We have feelings too, you know.

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Mark and I walked into the classroom, and went up to the teacher, Mr. Barron. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to look at us, cocking up an eyebrow.

"Yes, Kelly?" I gestured to Mark and his face lit up. "Oh, a new student! What's your name? ...Mark, is it? Oh yes, let's see... You're seat will be next to Remington." Barron said that right when Remington came in.

"Who's sitting next to me?" Rem asked, harshness in his tone. Barron answered Mark and Remington narrowed his eyes.

"There is no way in hell am I sitting next to that bastard." Rem swore loudly. I took a step back at the loudness, but Mr. Barron took it up a notch.

"Remington, don't you ever swear in my classroom. Now, go take your seat, and deal with it being by Mark." Mr. Barron ordered. Rem scowled loudly, but took his seat. mark slid in next to him with a smirk on his face.

I glanced at Rem as I took my seat next to Mark, ironically. We high fived under the table as Mr. Barron walked out of the room to get a sheet from the printer, which is down the hall.

"I can't believe I'm sitting next to the two freaks." I heard Remington mutter. I looked at the table, narrowing my eyes.

"Rem," Kenna spoke up. She ran a hand through her blonde hair, annoyed. "Shut up."

Remington scoffed and looked back at her. "It's fucking true, Kenna. They're freaks." I shut my eyes tightly, Remington obviously not caring that Mark and I still have feelings.

Mark suddenly stood up, making me jump. I looked up at him, and telling from his head angle he was glaring at Rem. "Shut up, boy." Remington stood up, enraged.

"Look, pal." Rem hissed. "I'm not a boy, I'm the same age as you." Remington suddenly raised a hand and struck Mark across the face. I stood up, growling loudly.

"Remington, I've had it with your bullshit." I snapped, taking care of Mark's cheek. "You're a person, correct? And a person has feelings, yes? Well, news flash, so do I. Just because I have wings and a tail and can transform into a wolf doesn't mean I don't have feelings." I gingerly touched Mark's cheek, which earned me a hiss of pain.

"We can also feel pain too." I said in a hushed tone when Mr. Barron returned.

"What happened here?" He asked, annoyed. "Gosh you guys, I walk out of the room for 2 minutes and someone gets hurt."

I sighed, looking at Mr. Barron. "Mr. Barron, may we all go outside and cool off?" He reluctantly nodded and I smiled in thanks.

We all exited the room and went outside, the space perfect for a 19 student class. I sat down next to Mark on the sidewalk, taking off my coat, revealing my black wings.

"Anyone up for a flying lesson?" I asked when all the eyes were on me.

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