"Liwei, I don―"

He crossed the short distance between them in just a couple of steps and pressed his index finger to her lips, stopping whatever she was going to say.

"Please don’t say anything now," he said in a voice so soft that it was almost a whisper. "Just allow me to love you."

Iris blinked. Then she slowly grabbed his hand to release her lips. She pulled his palm and pressed it onto her chest, so that he could feel her racing heartbeat.

They looked at each other’s eyes, as if trying to dig underneath the other’s soul.

"Baby, let me love you."

Ten seconds of silence.

Jin Liwei didn’t dare breathe as he awaited her answer.



Joy filled him, as he released the breath he was holding. But he wanted to make sure. "Really?"

Iris nodded.

Jin Liwei pulled her into his arms, lifted her up and kissed her. He kissed her as if doing so would fuse them together as one for eternity.

Confessing his feelings for her felt very liberating. Before this, love felt like a formless gas. But now that he voiced it out aloud in front of her, it suddenly took shape and solidified, growing denser and more intense with every passing moment.

They were both gasping when the kiss ended.

"I love you," he said, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

She smiled. "Thank you."

A hint of sadness flashed in his eyes after hearing her reply, but it quickly disappeared. He smiled back at her.

Their moment was interrupted by a loud, forceful cough. It was Yi Mei.

They turned to her.

"Young Miss, please forgive this old housekeeper for acting above her station but I still think that this man is no good for you."

Jin Liwei’s lips pressed into a thin line but he remained quiet.

"Grandma Yi Mei―"

"Dominic, let me finish." Yi Mei took a couple of deep breaths before speaking to Iris again. "I think that this man will only hurt you. Young Miss, I only want you to be happy, to meet a nice young man someday who will love and worship you, make you the number one person in his life, to build a wonderful and beautiful family together, and to spend your life in happiness without suffering disappointment, pain or betrayal. I don’t think this man can give you that kind of happiness. Men of status like him can never treat just one woman their number one priority. They have too many responsibilities, duties...and temptations."

Iris sighed. "Yi Mei―"

"But I can see that you’re happy with him. For now. As long as you’re happy, this old woman is also happy. If Young Miss wants to stay with him, then it’s your decision. Please forgive this old woman for interfering with Young Miss’ life." Tears fell from Yi Mei’s wrinkled eyes. "I just want you to live a good life. You went through so much. Nobody really guided you while growing up. You were basically on your own, a young girl left to her own devices. You had to experience such a scary event, almost dying, to grow up quickly and become such an amazing young woman. You deserve so much better, Young Miss. He doesn’t deserve you. But if you think that he makes you happy, then this old woman has no choice but to support you."

Heat welled up from Iris’ chest and rushed all over her entire body. Her vision suddenly blurred. Confused, she blinked and large drops of tears fell down her eyes. She touched her now wet face, surprised. She was confused especially since she couldn’t seem to control her tears which kept on flowing.

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