Back to the present, Jiang Ying Yue silently observed everyone. She was surprised by the warmth in this household. While she was still working as Long Hui’s bodyguard, she often heard the various Long family members disparaging the Young Miss Xiulan. But she could see nothing of that sort here.

Iris had been very generous to her ever since she started working for her, especially to Little Jun. The penthouse was basically her son’s home. He would spend the entire day here being doted upon by everyone. Their two-bedroom unit a few floors down was just a place to sleep. She worried a little that her son was being spoiled too much, but as a mother, she didn’t have the heart to tell them to stop.

She looked at her new boss and the man sitting beside her. She frequently caught them staring into each other’s eyes as if they were the only ones present in the world.

It was only because of her training as a bodyguard that was letting Jiang Ying Yue maintain an impassive expression on her face. The first time she saw Jin Liwei in the penthouse was a few days after she was hired. She immediately recognized him because she worked as Long Hui’s bodyguard for a few years. Long Hui was the heir of Long Industries. She often accompanied him to business meetings and events, so she was familiar with some of the key figures in the business world, especially someone as powerful as Jin Liwei.

She wondered what business the President-CEO of Jin Corporation had with her boss that he went out of his way to personally go to the penthouse. Then she learned that the two were in a relationship. They were even living together! She was so shocked that she questioned whether she was hallucinating or not.

Now a few weeks later, she was starting to get used to the possibility that her boss could be the next madam of Jin Corporation. Even she could see that the feelings between the lovers were real, especially Jin Liwei’s.

Jiang Ying Yue’s thoughts were interrupted by the crying of her child.

"What’s wrong, Junie boy?" Dom asked.

Jiang Ying Yue checked. "His diaper just needs to be changed. Please excuse us."

Iris nodded.

Jiang Ying Yue left carrying Little Jun in her arms, the nanny following them.

"Big Brother Liwei, what are you reading?" Meimei asked.

Jin Liwei was reading the newspaper while they ate breakfast.

Unlike Jiang Ying Yue, Meimei didn’t recognize Jin Liwei when she first met him as Iris’ boyfriend. Or more specifically, she didn’t know him in the first place. She had no interest in the corporate world. Iris’ words when she visited the Long ancestral residence stuck with her. She believed Iris when she said that her boyfriend was just a "regular businessman" who was "no one special".

Even when Dom told her that Jin Liwei was the head of the number one company in the country, she didn’t feel excited or amazed. To her, a company was a company. In other words, boring.

Jin Liwei showed the girl the page he was reading. It was the entertainment section. The headlines were all about Iris.

"Iris Long: the Newly Crowned Queen of the Music Charts!"

"Iris Long’s Upcoming Album ’Rebirth Melodies’ Already Breaking Pre-order Records for an Instrumental Album!"

"Film Critic: ’Only an Indie Film With Low Budget Will Have the Guts to Appoint Someone Like Iris Long to Compose an Entire Film Score.’"

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