CaptainBlackStar: "Welcome back, Boss! The entire Black Stars fan club and the mighty Slipper Army unit are all awaiting for your grand return! We hope that you’re in good health and spirits. Thank you very much for not abandoning us! We love you, Boss Iris Long!"

While the Black Stars celebrated their boss’ upcoming return, the media also caught up with the news. The media’s interest in Iris reignited. The almost forgotten scandal of Fan Luo ordering her car accident because of jealousy was placed under the spotlight once again.

Of course, Jin Chonglin’s name was dragged into the mix because he was the reason for Fan Luo’s jealousy. Jin Chonglin had previously spoken out about the scandal before he went on hiatus, denouncing his ex-fiancée as an evil woman.

They already heard from him, so people were eager to hear from Iris as the victim next.

Everyone had been waiting for her own statement. They wanted to ask her so many questions. What were her thoughts about the crime? How did she handle the truth when she learned about it? Did she hate Jin Chonglin? He was technically the reason why Fan Luo attempted to kill her.

"Iris Long" became the most searched keyword on the internet in just a day.

Then a netizen made an astonishing discovery while searching for information about her. He found photos of her all over the European news. It showed various images of her wearing a gorgeous fiery red dress.

The netizens used an online translator to read the contents of the articles featuring her. They became shocked when they finished reading and learned what she had been up to while she was gone.

"Holy sh*t! The articles say that Iris performed at Maestro De Luca’s concert!"

"How can this be? She’s not even a classical musician. Why would a maestro of such high standing invite her to perform with him at his own concert? This doesn’t make sense."

Of course, the Black Stars were ecstatic and proud. They celebrated more, almost taking over the discussion forums. They asked Iris if it was true.

Iris actually replied to them. She posted:

"Yes, it’s true. I had the opportunity to perform with the great Maestro Ludovico De Luca at his orchestra concert in Munich, Germany. It was such a wonderful experience that I will never forget in this lifetime."

Everyone became even crazier after her confirmation. Most people congratulated her and felt proud as her fellow countrymen. However, there were some who criticized her.

"I thought Iris Long was recuperating at a hospital. They said she was traumatized but look! She was having the time of her life rubbing shoulders with famous people and even performing at such an important concert. She doesn’t look traumatized at all! What a liar!"

These criticisms angered the Black Stars. The Slippers Army immediately mobilized. This time, they were led by LittlePhoenix. They were a little disorganized in the absence of their troll leader iEatSlippers and strategist MonkeyFace. However, they felt energized at being able to freely wave their virtual mighty slippers again and whack all the enemies bashing their Boss Iris.

While the Slippers Army was finally back in action, the discussion in the forums continued.

MrsLovePhantom: "Maestro De Luca is also well-respected in our country and has collaborated with some of our own country’s musical prides. I remember attending a concert of him and Maestro Liu Wei a few years ago."

CaptainBlackStar: "Liu Wei? That snob pianist who belittled our boss?"

When Maestro Liu Wei’s name was brought up, many remembered how he criticized Iris as a mere pop singer pretending to be a classical musician with her simplistic piano transcription. He couldn’t accept that Iris’ successful piano album "Rebirth Melodies" was labelled as classical music.

His Genius Wife is a SuperstarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang