Chapter 87

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With Tobi on the day of declaration of war

After creating an alliance with Kabuto, Tobi leads him underground and shows Kabuto his army of 100,000 White Zetsu in an underwater cavern beneath the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path.

Tobi went to his secret base where he met Kabuto.

So what could you help me with? Tobi asks Kabuto.

The Impure World Reincarnation!! 

That technique which that guy Orochimaru used in the hidden leaf against the third Hokage?

Well, it's a powerful jutsu that allows the user to reincarnate the dead by smearing their DNA on a special scroll. Once the scroll is activated, the remains spread out in the form of a special seal with the living sacrifice in the center. Then dust and ash encase the sacrifice's body, giving them the same appearance that the reincarnated had at the time of their death. The process is quite painful for the sacrifice. However, their chakra signature is completely overridden with the chakra of the one being reincarnated. Although the sacrifice is still technically alive so long as the technique is active, their body will die when the reincarnated soul is released.

The 2nd Hokage Tobirama Senju created this technique but he had 2 flaws. Firstly, the reincarnated souls were greatly diminished in power compared to when they were alive. Secondly, he could only control a small number at a time. Orochimaru improved upon Tobirama's work, but it was me who almost completely eliminated the flaws. My version of the technique brings the reincarnations much closer to their original level of power and I can control as many at a time as I wish to, resources permitting. I even believe it's the most powerful jutsu in history, as it requires no chakra from the user. At its strongest level, the reincarnated soul's personality is entirely eliminated. The summoner instead controls all of their actions, even permitting them to speak through the reincarnation or summon other reincarnated souls to their location.

In addition it would also work on the White Zetsus. On sacrificing one of them I could reanimate any dead shinobi who had special talents. Even your dead team members of the Akatsuki since I had collected the DNA of them when Orochimaru was working in it. We both are working for the same guy. It also lets us check on each other. So that none of us decides to betray our boss.

Hearing that Tobi got angry and says, " Are you mocking me?? Or perhaps doubting me?" 

Damn this guy is also a problem! The one who is gonna bring peace to the Ninja World is me not that old geesar. Thinks Tobi.

Kabuto quickly replied, "No, no! I wasn't doubting you, Tobi. I just thought you would be interested in learning about this technique, considering its immense power. With it, you could potentially bring back powerful allies or enemies to aid you in your mission for peace."

Tobi nodded thoughtfully. "I see. That could be both a strength and a weakness, depending on the situation. But overall, it seems like a valuable tool to have in our arsenal."

Tobi asks, " I would also like to know how to release the technique, what if you decide to betray me?"

Kabuto lied that the seals to release it are Dog → Horse → Tiger.

After few days on the day of the war

Tobi prepared his forces and mobilized the Zetsu army to face the 80,000-strong Allied Shinobi Forces, concealing their numbers by having them travel underground, with him leading from above. Muta Aburame discovered this strategy and informed the commanders, leading to an attack on a detachment of 20,000 White Zetsu soldiers by the Second and Fifth Divisions. Despite initial success, several thousand White Zetsu managed to continue their advance. In another attack, the White Zetsu Army, along with several other villains, appeared off the coast of the Land of Lightning and attacked Darui's First Division, forcing the Allied Shinobi Forces to alter their strategy.

When the Shinobi Alliance first encounters the White Zetsu Army, they are initially caught off guard by the Zetsus' ability to disguise themselves as their own comrades. However, they quickly adapt their tactics and begin to use jutsu that can distinguish between friend and foe. The alliance's strategy is to divide the army into smaller groups and attack them from multiple angles. They use a combination of long-range jutsu and close-combat techniques to overwhelm the enemy. Additionally, they use sensory ninja who are able to detect the presence of the Zetsus and expose their disguises. As the battle progresses, the alliance discovered that Tobi controlled the White Zetsu Army, adding urgency to the battle, and they worked harder to defeat the enemy. They emerged victorious, but not without significant casualties.

By the end of the first day of battle, half of Tobi's army, 50,000 out of 100,000 Zetsu soldiers, had been lost.

During the night, the White Zetsu clones used the Substitute Technique to infiltrate the enemy lines and kill various members of the Allied Shinobi Forces, causing conflict and chaos. However, when one of the Zetsu clones attempted to kill medical ninjas while disguised as Neji, they were discovered and stopped by Shizune. Shizune and her group believed that the White Zetsu clones were hybrid clones of Hashirama, but eventually deduced their true nature and reported it to the headquarters.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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