Wu Qianxi felt absolutely mortified. It was taking all of her control to stop herself from erupting in fury at how Iris’ group painted the entire situation to make her into a great villain. She thought about trying to explain herself. But seeing the crowd already siding with Iris’ group, she knew that she would just damage her image even more if she denied the allegations. So she could only grit her teeth and endure the current humiliating situation. She forced a humble expression on her face and replied to Yang Jiahui.

"Madam, please stop worrying. I’m not upset about my dress anymore. There’s no need to pay me back or anything like that. It’s just a dress, after all."

Then she apologized once again to Long Jinjing and Meimei, even though all she wanted was to slap their faces and pull all their hair out. She hated that she had to apologize to these bitches so many times. They were really doing all of these on purpose to humiliate her.

She also apologized to Long Tengfei for causing a scene during his birthday. She felt nervous and more sincere in her apology to him because she could see that he was displeased. If possible, she didn’t want her future father-in-law to dislike her for any reason.

It was even more important because Long Tengfei was the current head of the family. He had the power to influence his son on who to marry and even revoke Long Hui’s status as his successor. Buttering up Long Tengfei was a priority for Wu Qianxi and her family. They wanted her to be the next Madam Long, so it was imperative that Long Hui continued to be the heir.

Finally, she apologized to the guests. Many of them were important personages whose influence could boost or damage one’s status in high society. She needed to repair her image to them as soon as possible. The thought made Wu Qianxi hate Jiang Ying Yue and Iris’ group even more for tarnishing her image tonight.

"My beloved daughter, why are you apologizing to everyone? What’s going on?" Wu Qianxi’s mother cried out as she ran to her one and only daughter. Then she gasped. "Your dress! It’s ruined! Oh no! Who dared ruin a masterpiece? You paid a fortune for that dress just to wear it for tonight!"

Both of Wu Qianxi’s parents finally arrived at the scene. They were in another part of the house chatting with the Long elders and other important guests when someone informed them that their daughter got into trouble.

"Qianqian, tell mother. Don’t be afraid. Who’s bullying you?" Madam Wu embraced her daughter protectively, and then glared at Jiang Ying Yue. "Is it you? You gold digger who stole my daughter’s boyfriend?"

Emboldened by the daring actions of Iris’ group, Jiang Ying Yue finally defended herself for the first time ever. She stepped forward and spoke in a loud and clear voice.

"Madam, I’m not a gold digger and I never stole someone else’s boyfriend. Long Hui and your daughter already broke up when Long Hui and I started our relationship. Please don’t mislead others with false facts. I am innocent."

"You! How dare a mere bodyguard like you answer me back?!" Madam Wu moved to slap Jiang Ying Yue in her anger but Long Hui blocked her.

Long Hui stepped forward and placed himself in front of Jiang Ying Yue, protecting her from any other physical attacks.

"Madam, Ying Yue is right. Wu Qianxi and I already broke up long before Ying Yue and I got together. She didn’t steal me from anyone." Long Hui explained before turning to Long Tengfei. "Father, I hope that you’ll allow me to make an important announcement tonight."

"You may," Long Tengfei simply replied with a nod.

"Thank you, Father." Long Hui swept his eyes across the guests, particularly at the Wu family and the elders who were just arriving at the scene. "I would like to clarify one thing to everyone tonight. The only woman I’m going to marry is the mother of my son. She is the beautiful woman beside me and her name is Jiang Ying Yue."

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