Ready Sweetheart?

Start from the beginning

'' On your wedding day, you pledged to love, cherish and stay faithful to Katniss, will you continue to live by that?'' The Priest asks.

''Always.'' Peeta says.

''And Katniss, now you.'' I took a deep breath and prepared myself.

''If you know me, then you'd know speeches aren't my thing, unless they're spontaneous. Effie even tried to feed me my lines, but you can all probably guess how that ended up.'' I joked, everyone laughed as they knew that whatever she'd told me to say would come out almost robotic. ''But even so, I have managed to conjure something up. I'm not going to talk of the games, talk of what has past, because I want to focus on our future. Together. Peeta Mellark, each day you bring me hope that something great will happen, and that everything will always be okay and life does go on, nobody else could give me that. My love, you make me all kinds of happy, and I'm so thankful you convinced me to have our children. I want you to know there was never any doubt you'd be amazing father, it was in myself. But, like always, you've made me a better person and allowed me to be whole again. You gave me my life back. Never have I actually looked forward to future, I was terrified of what may come, but here with you now, I can finally allow myself to look forwards and be excited for what may come. You bring me never ending joy, happiness and love, I couldn't imagine life without you. Convincing me to have our beautiful kids is something I can never repay you for, because the joy of seeing who they'll become is one I could never have felt- without you. Everything I do is because of you, everything I feel is because of us. Sometimes it scares me to fall asleep, but what if wake up and it's all just been a dream? Whenever I close my eyes I'm scared to open them in case I'm back in the arena, hallucinating. But, with you here now I know that everything will be alright, because that's what you and I do isn't it? Protect each other. You bring me never ending hope, so this ring is another symbol of my love, which I know I find hard to show you sometimes.''

''And Katniss, you also made the same promise, to love, cherish and stay faithful to Peeta, will you continue to swear by that?''


''It's with great pleasure that I can once again announce your never-ending love for each other. May the future bring you great things. You may now kiss your wife.'' Peeta's hand encircles around my waist and his lips meet mine, this kiss is one I want to remember, because I can feel the love radiating throughout my body. After he's kissed me his hand remains clasped in mine, I turn to my side and grab Willow's, who then grabs Oakley's, Peeta holds Rye's and we remain. Strong, as we head back down the aisle, greeted with congratulations.

We all got into cars, which drove us back to our house, it was big enough, and there weren't many guests, so Effie had arranged the reception there. Before the car had stopped moving, Peeta had jumped out and ran around the back, just so he could open the door for me. ''Shall we?'' He said, offering his arm. I willingly took it, however before I knew it, I'd been swept up and Peeta was holding me bridal style.

''Peeta what are you doing?'' I asked, laughing.

''What do you think? Carrying you over the threshold.'' He replied.

''I've walked down this path hundreds of times as your wife.'' I said, raising my eyebrows.

''Well it's a tradition isn't it. We wouldn't feel married if not'' He laughed, as he strolled down the pathway to the door. I buried my face in the crook of his neck slightly embarrassed as everyone was watching.

''Thank you young Sir.'' I said mimickingly.

''Pleasure my Lady.'' He said, bowing comically. We all made our way into the front room and Peeta and I knelt down beside the fire. ''Where's the kids?'' He asked.

''I'll get them.'' Haymitch said, as he made his way through the small crowd of people. Moments later, he returned. ''Go on, it's time for the toasting.'' He said, pushing them forwards.

''Why do we have to stand at the front.'' Rye complained.

''You're not, come on you three, come kneel beside the fire.'' I said.

''I thought this was something only the married couple do?'' Willow said, confused.

''Yes, but we've done it once before, and this day is for you too. We're doing it together. As a family.'' Peeta said.

Willow held Oakley on her knee, away from the fire, whilst we started it up. In a matter of minutes it had started blazing. Everyone cheered once the fire started to catch. Rye picked up the bread and held it over the fire, with Peeta's hand guiding him so he didn't get burnt. ''Wills do you want to do one?'' Peeta asked.

''Sure.'' So she herself, held the bread over, waiting for it to toast. Once the ritual was finished, we all started on some of the food. The old myth was right, you never really felt married until you'd had a toasting. And being able to do it twice, with our family, made it all the more special.

Whilst everyone was mingling, we went over and found Haymitch, my arm was hooked in Peeta's constantly. ''Effie, this is amazing, thankyou so much.'' I said.

''Oh it's my pleasure! Only the best!'' She gushed. We stood talking for a while about how far we'd all come, before leaving to talk to other people. Peeta left to go find some of his close work colleagues earlier on. As I walked off, I felt someone grab my arm.

''Sweetheart.'' I turned around and saw Haymitch there. ''Listen, I know in no way I could ever replace him, I'm not trying to be him, but I just want you to know you are and always have been like a daughter to me.'' That thought had been ticking through my mind for a few years now, I felt like if I allowed myself to think of Haymitch as a father figure, I'd be betraying him. But after many talks with my mother, I was slowly allowing myself to think like that.

''That doesn't mean I have to call you dad does it?'' I joked. Haymitch laughed, shaking his head.

''No, no. I just wanted you to know.'' Before I knew it, I'd taken him into a tight hug.

''I can never thank you enough Haymitch, for everything.''

''It's all been for you Sweetheart.''

''I know. We'll talk later? I should go mingle.'' I said, releasing him.

''See you later.'' He winked.

Before going to find anyone else, I quickly went to freshen up in the bathroom. I gently dabbed my face with water, being careful not to smudge my makeup, sprayed some perfume and left. As I came out, I collided with Gale. I knew he was about to apologise, but I also knew that he'd have a harsh tone to it, so without notice, I hugged him. ''Catnip.'' He sighed.

''How long are you going to continue calling me that?'' I asked, nudging him.

''I don't know.'' He said, releasing me. ''Congratulations by the way.''

''Thankyou.'' I replied, almost feeling guilty.

''You need him don't you?'' I couldn't tell if that was a question or a statement, but yes. I did. I nodded slowly. ''Well then, I'm happy for you both.'' He said. Gale, gently, placed a kiss on my cheek and then left to go inside the bathroom. I turned around and started walking down the hallway, back to where everyone was.

''Brainless!'' Johanna shouted across the room. She immediately enveloped me in a hug. After a minute of excited squeals, I pulled away.

''Woah, Jo! You look amazing.'' She was wearing an olive green gown, which clung to her waist, showing off her figure. Her hair was twisted up into a bun, but some strands were left loose.

''Oh thank you! Katniss you're glowing! You look gorgeous. Now come on, let's go party.'' She said as she dragged me off into the crowds of people.

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