it would look good if he were to perform tonight. After all, this party was pretty formal, unlike the ones in which he usually performs.

Above that, he had not prepared for it beforehand. Not that he couldn't perform live without preparation. But the party was too special for him to make any mistakes.

It was his first party with Ohm's family and he wanted to leave a good impression on them.

Getting consent from Fluke, Ohm talked to the MC who was hosting the event to invite Fluke onto the stage.

Fluke was aware that Ohm's grandparents were fans of the Beatles, hence he decided to perform 'When I'm Sixty-four' by the Beatles.

He talked to the musicians who were arranged for the event before taking the stage.

The lights went off and the spotlight shone on Fluke.

The musicians started playing the background music of the song. Fluke started singing without missing a beat.

When I get older losing my hair
Many years from now
Will you still be sending me a Valentine
Birthday greetings bottle of wine

If I'd been out till quarter to three
Would you lock the door
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four

As he sang, Fluke could see that Ohm's grandparents were enjoying his performance as they did a little dance.

Ohm led the couple to the dance floor to dance, letting them dance under the spotlight.

You'll be older too
And if you say the word
I could stay with you

I could be handy, mending a fuse
When your lights have gone
You can knit a sweater by the fireside
Sunday mornings go for a ride
Doing the garden, digging the weeds
Who could ask for more

Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four

Every summer we can rent a cottage
In the Isle of Wight, if it's not too dear
We shall scrimp and save
Grandchildren on your knee
Vera, Chuck and Dave

Send me a postcard, drop me a line
Stating point of view
Indicate precisely what you mean to say
Yours sincerely, wasting away

Give me your answer, fill in a form
Mine for evermore
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four

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