Her speech touched all of the Black Stars. Even the crazed man was affected. After all, he was a Black Star up until a few moments ago.

"Don’t worry, boss! We support you! People like him aren’t true fans! We are! They’re just sick psychos who have holes in their brains! We’ll follow you until the end!"

The crazed man looked conflicted. He wiped tears and snot from his face.

It was the kind of atmosphere that easily overwhelmed people. The feeling of devotion the Black Stars had for Iris was like a living entity influencing all the surrounding individuals. Iris was their queen. All of these trials they were experiencing together with her only reinforced their loyalty towards their queen.

The interview officially ended in an emotional note. It was a roller coaster of surprises both good and bad, but most would agree that it was a great interview with lots of juicy details.


After the show, Iris chatted with Feng Jiu and Feng Wan. She discovered that the two madams were cousins. They invited her to eat dinner together but she regretfully declined. She felt drained after the interview. The two madams were understanding and let her go.

Inside the executive van, Iris called Maestro Ludovico De Luca on the phone while Dom was gushing about everything that happened during the interview with Jiang Ying Yue.

"Yes, Liwei is the one who informed me about the matter between you and Maestro Wei Liu," he told her, confirming her suspicion. "Maybe I should’ve revealed that you’re my student earlier."

"No, Maestro. I don’t want to be given special treatment because I’m your student. I want to gain achievements through my own abilities and not because of my connection to you."

After the phone call, Iris closed her eyes to rest. She played with the diamond ring on her finger. So it really was Jin Liwei who called Maestro De Luca.

A soft smile lifted the corners of her lips. Everything she said about Jin Liwei during the interview was the truth. She loved him and wouldn’t break up with him even if some of her fans turned their backs on her.


A few nights later, the latest episode of "A Closer Look with Feng Jiu" finally aired on TV. Many people tuned in because they all wanted to hear what Iris had to say regarding all of the issues surrounding her.

The episode showed all of the major incidents during the taping. It was the first time the show featured the audience so heavily. It was as if the audience kept on spitting out problems after problems for Iris to face.

People actively discussed as they watched the show.

"Whoa! Did all of these really happen? I feel like I’m watching a drama instead of a talk show!"

"I know, right? The events are so gripping and exciting that I can’t even make myself run to the toilet to relieve myself because I don’t want to miss anything."

"I checked Maestro De Luca’s website and Iris’ performances are really posted there. Ahaha! Did you see the reactions of Maestro Liu Wei’s two students? Priceless! I wish their maestro was together with them. I would love to see the old man’s reaction as well!"

"Maestro Liu had been busy lambasting Iris to the reporters lately, calling her a liar every chance he gets. Let’s see what he has to say after his face got slapped by Maestro De Luca himself."

"Serves him right. He thinks too highly of himself. Just like what Maestro De Luca said during the interview, shame on him for putting borders on music when there should be none."

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