48. Teaser shooting

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He tried calling Fluke. But Fluke was too engrossed in dancing that he didn't hear Ohm calling him.

Ohm was frustrated.

He grabbed Fluke's legs and picked him up like a rice sack.

Fluke was a little taken aback at first but when he noticed that it was Ohm, he decided not to move.

Carrying Fluke on one shoulder, Ohm walked to the bar counter and pulled a reluctant Boun away from the girl.

Ohm dragged his cousin all the way to the entrance.

Up on reaching the entrance of the clubhouse, Ohm saw Prem driving over a convertible sports car, followed by the crew in another car with the camera.

Ohm let Fluke on the ground and released his cousin.

Following the instruction of the crew, the trio got into the car.

Prem stepped on the accelerator.

Fluke sat on the back seat with Boun and Wo-Ho-ed enjoying the night breeze that was hitting his face as the open-roofed car sped through the road.

Ohm glanced at Fluke in the back seat and smile before looking forward.

Prem too joined Fluke's excitement.

Boun was silently enjoying the ride closing his eyes.

Ohm could see the crew leading and following them with a camera.

The crew stopped in front of a restaurant. Prem followed the suit.

The four of them got off the car as they saw the director approach them.

"You guys did well." The director said with a smile.

"Then let's wind up here."

Ohm was confused.

Wind up? When did they even shoot?

Before Ohm could ask anything, the director left with the crew.

Prem had already handed over the keys to the car to the crew member who drove it off.

"It has been a long day." Fluke stretched.

"You booked us a room here, right?"

Prem asked.

Fluke nodded.

"Earth and the rest must have already arrived. Let's have dinner before we part." Fluke held Ohm's hand and walked into the restaurant.

"Let's go in too," Prem said to Boun who seemed to be lost in thought.

Boun nodded before following inside.


After dinner, everyone split up.

Earth and Fluke took a car back home.

Fluke could sense that there was something wrong with Earth's mood. He was too awfully silent throughout the dinner.

Even though others may not have noticed it, Fluke could see that Earth's smiles were not reaching his eyes.

When Fluke came out of his room after changing into comfortable sleepwear, he saw Earth sitting on the balcony with beer bottles.

Fluke could see that there were a few empty beer bottles indicating that Earth had already drunk a few.

Fluke frowned upon seeing this.

In the past few days, Earth had been really happy.

'What could have happened that he is so down?' Fluke couldn't figure it out.

He opened the sliding door that separated the living room from the balcony and walked up to Earth.

Earth turned to look at Fluke with tear-filled eyes. His face and nose were red from crying for so long.

He didn't say a word and simply hugged Fluke and cried his eyes out.

The only times Fluke had seen Earth cry so much was when he broke up with Kao and at his family's funeral.

Fluke had a hunch that something big must have happened between Earth and his boyfriend.

His guess turned out to be right.

Earth had broken up with his boyfriend.

It had taken six years for Earth to finally gather up the courage and start a new relationship after he broke up with Kao back in high school. As a person who commits to every relationship deeply, it was impossible for Earth to have fallen out of love all of a sudden.

Fluke sat down next to his best friend and accompanied him to drink.

Earth slowly started spilling the beans.

Earth and his boyfriend had been in a try-out relationship as neither of them was sure about their feelings. They wanted to get to know each other well before committing to the relationship. They had agreed on trying out their feelings for a span of six months for confirmation.

Unfortunately for them, his boyfriend got admitted to a foreign university which was apparently his dream university. Thus, resulting in a breakup.

As it was a day off for him, Fluke decided to listen to Earth's heartbroken rants for the whole night.

When The Spring Arrives (Ohmfluke)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon