Chapter 105

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Chapter 105

    Within a few days, news came that the Empress Dowager was seriously ill.

    The emperor was furious, and summoned countless imperial physicians for diagnosis and treatment, but none of them could be cured. In the end, it was the imperial physician Qiu who saved the Queen Mother's life.

    The sky also cleared up, as if the coldness of the past few days was just a temporary illusion. In addition, the Empress Dowager was just recovering from a serious illness, and the Emperor Longyan was very happy, and a special autumn hunting was held.

    Changning Gong

    Su Yu flipped through the message from Wang Cheng, and couldn't help but bend her lips.

    Autumn hunting.

    Finally waited.     She turned her head and asked Chun Xia

    who was beside her, "Is the Anping Hou Mansion in     touch     ?     " Let's see if Feng Qingyun fits into this routine."     Su Yu tapped on the table intermittently, with a faint smile.     She doesn't ask for much, just settle down.     Feng Gong couldn't tolerate her, and Feng Qingyun couldn't tolerate her either.     She had no choice but to kill them before they could react.     As for who will take the throne after they are destroyed, she has never thought about it. She doesn't have many schemes, and Huo Shu is the only one.     The country and the throne are good, but if you become a generation of female emperors, there is no guarantee that Huo Shu will not think wildly.     That little fool has a sensitive temper, I'm afraid he will be in fear all day long.     Thinking of her, Su Yu curled her lips unconsciously.     In early November, the sky was sunny.     In the name of Qiushou, the emperor brought a group of concubines and left the capital in a mighty way.

    Jinnan has been a fertile land since ancient times, and it is also one of the places where emperors loved to travel. A palace was built when the first emperor was in power.

    As a queen, Su Yu was allocated the largest palace besides the emperor, regardless of whether she was favored or not.

    For this outing, not only the Prince Regent Feng Qingyun was invited, but also many children from aristocratic families, Miss Qianjin, and even Chen Beiji, the eldest son of the Prince of Zhenbei, was among them.

    It was evening when we arrived at the Jinnan Palace.

    Su Yu couldn't get used to sitting in a sedan chair, and was carried all the way. She was already very tired, so she took a bath and took a rest early.

    After not sleeping for a while, I heard the sound of running around in a panic from outside.

    "It's not good, the emperor was assassinated."

    "Come here, Imperial Physician Xuan."

    "Escort! Protect the emperor!"

    Su Yu turned over, but was still unable to sleep due to the noise, so she simply put on her clothes and got up.

    Chun Xia stepped forward, "Your Majesty, are you awake?"

    "It's hard for me to fall asleep with such noise."

    Su Yu sat down, and Chun Xia immediately poured a glass of water over and explained: "The emperor was assassinated, listen Fortunately, there was a flower beauty who blocked the arrow, so that it would not be..."

    "Flower beauty?"

    "Oh, it's the emperor's new favorite. The Zhaogui person offended the emperor with words before, and was thrown into the cold palace."

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