Chapter 40 Rent a shop

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After Lu Jing came out of Nan Qi's house, she first went to Yun Tang Restaurant to say hello to Shopkeeper Wang and explained the situation, and then went to the street, intending to go shopping and buy some delicious food for Brother Yun to take back.

Candied gourds, fried chestnuts in sugar, pastries from Biyunzhai, fruits from Dianfangzhai... He bought as he walked, and soon he had a lot in his hand.

Lu Jing never cared about money when buying things for Brother Yun. He thought about Brother Yun's uncomfortable appearance in the morning, and just wanted to buy more delicious food to make him happy.

He is wearing the new clothes that Brother Yun sewed for him today. Compared with the cold dark clothes in the past, the light blue robe looks more gentle and handsome. In addition, he just got married yesterday, and now he thinks of Brother Yun when he was a child. Smiling, and despite wearing muslin gowns instead of brocades, she looked impressive.

Most of the boys and girls on the street were sneaking glances at him, but he didn't notice it. After walking more than half of the long street, he looked at the food in his left and right hands and felt that it was almost the same, so he turned and walked out of the city.

He remembered the reluctance in brother Yun's eyes when he saw him off in the morning, and he became more and more eager to return, and his pace quickened a bit.

He was clearly walking well, but suddenly a person appeared from nowhere in front of him, and he was about to fall into his arms. Lu Jing stopped dangerously, and almost touched the person who fell to the ground with his toes. He looked down and breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he didn't touch it.

He looked down at the person on the ground. He was wearing a light yellow top and a light blue skirt, but he didn't look like a woman. Presumably he was a little brother.

The timing of this person's upside-down is really strange. He has seen too many similar tricks of throwing arms and hugs in the last days. At the beginning, he kindly reached out to help, but every time he made his whole body feel bloody.

Later, he developed a superb tea tasting skill, and his whole body was covered with crooked ways and evil ways. Don't beat me. The comrades who fought with him laughed at him for being cold-tempered. If he has wine and is drunk today, no one knows how long he will live. It's okay to come to enjoy it, he just smiled gently and didn't make excuses.

It was also because of this habit that he didn't reach out to support this little brother immediately.

Zhang Lingshu discovered Lu Jing the first time he appeared on the street. Ever since he was at the Rouge shop a few months ago, he has never forgotten that gentle and handsome man. No news.

He has a pungent personality, and he will do whatever he can to get what he wants since he was a child, and he rarely misses it. The moment he saw Lu Jing on the street again, he knew he couldn't miss this opportunity.

He quickly came up with a plan, intending to be a hero to save the beauty first, and he would naturally get in touch with him. He was very confident that with his appearance and family background, this man would definitely be in his pocket.

Everything was well planned, he has been familiar with flopping since he was a child, and all the concubine sisters in the family have suffered from him, but what he didn't expect was that this man didn't reach out to help him and let him fall firmly. to the ground.

He calculated that he would not fall to the ground, so he didn't pay attention to adjusting the angle, and when he really fell to the ground, it was too late.

The skin on his palm was worn out, and it hurt hotly. His delicate skin and tender flesh were rarely injured, so just such an injury made his eyes turn red instantly.

He followed his plan, sat up and touched his ankle pretending to be in pain, then looked up at Lu Jing pitifully, "Master, my foot seems to be sprained, can you please take me to the hospital?" "

Zhang Lingshu's appearance is indeed good, with fair skin, exquisite and small features, a pair of big eyes looking up at people with tears in their eyes, and many people on the street felt compassion.

However, Lu Jing was more certain about the guess in his heart, and he smiled gently: "If the male brother can accept kissing, it would be safer for you to ask other younger brothers to help."

An old woman next to him persuaded: "Since his ankle is sprained, he will definitely not be able to walk. How can my little brother move him? I don't care about saving people. I think he is in severe pain, so I'd better send him away quickly." Go, if someone gossips auntie, I will scold you back."

The younger brother glanced at the aunt gratefully, then turned his head to look at Lu Jing with aggrieved and expectant eyes, and the men next to him were all secretly regretting why it wasn't that he happened to meet the younger brother and fell on the ground In front of him, I wish I could do it myself.

Lu Jing remained unmoved.

He smiled politely, and took a step back, "I have a husband in my family. If you let him know that he might be jealous, everyone is willing to help you. If I have something to do, I will go ahead." He said

loudly Stepping out of the crowd, after such a short while, the spectators have formed a circle.

