Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

    Su Yu?

    Huo Shu pursed his lips and paused unconsciously.

    Compared with a few days ago, she seemed to be a little thinner, and I don't know if it was an illusion.

    As if feeling something, those beautiful and indifferent eyes glanced over, then stood up, and said casually: "Director, if you have nothing to do, I'll go back first." The dean was irritated by her attitude, and patted the table

    , "You...didn't take the school's rules seriously. Believe it or not, I'll let you drop out of school just because you plagiarized this time?"

    Su Yu hummed and straightened up, "Then you quit." "

    You ..."

    "Teacher, she is talking nonsense, don't listen to her."

    Huo Shu clenched his hands, knocked on the door and entered the office, saying word by word: "I came here today to report something to you, Su Yu She didn't cheat, I don't know whose rumors you heard, but I was sitting behind her at the time, and I can testify." "Her

    test scores this time are all based on her real ability, without any external force. "

    Seeing her, the dean was stunned for a moment, "Student Huo Shu, you... don't talk nonsense, this matter is very important."

    He pushed his glasses and said in a deep voice: "You have to be responsible for what you say , This time, many students came to me to report her plagiarism, and we confirmed it after investigation." "Dare to ask the teacher, how did you


    This made the dean very dissatisfied, but look The person in front of him was a good student with excellent studies, so his expression softened slightly.

    "Naturally, I went to her previous school, investigated her usual academic performance, and compared it with the current one." "

    Teacher, previous academic performance doesn't mean anything. Can't one be allowed to make progress?"

    Huo Shu clenched his hand and asked again: "Did you not adjust the monitoring?"

    The dean coughed lightly, and said, "Student Huo Shu, you have to know that surveillance is a dead thing." Before he finished

    speaking, Huo Shu understood what he meant. He didn't believe Su Yu at all, even if surveillance Nothing was found, and he didn't believe she wasn't cheating.

    She turned her head, and the girl was playing with the keys boredly, with a relaxed expression.

    Huo Shu suddenly felt a little sad.

    Su Yu must feel very uncomfortable being misunderstood in this way.     She pursed her lips and suggested, "Teacher, if you want to test whether her grades are real, you just need to

    find another test paper with a similar difficulty and ask her to do it."

No cooperation."

    The dean's face darkened, and his tone was not kind, "We had a teacher call her before, but she never answered, so this can be characterized as a guilty conscience." Huo Shu was stunned for a moment, and asked:

    " Why didn't you answer the phone?"

    The girl yawned with a sleepy look, "I didn't see it."

    The dean's face sank again, "You..."

    "Teacher, I'll go out with her and come in later .”

Today I also want to be the male lead's rival in love (quick time travel)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat