If the man really had his looks altered, then his plastic surgeon did an excellent job. However, it might also be that this was the man’s real appearance and that Lu Zihao had never met him before. If so, finding the real culprits of the Vetrovs’ downfall and total annihilation would only become much more difficult.

"Boss Hao, it appears that this man is wealthy in his own right even without the assistance of the various powers protecting him. But since we already know that his current identity is fake, we can’t determine the origins of his wealth. It also seems that he has other identities that he switches to when it’s convenient. One of those identities is that of an American investigative journalist. This identity is probably the one he’ll use when he publishes the biography. We’re unsure of his true citizenship as the identity he was using before we lost track of him is that of a Spanish citizen."

Lu Zihao wasn’t surprised. Fake identities were common in the Underworld. Even he had several ones in his past life as well.

"You mentioned that he has helpers from several governments. Are they authorized by their respective governments or are they acting independently?"

Helplessness flashed in the hacker’s eyes before he was able to smooth out his expression. But of course Lu Zihao caught it. He already knew the answer before the hacker replied.

"Sorry, Boss Hao. My team and I are already doing our best, but our current skill levels are still not enough to dig and gather all the information that you need. Not to mention that there are a lot of major powers involved that we have to evade as well, so as not to let them track us back instead. We’re not sure whether the helpers from the government are authorized or not."

"I see." Lu Zihao sighed. He had the urge to massage his temples but fought against it. He wouldn’t show any signs of weakness in front of his own subordinates. "Anything else?"

"Uh..." The hacker hesitated.

"Spit it out."

"I think that all of these will be so much easier if we have Boss Drakon—I mean Miss Xiulan working together with us. Her skill levels are several leagues more superior than any of us in the hacker team combined. So...uhm...what I’m saying is that, uh, if Boss Hao can just ask Miss Xiulan to—"


The hacker immediately shut up. The boss’ aura was too scary! Fortunately, Lu Zihao was able to control himself.

"Good job in gathering all of these information so far. Continue digging and updating me. You may go now."

"Yes, Boss Hao!"

The hacker was relieved to be dismissed. He immediately fled out of the room.

As for Lu Zihao, he sank in a contemplative silence alone in the room. He read through the information on the tablet once again but felt that it was far from enough. The progress of his team’s investigations was too slow.

Perhaps his hacker subordinate was right. Maybe he should ask his little sister to—


’She’s already happy living her second life. Her career is doing well and will only improve in the future. She’s also newly engaged and will soon build her own family. I should support her happiness and not involve her in this dangerous business.’

His hands clenched into tight fists.

’Yes, it’ll be faster if I ask for her help but I can do this without her. This second chance in life has given me plenty of time. Let’s take this one step at a time. Even if it takes years or decades, I swear that I’ll have revenge. And even if something happens to me, she has Jin Liwei to take care of her and protect her from danger. I don’t have to worry about her much.’

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