Zhang Lingshu's face froze. The last time I heard that he was buying hand cream for his younger brother, he didn't expect that he already had a husband, but even if he already had a husband, so what? Help yourself so that you can't get off the stage?

Zhang Lingshu was pretending at first, but now that his hands hurt and he was humiliated, he felt aggrieved from the bottom of his heart. Seeing him crying, everyone condemned Lu Jing for being unkind, but a young woman in the crowd sneered and said: " People have said that it is inconvenient to help if you have a family, are you deaf?"

The men were a little embarrassed, in their opinion, having a family does not prevent them from drinking flowers and wine, let alone this beautiful little brother Sending him to the hospital was something they couldn't wish for, so the one who was willing to avoid suspicion like Lu Jing became the one who didn't fit in. They condemned him with one voice, and they felt a little embarrassed by being so straightforward.

But how could they feel that they were wrong, and immediately retorted loudly: "What did the little lady say, that if you have a family, you can't save people?" "That's right." "



Responses sounded one after another, the little lady rolled her eyes, she was too lazy to argue with them, turned and left.

Zhang Lingshu originally heard that everyone said that Lu Jing was wrong, so he felt that he saved some face. After the woman finished saying that, the two sides became more and more crooked. Even the eyes of the onlookers were a little wrong. He seemed to be put on fire. The play was halfway through, but the other person had already escaped. Fortunately, his maid Xiaoyue saw that something was wrong, so she hurried forward to make a rescue.

Xiaoyue cried and ran to Zhang Lingshu's side, "Master, what's the matter with you? I was just buying a piece of cake for the young master, so why did the young master fall down..." Zhang Lingshu breathed a sigh of relief, stopped crying for the time being, and performed a full set of plays

, He told Xiaoyue: "I just accidentally fell down, and now I can't walk because my ankle is sprained. Go home and ask them to use a sedan chair to carry me to the hospital." Xiaoyue nodded and ran away

. When they were done, they all dispersed. It's just that some people are still unwilling to leave, lingering and unwilling to leave, wanting to see if there is anything they can use.

Zhang Lingshu still looked weak and pitiful on the surface, but he gritted his teeth secretly. He didn't believe that he still couldn't get what he wanted.

Lu Jing stepped out of the crowd and went straight to the place where the ox cart was parked. He usually prefers to walk home by himself, but today he wanted to go home early, so he planned to take the ox cart, but it was delayed for a while, and he didn't know if the ox cart had left. Walk.

Fortunately, he was lucky, there was only one empty seat left in the bullock cart, and he set off without much delay after getting on the cart.

Lu Jing sat down and exhaled, and finally caught up. He thought that he would see Brother Yun soon, and there was a smile in his eyes.

The people in the same car laughed at him when they saw his cheerful face, and he responded with a smile.

Everyone saw that he had bought so much food to carry, just candied haws, the pastries of Biyunzhai and the fruits of Dianfangzhai were rare things for the villagers, and they would only buy them to taste during the festivals. That's all it takes to buy one.

They envied Lu Jing's family background in their hearts, and said with a relationship: "You bought the pastry from Biyunzhai. I like his mung bean cake the most. It has a delicate taste and you won't get tired of it no matter how much you eat it!" I've only bought it a few times, so I'm just trying to save face.

Lu Jing smiled, "I haven't eaten it either, it looks good and I bought it for Brother Yun to taste."

Everyone was tsk tsk in their hearts, Lu Liehu really loves people, and Brother Yun is really lucky to marry him .

Everyone teased Lu Jing a few words, those who have younger brothers and daughters in the family were all scratching their heads with regret, such a good husband and son-in-law could not be caught by their own children right in front of them.

During the first six months of Lu Jing's arrival, no one cared about him. Even if some of Lu Jing's younger brothers and girls occasionally saw pictures of him as good-looking, they went to tell the family members, but because their parents said he was worthless, they stopped thinking about it. It's so regretful that my intestines are green.

But since Lu Jing already has a family, normal people in the village would not send their sons and daughters to be concubines.

Now everyone is even more curious about how Lu Jing makes money, but the way people in the village make money must be covered up, and it is shameless to ask hastily, so everyone just asked around: "Lu hunters need to recruit apprentices for hunting. Is that boy in my family very strong and obedient, if you tell him to go east, he will never go west."

The rest are not far behind, "My boss is not bad either, he is tall and strong. A good player."

"My nephew..."

Lu Jing couldn't laugh or cry, why did everyone come to learn hunting from him? He listened to everyone recommending his own child, but he replied helplessly: "I won't accept apprentices for the time being."

Everyone was a little disappointed, but they didn't say anything.

When the ox cart arrived in the village, Lu Jing bid farewell to all the uncles and aunts. It was the same thing when he was not familiar with everyone before, but now everyone has had a wedding at his house, so there are more human contacts, but he also Don't hate it, most people in the village are still good.

He got out of the car and walked quickly to the house. The door of the house was closed, because few acquaintances would come to the house to rush through the door, and his house was not open at any time like most of the houses in the village.

Lu Jing reached out and knocked on the door, and soon heard footsteps coming from the courtyard.

After Lu Jing left, Brother Yun felt that his back was so sore that he couldn't sit still after copying the book for a while. He hesitated for a while, but still succumbed to his inner desire and returned to the bed to lie down.

He was ashamed and annoyed, feeling that he was worthless. It was common for the daughters-in-law in the village to work in the fields on the first day after entering the house. When did he become so squeamish?

He thought about it carefully, it seemed that since he was injured last time, Big Brother Lu didn't let him do heavy work anymore, and Big Brother Lu took care of all the chopping wood and carrying water.

He was supposed to take care of watering and pulling weeds in the vegetable field in the backyard. This was also the agreement between the two of them when he first moved in: he was responsible for growing vegetables and cooking, and Lu Jing provided other ingredients. Later, Lu Jing also took the initiative to take him down.

It seems that since then, Big Brother Lu took the initiative to cross the clear line that was agreed before, and gradually got used to him into what he is today. He has never asked Big Brother Lu when he fell in love with him. Now it seems to suddenly understand.

Those seemingly careless cares, those gentle teasing with a smile, turned out to be liking.

Brother Yun seemed to have a sip of honey all of a sudden, and he was happy on the bed for a while, even the embarrassment of being tossed by Lu Jing last night faded a bit, he felt that he had almost rested, so he got up to copy books again, back and forth, At the end of the day, the rest of the books were basically copied.

He looked at the sky and was about to go to the kitchen to cook when he heard a knock on the door.

After getting along for a few months, he could even distinguish Lu Jing's knock on the door. Now he recognized that the person outside was Lu Jing, and he ran to the door briskly.

Brother Yun opened the door, and it was indeed Lu Jing who was outside the door. He was holding things in both hands and looked at him with a smile. Brother Yun couldn't help smiling when he saw him.

The two smirked at the door for a while, Lu Jing took Brother Yun into the door, he handed the food to Brother Yun, turned around and locked the courtyard door.

Brother Yun was about to ask how he was doing today, so he turned around and kissed him. Lu Jing's kiss was no longer as restrained as it was before the marriage, but was tossed and grinded until Brother Yun became soft. waist.

Lu Jing noticed Brother Yun slipping down, grabbed him and pressed him against the courtyard wall, with the other hand covering the back of Brother Yun's head, and continued to kiss him lingeringly, Brother Yun's mind turned into a paste, thinking If you ask, you don't know where you flew.

He heard people walking outside the courtyard wall, and the voice of Aunt Wu greeting people seemed to ring in his ears, Brother Yun couldn't help but froze.

Lu Jing noticed it, stepped back and licked his lips tenderly, and the hand protecting the back of his head gently pinched his neck in a comforting sense.

Brother Yun felt a pang in his heart, and slowly relaxed again. He didn't know how long they had kissed at the door, and when he was let go, he could only lean against Lu Jing's arms and gasp for breath.

Lu Jing looked down at Brother Yun who was panting with a flushed face, and the look in his eyes darkened.

Brother Yun felt that something was not right, he was puzzled for a moment, then thought of what it was, he was no longer the ignorant little brother yesterday, he thought of last night, and silently moved his body away.

Although it is daytime now, based on his understanding of Lu Jing, he is not a person who follows the rules at all. If he continues, he may really fail.

Lu Jing noticed his dodge, and pulled him back amusedly, "Are you so afraid of me?"

Brother Yun felt that his presence became more and more obvious, and he couldn't tell if he was not afraid.

Lu Jing really panicked now, is his technique so bad? Brother Yun was only afraid of this matter. Brother Yun wanted to run, but he held down Brother Yun to keep him from moving.

Brother Yun thought that he might be taken back to the house in the next step, and was about to struggle again when he heard Lu Jing's tense voice, "Brother Yun, tell me the truth, I did a great job last night. Is it bad?"

Brother Yun was stunned for two seconds, and his face that had just calmed down suddenly turned red again, why did Brother Lu...why did he even ask this kind of thing, how did he answer this...

Lu Jing is now in a dilemma Doubting his ability, he insisted on getting Brother Yun to give him an answer, but Brother Yun tried to avoid failure, so he held his chin and raised his face.

Lu Jing said seriously: "Brother Yun, tell me quickly, you tell me what is wrong so I can change it."

Seeing that he would not give up until he got the answer, Brother Yun seemed to swear that he would not give up until he got the answer, so he gave an answer in a low voice : "Brother Lu did a great job..."

After finishing speaking, he felt that his face could be boiled. How could Brother Lu say such things in the yard in broad daylight? It's too embarrassing.

His voice was not much louder than that of a mosquito, but Lu Jing still heard it clearly, he was relieved, and because Brother Yun praised him for being happy, he kissed Brother Yun loudly on the face.

But he turned around and asked suspiciously: "Then why are you afraid of me?"

Brother Yun began to give up on himself after the shame passed that point, and he said truthfully: "You were too fierce last night, and my whole body was sore. "

He said with a coquettish tone unconsciously, "After copying for a while today, I feel that my back is so sore that I can't sit still."

Lu Jing couldn't stand Brother Yun's acting like a baby, so he quickly coaxed: "It's all my fault, I will give Brother Yun a massage in a while, and I will take you to town tomorrow, so we won't copy books." Brother Yun nodded obediently,

anyway His book has also been copied.

Seeing that it was getting late, brother Yun wanted to break away from Lu Jing's arms and cook, but Lu Jing refused to let him do it, pushed him back to the main room, and put a soft cushion on the stool for him to sit on. with pastries.

Brother Yun was unwilling, so Lu Jing took the next best thing, and put a small bench for him in the kitchen, and asked him to stay with him there.

The stove house in the new home is much more spacious and bright, and it is also very clean. Brother Yun ate the cake and looked at Lu Jing who was cooking hard. He hesitated for a while, but carefully pinched a piece of cake, walked over and handed it to Lu Jing's mouth side.

What he has learned since he was a child is restraint. This is the first time he has taken the initiative to do such an intimate thing. He blushed a little, seeing Lu Jing's surprised eyes when he turned his head, but felt that he had done the right thing.

Lu Jing swallowed the pastry, smiled at Brother Yun, "I don't like to eat such sweet ones, you can sit down and eat by yourself, don't worry about me." Lu Jing had learned a lot of

dishes before, but only chili fried pork and paella The cucumber was barely better. He was afraid that brother Yun would feel uncomfortable after eating spicy food, so he only put a little chili. In the end, without the chili, the seasoning taste was naturally worse.

Lu Jing sighed, it's better to earn more money and hire someone to cook, he is really powerless, he can eat anything, but he doesn't want to wrong Brother Yun to follow him to eat these.

After eating, it was already dark, Lu Jing washed the dishes, and the two of them went back to the room after washing in the bathroom next to the hot water on the stove. Lu Jing thought that brother Yun was uncomfortable, so he asked him to go to bed and lie down. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he rubbed Brother Yun's body, and at the same time told Brother Yun about Nan Qi.

After listening to Lu Jing's description and Lu Jing's conjecture about Nan Qi's experience, Brother Yun felt a little sad, and finally he was relieved when he heard that Lu Jing advanced the medical treatment money to Nan Qi.

Lu Jing said: "Tomorrow we will go to the town to look at the shop. We don't have enough money now. Let's rent one and use it first. The embroiderers and fabrics are all ready. Let's open as soon as possible." Brother Yun nodded, and he listened to Lu Jing talking to the shop

. I also looked forward to the plan in my heart. The clothes designed by Brother Lu are so beautiful, and their shop business will definitely be very good.

After finishing talking, Lu Jing turned on the light and went to bed. Brother Yun was still feeling uncomfortable, he didn't want to do anything to him, so he just kissed him lightly, and fell asleep with his arms around Brother Yun.

