’Why bother calling for a press conference? A simple press release or a social media post should suffice. The Longs think too highly of themselves,’ the reporters sent to the press conference grumbled to themselves.

The only member of the Long family that they were interested in at the moment was Iris Long. However, most of them already knew that she had an estranged relationship with the Long family. Though there were rumours that she had been repairing her relationship with her family in recent months.

As if anticipating the poor turn-out, the place Long Hui booked for the press conference was not very big. He had participated in other press conferences in the past, but most of them were regarding Long Industries. This was the first time that he would be conducting a press conference for a personal matter concerning him and his family. He felt nervous but also excited at the same time.

Remembering his conversation with Jiang Ying Yue on the phone earlier today, he was surprised that she was agreeable to his plan. Although she wasn’t happy, she didn’t resist. Then he learned that it was because of his sister.

"Xiulan’s reputation has taken a severe hit because people are thinking that Little Jun is her love child with Jin Chonglin. If you announce that Little Jun is actually your son, then all these bad rumours about her will stop," Jiang Ying Yue told him.

He sulked a little after hearing her reason for giving permission. Actually, with or without her approval, he would still go ahead and make the announcement. He just informed her as courtesy and respect as the mother of their child. And of course, he was hoping to earn some brownie points from her.

"Do...does your family know that you’re doing this?" she asked in a cautious and anxious manner.

"Yes, of course. Father approved of my plan," he told her.

"Only your father?"

He hesitated before replying. "Uh, yes..."


"Ying Yue?"

She chuckled bitterly. Then she sighed and said, "At least your father permitted you to do this."


"Long Hui..."

He frowned, not liking how she was addressing him using his full name.

"Please, I beg you. Protect our son." Her voice shook a bit. "I know that we’ll never be good enough for your family...but please, don’t let them hurt our son. I can’t...I can’t bear it..."

"What are you talking about? Ying Yue, tell me!"

"I...just promise me, please."

"Yes, of course. I’ll naturally protect Long Jun. He’s my son, our son. I won’t let anyone hurt him."

When the call ended, he couldn’t stop thinking about what she said. He felt confused but also suspicious, especially after personally experiencing the elders’ extreme discrimination against his son.

But before he could think more deeply and carefully about the matter, he received a signal that the press conference was about the start. He cleared his mind of any unnecessary thoughts. He focused instead on the important task that he was about to accomplish in this press conference.


Dragon Palace Home #10.

The huge flat screen TV was showing the live telecast of Long Hui’s press conference. It was currently being broadcast on a minor news channel.

Iris’ head was laying on Jin Liwei’s shoulder while they watched the press conference together on the couch. Little Jun sat on Jin Liwei’s lap while playing with a toy given to him by his Great-Grandpa Lu a few days ago.

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