Unfortunately, there were also some who didn’t like the fact the she got engaged. They expressed their dismay and the feeling of betrayal online.

"I can’t bear this! I spent so much money buying the digital and hard copies of all her albums, merchandise, and the travel expenses just to watch her guesting and live performances. She’s just an idol who depends on us fans for her livelihood! How dare she publicly announce that she’s engaged?!"

"It’s us fans who got her where she is today! She’s nothing without us! We spent so much money on her and now she’s going to use our money to pay for her wedding? Unacceptable!"

"She’s a product and we fans are customers. I don’t want to spend my money anymore on a product that I find unsatisfactory."

"She doesn’t care about us. No gratitude at all. She doesn’t even know that she needs to be responsible for fans’ expectations of her."

They posted photos and videos online of themselves burning Iris’ images, albums and other merchandise.

Of course, the Black Stars wouldn’t allow these former fans turned haters to continue bashing their Boss Iris. They immediately came in droves to defend their boss’ name. Another online war involved the Black Stars and the infamous troll unit, the Slippers Army. Surprisingly, some Pandemonium fans joined the online battle in the name of Iris Long.

CaptainBlackStar: "All of you are a**holes! How dare you call Boss Iris an idol! She’s not an idol! She’s a full-fledged musician! Learn the difference first, you morons! I even doubt that you were her fans to begin with. True fans will never turn their backs. Besides, I find your reasons for suddenly hating her utterly delusional and psychotic. So you think you own her just because you spent money? She sells music, not her body and soul! You’re all twisted sons of b*tches! You don’t own her and never will!"

LittlePhoenix: "Yeah! Although I’m still young and not an adult yet, I know that you’re all sick in the head. Eat my slippers!"

iEatSlippers: "I disappear for some time and I come back to find traitors within our Black Stars and even in my beloved Slippers Army. Unforgivable! I’ll whack all turncoats with my mighty slippers!"

LittlePhoenix: "Uwah! Welcome back, Big Brother!"

All the Black Stars, especially the Slippers Army, were delighted that iEatSlippers was finally back. Their blood boiled in anticipation for what would surely become a spectacular online battle.

iEatSlippers: "Listen up, all of you toxic vermin! Boss Iris is already wealthy even without your money! Go take your stinking money elsewhere! Boss doesn’t need you! The Black Stars don’t need you! And squeeze this in those pea-sized brains of yours that boss got to where she’s now because of her own talent, abilities and hard work. Those who say otherwise are delusional ingrates who deserve some serious whacking! Come, Slippers Army! Prepare your mighty slippers and let’s get whacking!"

"All hail our mighty slippers of justice!"

CaptainBlackStar: "Comrades, attack!"

MonkeyFace also appeared and directed the divisions to several online battlefields. The Pandemonium fans were dumbfounded by the might and organization of the Black Stars. Some of them already heard about the fan club’s reputation on the web before, especially the notoriety of the Slippers Army who were some of the worst trolls on the internet. But of course, they only trolled when their Boss Iris was attacked in any way. This experience only pumped the Pandemonium fans and fought just as fiercely as the Black Stars against the anti-Iris Long haters.

While all of these were happening online, Maestro Liu Wei and his followers continued to discredit Iris Long to the media. They taunted her, challenging her to show evidence that she really performed with Maestro Ludovico De Luca in his orchestra concert in Germany.

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