Evolution of the Daleks

Start from the beginning

"No, that's not what humanity means," the Doctor had said, quickly changing his opinion of what Sec thought was humanity.

"I think it does. At heart, this species is so very Dalek."

"All right, so what have you achieved then, with this Final Experiment, eh? Nothing! Because I can show you what you're missing with this thing. A simple little radio," the Doctor said, holding up the radio.

"What is the purpose of that device?" a Dalek questioned, referring to the radio.

"Well, exactly. It plays music. What's the point of that? Oh, with music, you can dance to it, sing with it, fall in love to it. Unless you're a Dalek of course. Then it's all just noise," and with that the Doctor aimed his sonic towards the radio. "Run!" he yelled at the prisoners as the radio let out a screeching sound. He could feel his wife's flinch at the same time the sound went off, he knew she was near, meaning Mickey and Tallulah probably were too.

"Protect the hybrid!" he could hear.

"Protect. Protect. Protect," the Daleks chanted.

"Come on! Move, move, move, move, move!" the Doctor urged the others. Then they found Mickey, Ivy, and Tallulah, "You three run!"

"What's happened to Laszlo?" Tallulah questioned but Mickey and Ivy pulled her along. The Doctor led everyone to the ladder, "Come on! Everyone up! Come on!" once everyone was up, they quickly searched for Hooverville, the Doctor pulling Ivy aside, "Are you doing okay?" he asked.

Ivy nodded, "I want to help Laszlo when this is done, he is going to get ill when the sickness hits him like the others but you can help with that, I need him to remain unconscious though because I want to fix his face," she said quietly, she managed to sneak into Tallulah's head and saw what Laszlo had looked like and she wanted to help the two. The Doctor nodded, "What about the twins?"

"I know they wanted Prongs and Padfoot, and they did almost destroy mine, but I know dad and Sirius both still have magic..." she lead off looking back at the Doctor. 'Guess I'm making a stop on Halloween,' he thought as they found Solomon. The Doctor was also noticing the look Ivy was giving Solomon and knew something was going to go bad soon and Solomon would die from it.

"Aw," people whined, they didn't want Solomon to die.

"These Daleks, they sound like the stuff of nightmares. And they want to breed?" Solomon questioned.

"They're splicing themselves onto human bodies, and if I'm right, they've got a farm of breeding stock right here in Hooverville. You've got to get everyone out," the Doctor warned him.

"Hooverville's the lowest place a man can fall. There's nowhere else to go," Solomon pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Solomon. You've got to scatter. Go anywhere. Down to the railroads, travel across state. Just get out of New York," the Doctor pleaded back.

"There's got to be a way to reason with these things," Solomon argued.

Ivy and Mickey immediately started shaking their heads while Martha spoke up, "There's not a chance."

"You ain't seen them, boss," Frank added.

"Daleks are bad enough at anytime, but right now they're vulnerable. That makes them more dangerous than ever," the Doctor said. A whistle was blown and a man called out as he watched more pigmen appear, "They're coming! They're coming!"

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