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Tears flew off my face as I flew through the sky, holding Mark's body below me. I shreiked in horrible pain as I was blown from the sky and landed on my back at the base of a tree, Mark;s body laying beside me.

i chuckled as I saw someone's feet stomp by my upside down head, "Can I help you?" I was lifted up in the air, a magic forcefeild surrounding me.

I met eye-to-eye with Shadowscream, looking all beat up and bloody, "Yes. Yes you can." He brought me closer so we can practically see into each others souls. "I'd like you to die."

I crossed my arms, "Hmm... And how will that work, I wonder..."

"Easy, I kill you and you can be with your dear..." Shadow looked at Mark's body. "... filthy boyfriend." The forcefeild around me disappeared and I fell to the ground. I chuckled as i slowly rose up.

I striaghtened up and brushed the dirt from my wings, "You, my dear enemy, have a LOT of- nerves." as I said that, Shadow's arm shot out and grabbed my throat.

Shadow chuckled, "Silly Kelly." He leaned in closer, but I moved my head away. "You can't win."

I looked at him for a moment, letting that statement sink in. I grinned and started laughing weakly, losing air fast, "Silly Shadow... I alway lose, so... we're both right here..." My voice was hoarse from all the screaming I've done the past few days.

My eyes closed as Shadow tightened his grip, "Just... Forget this Shadow... I have nothing for you to take except my pity-full life... Please..?" I mentally smiled in releif as I was dropped to the ground. i winced as Shaodw kicked my leg.

"Only this time, Kelly." Shadow said, disappearing. I smiled and grabbed Mark's body's hand and gently drifted into blackness.


Sorry it's short.... My life is pretty sad right now.. not sure if my friend killed himself or his wi-fi is just down....

~Kelly is 13 now. ._.

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