Iris began singing.

"I was young and fearless

Blazed through my dreams without direction

Tried to reach the sea of the brightest stars in the sky..."

The audience sang with her. They waved their hands up in the air, singing with all their heart. Their movements were so synchronized that they looked like one giant organism.

"...The meaning of life is to live our dreams

We fail, we fall

Yet still we keep on dreaming

No matter how far a black star falls

It’s still a star that can glow again..."

Iris would stop singing now and then, to let the audience sing by themselves. Everyone loved it. They felt as if they were an important part of the performance.

Then Iris’ fingers on the piano slowed down, her voice softening almost into a whisper. The audience also followed suit, singing as softly as they could.

"I’m a black star with no light

But so what? I’ll glow again

My dream glows bright in my heart

I’m a black star that’ll light up, you’ll see~"

Hearing more than 5,000 voices sing together was nothing new to the representatives from JJ’s record label and Bright Summit. After all, both of them had experienced working with artists more famous than Iris who could command more than tens of thousands of audience per concert. However, there was something different in the audience this time. It was as if they were possessed by a single spirit, united as one, brought together by Iris Long’s music.

This performance had heart.

After the song "Black Star" ended, there was another deafening standing ovation. Their cheering and applause were tinged with pride. This time, it wasn’t only directed at Iris and the musicians but also at themselves, the audience. It was like experiencing music on another level, giving them an exhilarating feeling that many of them had never experienced before.

Iris performed some of the other songs from her album, including the next popular one after "Black Star". When she sang "The Phantom of Your Love", Feng Wan burst into tears. Her three friends also had tears streaming down their faces, as they huddled and comforted their dear friend together.

"I’m dead when awake

Alive when asleep

How do I live when there is no you

Except in my dreams at night..."

Even when her intense emotions threatened to choke her, Feng Wan still sang with everyone else through the torrent of her tears. She remembered the first time she saw Iris perform this beautiful, heartbreaking song for the first time at the hotel restaurant.

Back then, Iris was wearing a flowing black dress. This time, she was in a sharp white suit. The contrast made Feng Wan feel as if Iris was an envoy of both the light and the dark.

"Oh, spend a thousand years


Everyone howled the last notes of the song. It wasn’t only Feng Wan who was wailing in sorrow, affected by the dark music. People were hugging and crying on each other’s shoulders, even though they were strangers before this day.

Iris decided to give everyone a break to calm their highly stimulated emotions. She played Chopin’s "Raindrops" on the piano, gently easing the atmosphere into that of a relaxed one.

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