Another flashback? And Burnzy, you need to get a life.

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Before we left that Bitch's 'castle', I swiped my tail from side to side, making the catsle crumble around my feet. I grew to my normal size and high-fived my twin and we started walking to the woods.

Not long until we both felt a cold metal press against the back of our heads.

"Give me all you got, I want your money, not your life." The person said who had the guns to our heads. I couldn't help it, I bursts into laughter.

Yeah, you read that right. Me, a 'regular' person with a gun to my head, is laughing. Well read this,

"When did this story become an opera?" I sneered and the man pulled back the thing on top of the gun, ready to shoot.

"Shut it, or i'll pull this gun trigger, or do you want to be a servant? Cause I can make you into. . ." The man said, but I soon droned out.

"Mark?" I said out loud in my flashback, "Why do you have a gun in your hands..?"

I saw Mark grin and point the gun at a helpless little 12 year old, she not know what will come her way. "To make you my servant of course," He snickered. "You suggested it, anyway." I blinked.

"I didn't mean me!" I yelped as Mark pushed the gun to my head.

"Tell me you'll be my servant, or I'll let my finger slip over the  trigger." Mark snapped. I breathed in a breath of air and let it out.

I looked down, "I'll be your servant..."

Soon the image faded and the idiot was still here.

"Oh, no." I growled and turned towards the man, with his gun on my forehead. "Not again." I lunged at him, taking the guns with us. I extended my claws and rip the man's arms off. I got up as he bled, and bled. I took the guns and looked at my twin, who was starin at the wounded and screaming man.

"C'mon.." I lashed my tail and swept up dirt as I turned and walked to the others.


I lashed my tail as I saw Mark, and ran towards him, "Mark!" I tackle hugged him and we sat up. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Don't ever leave me like that again..." Mark ordered. I rested my head on his chest, shaking.

"I won't.." I promised. He smiled down at me, and I returned the smile.

I bet your thinking, 'Kelly, how can you date the guy who ruined your life?' Well, I would answer that like, 'Well, random person who asked that very stupid question, I had feelings for Mark since we've met, but he didn't know that. Then I got a chance with him over the internet, but then.. I almost killed him with my fire breath, soo..... then we had all.... those moments.. ANNNYWAY. Yeah... I don't know... so shut up.'

I shot up a glare at Jd and the Master as they snickered, "What's so funny?" They pointed at my tail and I slowly looked at it. My face dropped in horror and I grabbed my 'tail'.

"Where's the point?" I asked in a VERY high voice. This only made the Master and his son laugh even harder.

"Where is it?" I asked to myself. I looked at the Master and Jd and slowly got up from Mark's lap. I glared at them until they laughed even harder and showed me my devil tip. I growled, making the earth shake and making those two fall.

"You little bastards I'll ki-" I was interrupted by an annoying voice.

"Well, hello Kelly. I think you have something of mine." Burnzy said, getting out of the bushes and gesturing to Sheri.

I glared at him and quickly snatched my devil point out of Jd's hands and replaced it on my tail.

"You are not getting my little cousin, you filthy-little-bastard!!" With each word 'filthy,little,bastrd', I took a step foward and my eyes turned black, not just the colour, but my whole eye. white and everything.

"Oh, I think I will, dear Kelly." He said walking towards Sheri, right past me. I stuck my arm out, hitting him in the chest and making him stop.

"Let me through or I'll break off your arm." Matthew spat. I looked at him and laughed dangeru=ously, my eyes going green again.

"Oh really now?" I said that, now I regret it. Burnzy took my arm and chopped it, making my elbow stick out at a weird angle.

The pain shot through me like a dagger. I looked at my arm and shreiked.

Shreiked as long as I could possibably scream. And that's loud. Everyone fell to their knees, except Regan and Mark, who were looking at me with horror.

I waved my other hand over my arm and it healed fast. I took Burmnzy by the throat as He was crawling/walking to Sheri. I threw him at a tree and Sheri's crystal glowed and vines out of nowhere wrapped Burnzy down to the tree.

"He'll stay there." I said to the others, helping Mariah up. "Let's go."


If you are wondering, all these flashbacks happened to me and as You can guess, I was a servant and Mark is real and shit. :3 so don't go hatin on meh, or I will hunt you down and stab you with mai scissors.

***Happy anniversary to Mark and I :D***


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