There ain't no rest for the wicked.

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I burst through the brush to find Regan in the middle of an opening. My ears perked up, "Regan!" I yelled and bounded forward. I stopped as Regan didn't even look at me. I tilted my head.

"Regan? You o-" I was interupted by a cage falling onto me, on side falling on my tail. I shreiked and sudenly changed into my human form, the old Kelly.

A man walked towards me and I was surround in secounds.

"Ah, the chosen one." The man said but I ignored him. I watched as -the hollagram - Regan disappeared. I jumped up but accendenitly banged my head on the cage. I cursed as the men laughed at me.

"Whta have you done with my twin?" I snapped, rubbing the top of my head.

The head man, that's what I'll call him, banged the whip he was holding against the cage and said, "Oh, That was your twin? I thought it was a low life cat!" The rest of the group chuckled and I glared at the whip.

"Oh, You like this?" The head man waved the whip in the air and he kicked off the cage.

"No," I scowled, turning my head away. "I hate whips." I muttered the last part but the darn wind lifted that sentence up and broiought it to the ears of that bastard.

"Oh you hate whips, now?" The head man sneered. "Let's see how you react." The man raised the whip and lashed it at me. On instinct, my hand shot out and caught the whip. I summounded fire to the hand that was holding the whip and burned it.

I opened my blacken eyes and looked at the head man. "NO one brings down a whip on me, or anyone else I care about." I growled and threw the head man at a tree, but was tackled by the others.

One pinned my head down and the head man got up and walked infront of me. "Kiss my shoes." I looked up at him and a moment passed on... Until I started laughing. I laughed as the men looked at each other in confusoin.

"Stop laughing!" The head man yelled and kicked me in the face. I screeched so loud, I think the others could of heard it... I hope so..

"Kiss my shoes or you'll be killed right now." The head man snarled.

I looked up at him as long as I could until a man slammed my head near his shoes, "Oh, I could kiss your shoes... If it was the last thing I would do!" I snarled as the head man kicked my nose in and slammed his foot near my mouth.

"Then this may be the last thing you shall ever do." The head mean snapped. I grinned evily as an idea popped into my head. I leaned in and quickly kissed that dork's shoe,

"There. Was that so ha-" The man looked down at his shoe and screeched. I looked at his shoe and it was on fire. I laughed evily as I pushed the others off, but the victory didn't last long until I felt someone kick my head, making me black out.


I felt someone shaking me. "Kelly!" Came a familiar voice. I didn't budge until the person slapped me, I shot stright up and glared at Regan. "Dude!" What the hell?" I yelled. She glared at me.

"Shush!" She whispered as a guard came past us. I looked around.

'Great, I'm in another prison cell,' I thought.

"Have they done anything to you?" I asked my twin, the one I am growing up with.

"No, not yet." She said, a little too loud. A guard came up to us and I walked up to the cell bars.

"Be quiet." The guard spat. I shot my arm through the bars and grabbed the man's throat.

"You be quiet, you little noisy toy guard." The man's face went pale as I gripped his throat. "And get us some food, or else."

The man looked at me, "Or else what?" He shouldn't have asked that.

My index finger's nail grew into a long black nail and I drew a line against the guard's helmet, and the line that I brew cut thriugh the helmet, making the top half fall to the floor. "Or I'll cut you open like a fish." I snarled and let go his throat and pushed him to the wall.

He stumbled and yelled for backup. I rlled my eyes, when I get out of here, he's going to die. I turned on my heal and would've walked to Regan but something grabbed my throat and slammed me into the ground.

I looked up, "Ah, My dear old classmate, Burnzy." Burnzy looked down on me, tightening his grip, I'm guessing he's thinking that if he tightens his grip on my already strangled throat, I won't talk. Psh. Dream on.

"Don't threaten my guards, Kelly. Or it might be the last thing you'll do." Burnzy Snapped, bringing me to my feet, his hand still around my throat. I rested my arm against the bars and inspected my other hand's nail, like in movies.

"Oh, like I haven't heard that before." I said calmly, as if there wasn't a hand around my throat. I looked at Burnzy's shocked face and grinned evily, showing off my vampire teeth.

"How can you still talk..?" Burnzy said, backing up and letting go of my throat.

I put on an annoyed face, "Dude, I'm the Chosen One, and you excepted me to not talk when someone's strangling me? Psh!"

I heard some scrambling behind me and I looked back. I smiled at a black cat, who was disappearing into a hole I didn't notice before.

"What are you smilin' at?" A guard snapped. I looked at the ground and up at him.

I leaned on a wall beside me, "Oh, you know me, crazy and all. I have hallusinations once in awhile..." I trailed off as Regan tackled the guard I was talking to. I stepped back and grew fifty feet tall, and crashed through the prison.

I sat down to let Regan climb up my front leg and she settled herself against my shoulder blade.

I grinned down at Burnzy and he yelled up at me, "Why do you do this to me?!"

I put a paw up to my chest, "Oh there ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grow on trees, I got bills to pay, I got mouths to feed, And there ain't nothing in this world for free." I sang that line in the tune as the real song and left the confused Burnzy at bay.

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