Nightmares and Cheesy Outfits.

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The packing took about... I don't know, TWO HOURS. It was long, yeah. This bitch had alot of stuff, and thank God, Jd was at school. I sighed, looking up and down the cells. I finally spotted Regan, in a cell, with a cool looking, but dangerous collar around her neck.

 "Regan!" I whisper-yelled.

Her head popped up from her hands and ran to the cell bars. "Kelly!"

I ran to her and touched te collar. "Did a guy with black hair come and talk to you?"

(((Let me explain the Master is the guy with black hair :3 )))

"Yeah, he said we'd be moving?" Regan asked.

"Ah... shit. He'll knock you out, so be ready.Dont fight or struggle. Please... I'll see ya. I have to g-" We heard a big thud and someone yell,

"KELLY!!" I flinched.

I looked at Regan and waved. "See ya.." I ran up the stiars and walked to the Master. I was behind him, so he jumped when I sad, "Hi."

He grabbed my throat and brought me up to his eyes level, "Where have you been?" He hissed.

"Down seeing my twin." I spat. I growled as he threw me to the ground and stepped on my tail. He grabbed my wrist and briught out a needle looking thing. He grabbed my upper arm and jabbed the neddle near my shoulder. I bit my tongue to keep the scream at bay.

"What is that?" After Master took the needle out I poked the now 1 centimeter in my arm.

"It's a tracking device. Mark, Mariah and Abraham have them too." Master said, putting the needle in his jacket. I got up and lashed my tail. The hallway was empty, except me and Master.

"C'mon. Get going to your servant room." Master instructed. I narrowed my eyes and turned to go to my room. I walked through the door, to see Mark and Abraham fighting.

"GUYS!!" I shrieked. They both looked at me, Abe mad, Mark mad, too. "What the hell?! We have to g-" I strated until a guard came in.

"Time for bed, goodnight, slaves." He shut off a power switch and it became dark as a bottomless pit. I snapped my fingers and a ball of fire came into my palm. I narrowed my eyes at Abe.

"Don't forget who we are.. We have family. Mark, don't kill abe, and Abe, Dont kill my boyfriend." I snapped. I closed my hand, making the fire go out. I sat on a bed near the door, while Mark crawled in with me. I layed my head on his chest, and closed my eyes. I had nightmares all night.

"Wooo!" I was at school, in Mrs. Woelber's classroom. I looked around. My class was having a party. I looked at a banner. 'Celebrate! No Kelly! She's gone!!' i looked at Amanda and she was sitting, staring at me. Oooh, yeah. She can see people when they're dreaming..

The image faded and I was outside of my house.

I saw my mom and dad.

"What do you mean, "Regan's gone?!" My mother shreiked.

"She's gone, ma'am.. Disappeared off the face of the earth." A cop said.

"Well, put out a serch party!" My dad yelled.

The image faded into darkness. A red face with only circle eyes, and a creepy smile came in veiw.

"You're going crazy, Kelly..." It said in this dark voice. "No one will care if you die of insanity.."

It started to fade but kept saying, "No one... No one.... no one.."

I woke up with a start and saw the Master wasstanding in the door way. I looked at him, confused. My face paled in the dark light.

"Did I scream..?" I said. The Master nodded. I sat up and the covers fell to my lap. I sighed. "Sorry.."

"Nightmares?" Master asked. I nodded and the Master sighed. "Just... go to sleep..." I nodded as he closed the door. I layed back down and snuggled up to Mark, who wrapped an arm around me. I looked over at Mariah and Abe. Abe was sleeping sitting up, with his arms around Mariah. I smiled and layed my head on Mark's chest and closed my eyes.


I muttered a curse as someone opened the curtains. I'm guessing it's Master cause I heard him say, "Wake up! It's time to get up and move!" After a while,, I almost fell asleep, but I'm guessing Master was prepared to do this so he poured a bucket full of water. I shot up straight and glared at the bucket and Master.

"Why?" I yawned and shook Mark awake. "Dude get up." I pushed my wet hair out of the way of my face.

I stepped over Mark and walked over to Mariah and Abe. I heard a door close and saw the master wasn't here anymore. I shook Abe and Mariah awake and walked to the bathroom. I looked at the sink and found four outfits and the counter, two maid dresses and to servant suits. I picked each up, The maid dresses in my right hand and the suits in the other. I stopped at the doorway of the bathroom to see Mariah sitting up and Abe still sleeping.

I set the clothes on the floor and shook Abe. I looked at Mariah, "Mia, wake up your boyfriend." I walked over to see Mark, facedown on the floor. I managed not to laugh and sat on him. He pushed me off and sat up.

"What..?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. I got up and walked to the clothes. I picked them up and showed them the clothes.

"We S'pose to put those on?" Mark grumbled. I threw Mark a suit that had his name on it. I foldded my wings to my side.

"I guess so.." I answered, and threw Abe his. I looked at the dresses and threw Mariah hers.

"Mine better have wing spots..." I turned it over and they did have wing spots. "FINALLY. I am SICK of tearing holes in my shirt.. and pants." I lashed my tail. I went into the bathroom to change. I slipped the dress over me and threw my old clothes away. I stretched my wings and folded them down to my side. I looked at where the dress ends, and they went and ended to my knees. 'In the middle of winter?!' I screamed in my mind. I sighed and walked out to let mariah in.

Mark eyed me and I shot him a look. I sat on Mark and I's bed. I looked at the dress. It was the kind you'd see in cartoons, All black, but the white apron and white curly stuff around the hem of the dress. I rolled my eyes as Mark sat down next to me.

Mariah came out and Mark rushed in.

"These are slutty.." I grumbled. I looked up to see Mariah face filled with shock. "Yeah, I said it."

Mariah laughed slightly, "True.." Mark came out looking disgusted. I laughed at him as he sat down.

"I feel stupid.." Mark muttered. I poked his suited tummy.

"Yeah, you look handsome though." I grinned as he narrowed his eyes at me.

Abe came out and Mariah laughed. We started all laughing and said cheesy comments about the outfits until the Master came in. We all stopped laughing and the master looked at us each in turn. He clapped his hands once.

"Well, I heard you guys laughing. I supposed you find these funny?" He asked. We didn't answer but the master didn't care. He gestured towards the door, "C'mon, You guys have to get in the van. Kelly, you'll be able to see your sister." My spirits lifted. They didn't kill her!

We all got up and walked in singe file, out the door. I looked around the empty house. MArk grabbed my hand and I smiled up at him. We walked out the front door and we all got in the van.

I saw Regan on the floor all tied up. I hopped in and rushed towards her. I untied her mouth covering and she asked. "Where are we going?"

Before I could answer, Master looked in the doorway.

"To a eternity of servitude." I glared at him as he shut the door, sealing me, Regan, Mark, Mariah and Abe in darkness.

Fantasy World ***EDITING!!!***Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora