Rules and a Midnight Flight

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I yawned when we went upstairs into Master's office.

"Tired?" Master asked. I nodded and the others did too,

" I couldn't get to sleep because of your wonderful driving." I snapped. Master got up a stood I front of his desk.

"You are here so I could tell you some rules." Master said. I lashed my tail in annoyance.

"1. No one steps foot outside this house, except Kelly, but for that privlage; you have to wear this." Master tossed my a collar, which I barely caught. " you can go outside, but only for a two mile perimeter around this house."

"2. No one talks back to anyone, or else. 3. Kelly, If someone is bugging you, report to me, and don't burn down my house." I smirked as he said this.

"4.and absolutely, no walking out in the house at night."


I sat up in bed, with Mark snoring away. I rolled my eyes, got up, put a robe on, and went out into the dark lit house. I strolled around the hallways, looking at the pictures we had to hang up.

I walked past master's bedroom quietly and strolled doownstairs. I sat down on a windowsill and sighed. I looked up into the moon.

"I thought I said no walking through the house at night." I flinched viotenly and looked up into the stern face of the master.

"I... just... couldn't get to sleep..." I muttered, and looked back outside. There was a moment of silence, until the master handed me a collar.

"You could go outside.. If you want." Master said. I looked up at him, puzzled. I got up and took the collar. I put it on, but it shpwn through my wolf pj's.

I walked to the front door and walked out, but i heard Master say,"Nice Pj's" I grinned, spread my wings and took off. I flew high up in the sky, black feathered wings  flapping. Now, I don't fly like superman with the arm out. That's just stupid.

I fly like a pegasus, but without the galloping crap. I just have a running start and jump up and fly.

I soar above a forest and feel a shock in my collar. i yelp and plundge into the forest. I straightened my wings. I flew back to the house, 2 miles away.

I take deep breathes and fly above the house. I saw the sun come over the hills and I land on the ground.

I walk back to the house and walk inside. I'm heaving by now and crash down on the floor. I moan as I remembered I have to change into my uniform. I get up, run upstairs and towards my bedroom I share with Mariah and Abe and Mark. I grabbed my uniform and ran into the bathroom. I guickly changed and walked out to the regular room, where the res where sleeping. I clapped my hands and they all woke up.

Mariah jolted up and sat striaght up. Abraham Sat up and took Mariah's hand. Mark turned over on his face and mumbled something. I narrowed my eyes and shoved him out of the bed and covers.

"Get up, Mark!" I ordered. Mark mumbled a curse and sat up.

"Get dressed, and prepare for a day of hell." I said.

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