"I don't know. We need to-"

Derek's exclamation was cut off by a pained gasp, blood spurting from his nose and mouth as he got lifted into the air, all helpless but to watch the Alpha twist his claws deeper into his back and toss him thirty feet into the brick wall.

She had seen a lot of Alphas in her life, but none quite as monsterous as this. This Alpha was a beast - quite literally. Standing at more than eight foot tall, completely shapeshifted from his once human form. Grotesque and hairy, more animal than human, the epitome of the word 'werewolf'. Hair and skin was pitch black, snout covering rows of sharp deadly teeth, with eyes as red as blood.

She was speechless for longer than she wanted to be, staring up into those glowing ruby red eyes, paralysed to the spot. That sense of familiarity returning, the longer she held his murderous gaze, the more angry she started feeling herself get.

She was jolted from her hyponotic stare by Stiles grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards the school, snapping her back to reality with a painful bang.

Oh god...


She was tripping over her own feet as Stiles kept pulling at her, determined to get her to safety as the Alpha started to lunge towards them but, as much as she joked about saving her own ass, she wouldn't ever do that. Not with family on the line. Not with Derek.

She screamed her cousins name desperately, escaping Stiles' grip as he tried to reach out for again but she was already flinging herself down the steps and running towards Derek's lifeless body, skidding to her knees next to him.

"Derek?" she exclaimed, giving his face down body a quick shake, "Derek, wake up!"

He was unresponsive, eyes half open and she reached around the collar of his leather jacket, desperately feeling for a pulse. It took a few seconds but she was sure she felt a faint flutter beneath her fingertips, her sigh of relief cut short by the Alpha's loud roar.

She spared a quick look over her shoulder, seeing the Alpha circle the jeep and Derek's car, his eyes flitting between her and the school doors where Stiles and Scott were hiding behind, their faces barely evident through the rectangle windows on the double doors.

She looked back down, rolling Derek over onto his back and tapped his cheek harshly, trying to wake him up.

"Derek... c'mon, don't do this" she whispered, "please wake up... Derek..."

This couldn't be happening again... it couldn't be happening again... it couldn't be happening again...

She shook his again, trying to get him to come to but when she pulled back her hands were covered in his dark crimson blood, his entire tee drenched.

"Dammit" she cursed under her breath, having nothing on her to stop the bleeding, wondering if she could run back to the car and get a blanket or something and, when she glanced back over her shoulder, she noticed the Alpha was gone.

She carefully stood up, glancing around warily. There was no way he would just take off after all that... there was no way. He had bigger plans, she knew. The hairs on the back of her neck standing on end proving that he was still near, most likely watching from a distance.

She cast one more sad look to Derek before deciding she would chance a quick trip to the car, hoping there would be something in there to help him.

She cast one more sad look to Derek before deciding she would chance a quick trip to the car, hoping there would be something in there to help him

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I'm No Werewolf (The Rewrite) // Stiles Stilinski x OCWhere stories live. Discover now