The next day, when Brother Yun woke up, he felt much more refreshed. Lu Jing saw that his movements were much more agile than yesterday. He thought that the massage last night should be very effective. He secretly made a note, and he must help Brother Yun rubbed it to save him from feeling uncomfortable the next day.

The two ate breakfast and set off hand in hand.

Lu Jing had to pay attention to avoiding suspicion when he was not married before, but after he got married, he was completely unscrupulous. He held Brother Yun's hand tightly and prevented him from breaking free. Brother Yun tried to resist several times to no avail, and then gave up on himself.

The villagers I met on the road would make a few good-natured jokes when they saw how sticky they were. Brother Yun was thin-skinned, and after a few times, he almost got behind Lu Jing and hid tightly.

Seeing that he was really shy, Lu Jing would speak first when meeting someone later, "Brother Yun is thin-skinned, don't make fun of him." The

other party smiled and stopped talking.

Lu Jing squeezed Brother Yun's hand, and walked with him towards the bullock cart at the entrance of the village.

Everyone in the bullock cart saw the two of them holding hands and was about to joke, but was cut off by Lu Jing, so they stopped talking and just expressed their love for each other.

Brother Yun didn't want to take the bullock cart at first, but Lu Jing said that he was not feeling well, so he insisted on bringing him here.

The two of them arrived in the town at the end of the day, and Lu Jing took Brother Yun to the dental shop directly. The dental shop in the town is not big. When she was embroidering her mother, Lu Jing thought it was impossible to go to the dental clinic in the county.

A short dental man in the dental shop received Lu Jing and the two. This was introduced by the shopkeeper Wang to Lu Jing yesterday. If he wanted to rent a shop, he should go directly to this dental man. He had already said hello.

The Yaman's surname is Yang, and he is very eloquent. He has been entrusted by the shopkeeper Wang, so he will do things well for the two of them.

Lu Jing told Yang Yaren the requirements for the shop, and Yang Yaren thought about it, and then told Lu Jing three shops.

The first shop is on the main street. The shop is small, but the rent is the most expensive, three taels of silver a month.

The second shop is on the street where Yuntang restaurant turns into. The shop is not very big, but the yard behind it is big, and it costs two taels of silver a month.

The third shop is the most remote, with a large shop and yard, and only twenty taels of silver a year.

After hearing this, Lu Jing preferred the latter two. The yard needs to store goods, and also needs to renovate the fitting room and VIP reception room. There must be enough space, and there must be room for people to stay and let people guard the shop and goods.

The first shop was the closest, so Yang Yaren took them to the first shop first. Coincidentally, the shop happened to be right next to Liuyun Cloth Village. Lu Jing couldn't help but laugh. Otherwise, others would think that he was robbing the business, and they would have to settle the feud before the business was done.

They took a look, and found that the shop was indeed too small, with more people, it was difficult to even turn around. According to Lu Jing, this place is suitable for a cold drink shop, and it is still the kind that does not have dine-in.

Yaren then took them to the second shop, which was much brighter, with two big fronts, enough fabrics and ready-made clothes, and the rare thing is that the backyard is also big enough, which fully meets Lu Jing's requirements .

In his heart, he felt that this was almost the same, but he followed the dentist to see the last one.

The last shop is bigger and newer, and the yard suits Lu Jing's liking, but he looked at the surrounding traffic, it is too sparse, and it is not a short distance from the main street, even if the tailor shop mainly relies on repeat customers, it is so open Families far away may occasionally feel that they are too far away and don't want to come, and lose business in vain.

Lu Jing discussed with Brother Yun and finally decided on the second one.

Lu Jing did fulfill his promise. After getting married, the money box was handed over to Brother Yun for safekeeping, so Brother Yun knew exactly how much money he had. When he learned that he was going to rent a shop today, Brother Yun gave away the second part of the bride price. Twelve taels were also brought to him.

Lu Jing had a total of forty taels of silver on him, so he asked Yaren to communicate with the owner of the shop, and finally negotiated a settlement every six months.

After the settlement was made, a deed was signed to settle the money. The Yaman took the deed to stamp it, and soon returned the stamped deed to the two of them.

After finishing the work, Yaren left. Lu Jing and Brother Yun looked at the empty storefront, looked at each other happily and smiled.


The author has something to say:

Xiao Lu: Doubt about life

Yun Zai: ...

Fu Lang told me not to mess upOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora