Chapter Forty Eight

Start from the beginning

Alpha Alessandro's dad, Riccardo, was not looking at him, his dark eyes were on me as they narrowed in suspicion. His eyes weren't the only ones on me, Alpha Alessandro stared back at me with both anger and another emotion I couldn't place but there was something in his eyes that I did recognise. A promise, a promise that he would not let me go without a fight.

Listen to your daddy Wolf Boy and let me go.

It didn't matter what he felt and why he wanted to keep me here, I knew Alpha Alessandro would have to let me go if his parents told him to. In their eyes there was no valid reason why he was keeping me here and to be honest I had no idea either. He knew the full truth and it didn't seem like he was planning on using that information to punish me for it so why keep me a prisoner here?

"Wipe that smirk off your face." Beta Kieran suddenly snapped causing me to miss a step in my walking and stumble slightly.

"I'm not smirking." I informed him as the huge smile on my face dimmed slightly. Once I thought about how I will be getting out of here soon it began to expand again. "When do think I can leave?"

Beta Kieran gave me a look that I couldn't decipher and shook his head. "Come on."

I refused to let his sour attitude ruin my mood and mental wellbeing, I was getting out of here and nothing could ruin the emotions coursing through my body. As soon as the door closed behind me in my room I ran to the bed and grabbed a pillow before screaming into it.

It wasn't my usual scream of anguish that I seemed to do daily instead it was filled with excitement, happiness and hope. Hope to put this behind me, hope to move past this, hope to see my sister again and hope to forget this ever happened.

After releasing my emotions I took in a few deep breaths to calm myself down. Freedom was within reach and I couldn't let anything jeopardise it and by anything I meant myself. Calm and composed, that's what I was going to be from now on. There was no way I was going to make another mistake and destroy the hope that filled every inch of my body.

Adrenaline coursed through my body as I called Uncle Tom. As much as I wanted to speak to Cami and tell her the good news it would be better if I spoke to Uncle Tom first, get his opinion on it, make a plan and then tell Cami.

Disappointment flooded my body when the call went to voicemail. Quickly ending the call, I sent him a messages asking him to call me so I could repeat the events that occurred today. Since my original plan didn't work out the way I expected it to I decided to call Cami instead.

My cheeks began to hurt from the huge smile that was stretching the lower part of my face. Smiling felt strange and my mouth and cheek muscles seemed to have forgotten what it felt like to smile.

"Nala?" Cami's soft and timid voice filled my ear and I closed my eyes and leaned against the bedframe.

"Yeah it's me." I whispered back. "How are you?"

"I miss you." Cami's voice broke a little and she sniffed very loudly before composing myself. "It's hard without you here."

We'll be together again soon.

"I miss you too." I told her truthfully, her breath hitched again and I knew she would start crying soon. "Tell me what you've been doing." I asked her, quickly changing the subject so she would get upset.

My tactic worked as Cami started discussing her day and her new lifestyle, it all sounded so mundane and normal, something I've been craving ever since I got here. The biggest stress and worry I had before were my university deadlines and lectures and I wanted- no I needed that to go back to being my biggest concern. I needed to be a normal nineteen-year-old human again.

"What's going on with you?" Cami's hesitant voice was filled with guilt that I imagined consumed her every day.

Letting out a deep sigh, I made myself more comfortable on the bed. "I feel like so much has happened so quickly. It's been crazy."

"Crazy? What do you mean crazy?"

"No, no, don't worry I'm okay." I quickly reassured Cami who sounded alarmed by my words. I had no intention of informing her of the stupid decision I had made in regard to telling the Alpha the truth. "Honestly I'm fine, you know what I'm going to be see-"

The sound of the door slamming wide opened had both myself and my phone jumping up in the air. "Shit!" I gasped out as my heart pounded against my chest. With one hand on my chest trying to soothe it, I used the other to grab the phone that was now lying a few feet away from me.

Though the phone was not against my ear I could hear Cami's frightened shouts through the phone very clearly. I lunged for the phone but the person who barged into the room so unexpectedly causing my heart to have a mini heart attack grabbed it before I could.

"Give that back!" I demanded as I got to my knees. "You said I could have it!"

Alpha Alessandro's hand curled around the phone as he placed it against his ear.

"Hey! Give it back!" I was now standing on top of the bed trying to wrestle it out of the Alpha's hand.

As if I was an irritating bug the Alpha swatted me, not my hands, but my entire body causing me to fly across the bed and land on the floor roughly. Feeling very disoriented I used the bed to hoist myself up but it took me a few tries.

"Cami is it?" Alpha Alessandro said into the phone even though it was very obvious he knew who it was.

"Don't talk to her!" My second attempt of retrieving the phone from him failed as he pushed me away again however this time he used more force causing me to crash into the bedside table. My head hit the table with a muted thud and the items flew off the tables and scattered all over the floor and on top of me too.

My vision was hazy slightly as I looked up at the Alpha who was looming over me, my phone still held to his ear. "Say goodbye to your sister because you're never going to see her again."

He held the phone out to me however the shock and pain paralysed me and I was unable to move. Cami's frantic screams alongside a loud 'buzzing' noise filled my ears as I blinked rapidly. I tried to reach for the phone yet again but my body refused to cooperate with me and my hands barely moved an inch.

Maintaining eye contact with me, even though my eyes were now only half open, Alpha Alessandro crumpled, actually crumpled, my phone with his bare hands. My phone or should I say the hundred prices of material that was once my phone dropped to the ground and he grabbed the back of my head causing a sharp pain to erupt in my head.

"I will never let you leave. The only way you will ever leave this place is in a body bag."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter

Let me know what you think is going to happen

I will upload again on Thursday but if you want to read the full book you can do on I will be uploading the final chapter tomorrow on patreon and then the full book is complete!

Thank you for reading :)

-Kayy xx

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