"Yay!" She squeals.

"I'm only doing this because I happen to look really good right now."

"Yeah, yeah."

Once Jin realizes that we were walking towards the house, his expression changes.

"Uhh, heyyy... Akira. What are you, uhh... doing here?"

"I need to see Dabi."



"Oh. Right. He's uh... not here... right now."

My brows furrow, "So, you guys are just having a party at his house without him?"


I scoff and roll my eyes, "I'm not in the mood to play games, Jin. Where is he?" Suddenly, Keigo walks out of the front door, but when his eyes lock with mine he turns around. "Keigo!" I shout.

He turns back around, "Peach! What are you doing here?"

"Yeah, good to see you, too."

He walks closer to me, "It is good to see you. Wasn't sure if I was ever going to again. I don't know if it even matters anymore, but I truly am sorry for what happened. It's been killing me."

I let out a breath, "It's okay. I forgive you."

"You do?"

"Yes. I was actually coming over to clear the air with Dabi. Guess I got to you first."

"Thank you, Peach." He hugs me, "Your forgiveness means everything to me."

"Right..." I pull away, "But I need to speak with Dabi, and Jin is pretending he's not home. Is he in there?"

Somethings up. His facial expression...

"Look, I don't want to lie to you any more than I already have. Yes... he's in there. But there's something you should know."

"Whatever it is, I don't care. I need to talk to him before I chicken out."


I walk away before he can finish speaking, and make my way through the house.

Where the hell are you, Dabi?

I was getting looks from everyone around me, because I was complete stranger to them and they all knew each other.

I haven't been here in so long, it felt like such a foreign place.


Was that Suki?

"Akira!" I hear her voice shout over the music more clearly once she gets closer to me. "There you are!"

"What is it?"

"We have to get out of here."

"Is it an emergency? Did something happen?"

"No, but–"

"Then I'm not leaving."

She follows behind me as I keep walking, shouting things, but I can barely even hear.

"I'm serious, Aki! We need to leave before–"

Her words were cut off when we walk into the room and stop dead in our tracks at what we see.


"Exactly this happens."

And there Dabi was, sitting on the couch with a half-naked girl draped over his legs, and his tongue down her throat.

A Wild Ride | AU Dabi FanficWhere stories live. Discover now