Chapter 1

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A 6-year-old boy named Naruto Uzumaki was running frantically through a crowd of people who were chasing him for no apparent reason. The only thing he had done was to paint the faces of the Hokages, hoping to gain some attention from the villagers who constantly ignored and verbally abused him. However, the villagers were now after him with a desire to hurt him badly enough that he would regret being born.

Despite their aggression, Naruto managed to escape their clutches and climbed up to sit on top of the Fourth Hokage's head. Laughing to himself, he felt a sense of triumph for having outsmarted the angry mob. Naruto was determined to become the Hokage himself one day and believed that he deserved respect and admiration from the people in the village.

However, Naruto had questions that he needed answers to, and he felt that the only person who could provide them was the Third Hokage. He made his way to the Hokage's office, but before he could enter, a guard who hated him just like the rest of the villagers stopped him. Despite the guard's reluctance, the Third Hokage allowed Naruto to enter his office.

Naruto wasted no time and asked the Hokage, "Why does everybody hate me? Why don't I have parents like others? Who were they?"

The Third Hokage sighed, "Naruto, I have already told you that they died in the war and cared deeply for you."

Naruto persisted, "I want to know who they were and why everyone hates me. It's time you tell me the truth."

The Third Hokage attempted to reassure Naruto that nobody hated him, and that they had discussed this many times before, but Naruto was insistent. He wanted to know the truth.

Meanwhile, the Nine-Tailed Fox that was sealed inside Naruto was listening in on the conversation, taking note of all the hardships that the boy had suffered. The Fox had been sealed in different Jinchurikis over the years, but being inside a child gave it a unique perspective on the world. The Fox realized that it was time to make contact with Naruto since he was still pure and innocent before being corrupted by the heartless humans in the village.

As Naruto left the office in tears, he ran blindly into a stranger on the street. The stranger accused Naruto of purposely bumping into him and began to beat and cut him. Some of the villagers joined in while others watched on, feeling reluctant to intervene due to their hatred for Naruto, who had attacked the village six years ago.

A member of the ANBU, wearing a dog mask, came to Naruto's aid and took him to the hospital, where the nurse was shocked by the boy's injuries but allowed him to stay after seeing the ANBU with him. The ANBU left the boy in the hospital, cursing the villagers who had hurt him but unable to do anything due to the council's control.

Naruto found himself in a strange place surrounded by water, and he could see a large gate with a shadowy figure behind it. Suddenly, a giant fox appeared before him and called out to him.

"Hey!" it said.

Naruto turned around to see the fox and was surprised by its appearance but he still had many unanswered questions about his past and why he was so hated by the people of the village.

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