"Bahahaha! Good boy! Come to Great-Grandpa Lu! What a handsome boy! What a smart boy!" Grandpa Lu was over the moon in happiness as he carried the child in his arms.

Little Jun giggled at his Great-Grandpa Lu, finding him funny. He played with the old man’s neatly groomed grey mustache. Grinning in delight, he showed everyone his three little milky white teeth.

And just like that, everyone fell in love with Little Jun. All the grandparents fought over who was going to hold the child next. They even seemed to forget that this gathering’s celebrants were supposed to be the newly engaged couple, Iris and Jin Liwei.

Poor Long Hui had to compete with more people now for his own child’s attention.

Finally, everyone settled down in the living area. The two families exchanged presents to each other. They also gave gifts to the engaged couple.

Afterwards, Dom and Meimei played with Little Jun and the two cats on the floor while the rest chatted with each other on the sofas.

"I’m a little disappointed that we have to learn about your engagement on the news instead of you telling us first," Grandma Li told Iris and Jin Liwei.

"Sorry, Grandma Li. It’s my fault," Iris replied. "We wanted to tell you all today, but I just couldn’t lie when I was asked during the interview in ’MusicFest Tonight’."

Jin Liwei nuzzled her hair and tightened his arm around her waist.

"It’s alright, Xiulan. What’s important is that our two families are finally gathering together today in celebration of your engagement," Huang Yuyan said with a smile.

"Hah! I already knew that they’re engaged before any of you! I was the one who delivered the ring to Liwei boy! Bahahaha!" Grandpa Lu boasted to everyone. "Everything is thanks to me! If I didn’t drag Xiulan girl to Cross Academy, she probably wouldn’t recover from her depression so quickly! Then Liwei boy wouldn’t be able to follow her all the way to Switzerland and have the opportunity to propose to her! I even returned to the country ahead of them just to manage the company in Liwei boy’s place, so that the lovebirds can enjoy their premarital honeymoon in Italy! So if it wasn’t for me, we wouldn’t be sitting here together celebrating their engagement! Bahahaha! Where’s my thanks?"

"Thank you, Grandpa Lu," Iris said to the old man. Even though she was chuckling, there was deep sincerity in her tone.

"En. I owe so much to you, Grandpa Lu. Thank you," Jin Liwei said as well.

"Bahahaha! If you want to thank this old man, go marry as soon as possible and start making great-grandbabies! Little Jun needs some playmates!"

Iris squeezed Jin Liwei’s hand, feeling a bit nervous when she heard Grandpa Lu talking about babies.

Jin Liwei noticed and understood her reaction. He leaned closer and whispered to her ear, "Don’t worry, love. There’s no rush. We’ll take our time. We’re in this together, okay?"


The two stared into each other’s eyes. The others could almost see red and pink flowers, hearts, bubbles and sparkles surrounding the lovebirds who were now absorbed in their own little world.

As for Jin Chonglin and Long Hui, the two still hadn’t completely recovered from their earlier shock. Jin Chonglin stared at his brother and Iris Long acting lovey-dovey to each other, while Long Hui looked star-struck whenever Grandpa Lu spoke. Then something finally registered in their stupefied brains.

"Eh? Grandpa Lu, you said that you brought Iris...I mean, Xiulan to Cross Academy?" Jin Chonglin asked. "For what reason? Did she have some business there? You and Grandpa Jin never brought any of us to the academy before."

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