Chapter 44

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WHAT?? Five Elemental seal. But that would cut off the link between you and Kuruma completely too along with messing up with your chakra control until you remove the seal.

Oh that no problem anyway its not like he is in here anyway. He is there only when I call him.

What do you mean he is not there ??

If you need me to tell you then you cut your Icha Icha time today as it will take a long while.

Alright gaki I know what is more important. So now start.

So did you remember when we first went to Mount Myuboko to visit the Toad Clan and I went somewhere alone.

Jiraiya nodded.

So it all started there.


Naruto met Fukasaku and Shima along with the whole Toad clan. He was still really amazed to feel Nature around him and then he remembered that he had to redesign the mindscape and now he was sure how he had to redesign his seal. He went into his mindscape.

Hey Kurama I was thinking of redesigning my mindscape from quite a long time so that you don't have to stay in this sewer. So how about this environment, where the Toad Clan lives it gives nature's vibes.

Its nice just like how the Fox Clan has.

Wait a minute you mean there is a fox clan too.

Of course there is. There is a clan of each animal in the summoning world. Just not all the animal clans interact with humans or there was never a summoner. The Fox Clan, Racoon Clan, the Octopus Clan, the Cat Clan are some of the examples which never had a summoner. Although Madara Uchiha and that Madara Uchiha wannabee did summon me they were not my Summoner. He just found a way of summoning me.

From what you have told me what I think is that you are telling me that the tailed beast's clan doesn't normally have a summoner since most of them vary of human.

That is half true some of tailed beasts' clans had human summoners. Saiken my six tailed sister is a slug and you know the Slug Clan already by Tsunade and Hinata. Also the Ape Clan although he had only one summoner till now which is the 3rd Hokage as you know. Only the tailed beasts can't be summoned. Just like Gamamaru of the Toad Clan. Although if you had the Fox summoning contract you could summon me although thats useless after we are in total sync. Not a bad idea to give you the Fox contract but you already have the Toad contract.

So a summoner could only have one summon?

Not really. This summoning realm works just like your world and if both clans are in alliance then the summoner could summon both clans but if the summoner has 2 contracts and if they are not in alliance then also it works but well lets just say that summoner has a lot of work to do as he had to do the all the work to create an alliance between the two clans.

Flashback ends

Meanwhile somewhere else

Sasuke Uchiha so you are here on the crime of having summoned two different clan summons who are not in alliance. Not only that you summoned the 2 clans who were enemies of each other. You should have known that Snakes and Hawks are enemies before summoning them. Said one of the elder Snake pissed.

If you passed all the tests then both clans will be in alliance from now on and we would be grateful to you to unite our clans but if you failed you need to be punished. Is that clear? Said an elder Hawk.

Why me?? How did I get stuck in this situation? I should have been content with just the Hawks. thought Sauke shedding anime tears.

Your task is that you have to find some another resource of food for Manda to eat which he likes instead of humans as his payment of getting summoned. Asked another elder Hawk.

All the Snake elders eyes widened it was something that they also wanted and which they knew is a feat quite impossible.

Yes the Snake Clan agrees with this request. Hell if you fulfilled this task you don't have to prove anymore.

Oh hell no. Why the hell I wanted 2 summons anyways? That Manda I remembered from Konoha's invasion how pissed he was on not getting enough humans as payment and how he threatened to even eat Orochimaru and how would I find something which he likes more than humans without making him annoyed. Thought Sasuke still anime crying.

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