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Everyone moved to the reception hall ....
Well as the marriage ceremony goes now the couple has to cut the cake....

The newly wed had now changed their attire....all are now sitting at the main table with their family members....

all are now sitting at the main table with their family members

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The cake

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The cake....

After cutting the cake ... It's time for the toast now....
Everyone picked up their glass...
Well there is a catch here....
It's more or like a tradition for the friends and family of the groom to pull his leg by sharing the embarrassment story of him...

The first one to pick the glass to air was tae's father....
Mr Kim:- well... My tae bear...i can't believe you gott married ... Its like a dream come true... It was like yesterday when you were hiding the magazines under your bed...
Hearing this Taehyung's you eyes got bigger....
He looks at his dad in utter shock...

Mr Kim:- yes tae bear appa knows what you were hiding under the bed.... Well in future tell your son to find a more secret place to hide something like that ....
To the fine young man.... Cheers...

And tae be like... When will the ground shallow him....
Everyone said cheers and started laughing.....
And Jungkook who is sitting beside Taehyung is trying very much hard not to laugh...

Tae:- Baby.... You are laughing too.... They are embarrassing me....

But jk didn't say anything just kept her lips tight because he knows the moment he opens his mouth he will end up laughing....

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