She smiled more widely and nodded at him in response. Her smile was so beautiful that several of the delegates stopped talking to stare at her. However, she quickly disappeared with Professor Schwarz and Professor Hisakawa.

Jin Liwei’s cold and indifferent expression cracked a bit when he saw the others going in a daze because of his baby girl. He didn’t know exactly what to feel.

On one hand, he felt smug that they had such a reaction at her beauty. After all, that was his baby girl! His woman! His (future) wife!

On the other hand, he wanted to gouge out their eyes, both men and women alike, for looking that way at his baby girl. She was his, not theirs!

"Calm down, boy!" Grandpa Lu told him knowing what Jin Liwei must be thinking. Then he thumped Jin Liwei’s back hard three times.

Jin Liwei only blinked his eyes, not showing much reaction. But actually it felt like he was going to vomit all of his internal organs from the force.

The other delegates heard the loud sounds and winced a bit. They looked at Jin Liwei in admiration for not showing any reaction, even though those thumps must hurt quite a lot.

They had no idea why Grandpa Lu was telling Jin Liwei to calm down, but they dismissed it as one of the old man’s eccentricities. After all, Grandpa Lu was a known genius.

There were many who noticed the exchange of smiles and waves between Iris and Grandpa Lu earlier. Some were surprised while the others weren’t. Many of the Chinese delegates were also members of high society. They had heard that Iris was engaged to Grandpa Lu’s grandson. They informed the ones who didn’t know about the matter.

After learning about such a connection between Iris and Grandpa Lu, it wasn’t surprising anymore that they smiled and waved at each other. The foreign delegates were becoming more and more interested in her. She looked so young, yet she had such impressive connections.

Nobody thought that her breathtaking smile before she left was actually not for Grandpa Lu but for Jin Liwei instead.

There was a two-hour lunch break after the opening ceremony before the first batch of individual conferences would commence in the afternoon.

After eating, those who didn’t have any conference in the afternoon and were done for the day returned to their hotels. Some even went on tours in the city. The ones who had conferences in the afternoon gathered in their own respective groups.

Jin Corporation’s group continued to chat with the groups from the top multi-national companies. This time, however, another group joined these top dogs.

Grandpa Lu invited Long Industries to join them. Of course, Long Tengfei immediately accepted the invitation. This was an important opportunity to directly speak with the top executives in the world.

The other Chinese delegates looked on at Long Industries in envy, knowing that Grandpa Lu and Long Tengfei were future in-laws.

As for Iris, she ate with the two professors at a private room at the conference centre. Professor Schwarz was busy preparing Iris for her first official conference later.

Finally, lunch time was over.

Iris and the two professors headed to the conference she was assigned to as its sole interpreter. It was a conference between the Chinese and French delegates.

Jin Corporation and Long Industries were among the attendees. Both the Chinese and the French delegates were surprised to see Iris in this conference. Was she interpreting again? Did she know French too? They thought she could only interpret in English and Mandarin.

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