I 'kill' the king and I also get drunk. >:D

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I tilted my head upwards to dull the pain of the king's blade digging into my throat. I winced as the king slid the knife across my throat, cutting a slit in my neck.

I flexed my hand and a ball of fire came to my hand. "Oh none of that!" The king exclaimed.

I don't know where he got the water, but he poured some on my hand, making the fire go out. I shreiked as long and loud as I can, breaking the knife blade that was held to my neck, and also the windows.

I ran back to Mark and the others, who were looking at me with surprised expersions. I saw Jd rub his forehead, probably making the headache i gave him away, "Ow.." Jd muttered. I turned my head towards the king and he was staring at me.

"What the hell do you want from me?" I snapped. The king gave me a smirk and I glared at him.

"Oh, you know slave," The king sneered.

I stood up straight and gave him my signature glare. A look that means, 'This is where you dir bitch.'

"I am no slave," I spat. "Those days past, I don't look into the past. So you might as well go before I rip you to shreads. And I'm not kidding. Amanda and I will tear you limb from limb, organ from organ. Tear out your eyes, shove them down your throat and let you watch us tear you APART!" I waved my hand and the ceiling above the king crashed down on him.

I turned to the group, "Run." They all ran, Amanda and Regan in their animal forms and everyone else of foot, except mariah, who was running on a wave of salt water. I looked at Mark, who was hovering above the ground, keeping speed with the others.

Two wolves, a cat, a hovering boy, and a water possesing girl.

And we're s'possed to save the world?


A couple of hours passed until we hit a HUGE rock blocked our way.

"What are we gonna do now..?" I asked. Everyone shrugged, but Jd and his dad.

"Jd.. Let's blow this.." The Master said quietly. i saw Jd gesture for everyone to stay back. I sat and watched and Jd and the Master stood side by side, holding out their hands.

A bright light cast over them and shot the rock into little peices.

"Woah.." I broke the silence. I tilted my head to Mark.

"Okay.. Let's set up camp here.. then we'll discuss our powers.." Mark suggested.

A couple of minutes and the sky was already dark. We all gathered around the fire I made.

"So.. We have Two wolves who have wings, ones the Chosen one and the other is pretty cool, for having flames on her feet." I smirked at Amanda, but kept going. "And a cat who has shadow fire.. Mark, who has powers i can't explain... Mariah, the water person. and Jd and the Master, who apparently have magic."

"That just leaves me," Abraham spoke up. oh yeah... Shit, I forgot about that guy... i looked at Abraham, but a wave of nausea came over me and I fell backwards into Mark's lap.

"Kelly? You ok?" Mark asked worriedly.

"Oooh..," I moaned. I reached up to the sky and I suddenly heard thunder. I saw lighting and started laughing crazily. I clenched my hand into a fist and pointed it to Abraham's heart.

Out of nowhere, A flash of lighting followed down to my fist and into Abraham's heart.

Abe and I shreiked as loud as we can and I shot straight up. I ran over to Abe, who was unconscious on the ground, his head in Mariah's lap.

I looked at Abe and waved my hand over his body.

"He's O.k," I reassured Mariah. I looked to the east and saw the sun come up. The light hit my eyes and they went dull,

My wrists, tied up in chains. Me with no wings, no tail, no nothing. My head shoots straight up as I look into the eyes of caily, my former mistress from the Internet.

I shreiked as the sun hit my wrist, the feeling coming back to me.

I stumbled towards water, not knowing what I was doing.

"Kelly..?" Mark asked.

"Mark.. Fucki-" Mt head plunged into the water, followed by the rest of my body. I looked dpwn at my necklace as it glowed and my head shot straight up. Woth an irritated look on my face.

I heard everyone but Mark and Abe (Who is still unconscious).

"Why the hell did you go into the water?!" Jd laughed. I changed into my wolf form and got out of the pond. I glared at him as I shook off the water on my fur. I sat down and shot a fire ball at him, but ended up as a spark sputtering out.

At this, Jd laughed harder,and the Master did too. Bt the end they were the only one's laughing. I rolled my eyes,

"Hey! Why don't you go jump into an ocean next time?!" The Master chuckled. I glared at the ground, still sitting. I sighed and was gonna get up until we heard a branch crack.

My ears picked up the sound but it soon faded away. The sound was replaced by Mark's stomach growling.

"Heh.." Mark said, tightening his grip on the book of prophecies.

"Well, I guess we all are hungry," I said as the Masters stomach did the sound of a dieing whale. "Let's go find something to eat."


A few minutes later, we gathered enough fruit to feed a kingdom.

I pushed my apple away from me with my left paw and looked at Regan and Amanda, who were also in their animal form and looking at their food in disgust.

"Well, eat something! Or you'll starve." The Master insisted.

"Can't you just magically pop food from your powers, Kelly?" Jd said, wiping away apple juice from his mouth. I rolled my eyes.

"It doesn't work like that dingus." I snapped.  We all heard a branch crack again and a deer's head popped out of the trees. I grinned at it and it soon hopped away, fast.

"C'mon Amanda and Regan. We're going on a hunt." I chuckled deeply, springing up to my paws.

We ran toghether as one, like in a battle. I took the middle and the other two the others sides. I springed onto the beer's back and sank my vampire fangs into the deer's neck. It soon tumbled and Regan and Amanda and I feasted.

"Oh my God.. I think this deer eats meat, Cause this is not as spicy as other deer." I mummbled.

"Maybe.." Regan said, licking her paws. We all got up and the others had to help me get to the others.

"Mark, She drank WAAAY too much blood, what happens now?" Regan asked, lashing her tail.

"She'll pass out... Like right no-" Mark didn't get to finish his sentence as I fell to the ground, face first.


LMAO. xD I'm drunk. xD XD GOD. Ok, hope this is two pages long, spent like... two days on this..? Maybe... I don't know... Have fun reading. :3


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