In the past, when business projects reached a critical stage like this and he had to spend a lot of time at work, he usually slept right in his company office bedroom. This time, however, he made sure that he returned to the penthouse every night even though it was very inconvenient because he was worried about his baby girl.

Iris would sometimes thrash in her sleep, obviously from a nightmare. She would feel cold to the touch, sweat heavily and gasp for breath. Jin Liwei worried that there would be a repeat of that terrifying night when she collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital. There was also a fear within him that she would fail to wake up because he heard that there were cases of people suddenly dying in their sleep despite appearing healthy.

Fortunately, the nightmares weren’t regular nightly occurrences. Often, she wouldn’t even remember having a nightmare at all. This was a good thing because she would be her usual self when she woke up. However, he was still worried for her and wondered why she kept experiencing these sleep disturbances.

He wanted to suggest for her to go for a medical consultation or perhaps a psychological evaluation but stopped himself because she wasn’t complaining about them. As long as she wasn’t bothered, he would try not to worry too much. Perhaps he was overthinking.

Although both of them were busy and barely had time for each other, Jin Liwei regularly phoned to talk to her and hear her voice whenever he had time to spare.

She was busy promoting her album "Rebirth".

Dom documented her activities and would regularly report all of them to Jin Liwei. Based on Dom’s reports, Jin Liwei was assured that the bodyguard they hired was properly doing his job in protecting his baby girl.

After a week, Tang Yiyi informed Iris that she would be increasing her workload to get back on track with their original promotional plans. Iris agreed, assuring her manager that her health could take it.

But before she became busier, Iris called Long Tengfei and scheduled dinner with him and his wife at the Long ancestral residence.

Then she tried calling Jin Liwei after speaking with Long Tengfei. She didn’t really expect for him to pick up because she knew that he was busy at work. She was ready to leave a voice message.

"Hello, baby?" Jin Liwei’s deep voice answered.

She was caught unawares when he actually picked up her call that she wasn’t able to speak for a couple of seconds. "Oh. Sorry to disturb you. I just want to ask you about something."

"No, you’re not disturbing me. What is it? Are you alright?"

Jin Liwei was actually in the middle of an important meeting. Everyone froze when the President suddenly raised a hand to stop the person currently presenting. His phone was vibrating on the conference table. They were confused because the President would usually reject calls during meetings, but this time he answered. The person calling must be someone important, perhaps a fellow business leader.

Then everyone was shocked out of their wits when their cold and dispassionate President answered the phone with a gentle tone. But what shocked them the most was that he called the person on the other end of the line "baby".

Baby? What baby?

Baby as in "offspring"? Or baby as in "lover"? Or maybe a person named Baby?

Which was it?!!!

They wanted to know so badly.

All their bodies slightly shifted towards his direction, straining to hear the phone conversation. They wished that it was on speakerphone.

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