Stupid emotions...

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 As Jason's footsteps left the building un-scattered like I'd like them to be, I heard whispers being shed about me. I turned to look at the cafeteria, some teachers who stopped by to dump their lunch, stared at me.

I took a step back and grinned sheepishly. Mark picked up my blue coat and tossed it to me, which I awesomely caught. I hurriedly hid my tail in my pants leg and put on my coat. I slowly walked towards my lunch table, people getting up and backing up to the wall if I got close enough.

I grabbed my backpack and slung it around my shoulder. I sped walked towards the door that led out to the hallway, but I stopped dead in my tracks as I over heard someone mutter 'freak.'

I guess that's just what I am. A freak of nature. A tear slid down my face and I began to tremble a bit, but I took ahold of my emotions, wiped away my tear, and made my way towards the doors.

I exited the lunch doors, risking a glance backwards and I was surprised to see my whole class following me. We walked around the corner to get to science as the second bell rang.

"You were awesome, Kell!" Lincoln said. Lincoln the jock of our class; so is Kyle. They're super tall compared to me.

I looked down shyly and smiled, "Thanks, Lincoln..." I got other praises as we made our way to Ms. Baumann's class room. Mark stopped me when we got there and waited until everyone else got into the classroom, when he leaned into my face area.

"You did well, princess." Mark breathed in my ear, but I couldn't hear him well as my heart pounded in my chest, ready to explode. He then kissed my cheek, patted me on the head and went inside the classroom. I followed him shortly after, making my way to my seat, which is in between Mariah and John.

Ms. Baumann entered the room and it got quiet as her gaze fell on me. I shyly lifted my hand and waved slightly. She smiled slightly, seeming that I don't bother her much and continued to her desk.

"Alright, let's begin." She announced.

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