An arrow? REALLY?

60 5 3

I looked up as a guard banged through the hallway. I pushesd back my hair from my right eye and looked at the guards that just burst through the door.

"Hand over the prisenor! Or you both die!!" The guard skrieked, pointing his spear at my throat. I slowly lowered Mark behind me. Another guard made a move for my mark, but I took a step forward towards that guard. My uncovered scarred eye went all black and the other eye went red. My hair went up in black flames and I spread my wings.

"No on touches my Mark." I said in a scratchy deep voice.

"Damn, someone's ANGRY!" A voice said behind the guards. I looked behind the idiots to see the prince of all idiots, Burnzy.

"Shit.." I cursed, backing up, stepping over Mark's body.

"Shit is right, little girl. You have no right to come in here and rescue your precious bo-" Burnzy was interrupted by a jolt from behind me and Mark woke up.

"No one calls me little." I said as Mark spat, "No one calls me precious."

A few minutes later, all thrie sorry asses were lying on the floor, unconscious.

I hug fived Mark and we walked out the door. But beforewe could celebrate with the others, and pain shot through my left shoulder and I collasped into mark's arms. I pulled out a arrow and let it drop to the floor.

"Kelly?!" I heard mark screech as I drifted into darkness,


hey.. I don't think I should continue this dumb story... :\ i'm not getting any votes or feedback and it's pretty hard to write this story when I don't get any of that... :\ so.... Maybe i'll quit this, maybe not...


Fantasy World ***EDITING!!!***Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin