Chapter 69 Wuzhou

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The two reached a consensus in silence, Lu Jing put away the letter and returned to the room, Brother Liu saw Lu Jing came back, stood up and said: "Master, I'm going to heat the goat's milk, the young master should eat." Lu

Jing Nodding his head, he took over the task of taking care of his wife and children.

Brother Liu didn't leave for a long time when Xiaotuanzi in the crib moved and opened his eyes.

His eyes are very similar to Lu Jing's, the pupils are like black glass beads, and he is looking at Lu Jing innocently at this time, Lu Jing stares at him calmly for two seconds, just about to praise that the baby is so good, knowing that he is not noisy When Dad was sleeping, he would cry loudly.

Lu Jing: ...

He hurried forward and tried to hug him, fearing that he would wake up Brother Yun. As a result, he felt that something was wrong no matter how he hugged a child before, and was afraid of breaking him, so he put it down again with a frown.

Xiaotuanzi probably thought he was being tricked, and cried even harder.

Lu Jing patted him to comfort him, but it didn't work, so he simply withdrew his hand. He could see clearly that this kid was howling without tears.

He turned around, and Brother Yun was indeed awakened.

He clearly saw the process of his failure to coax the cub, and there was still a smile in his eyes.

Brother Liu opened the door with goat milk and walked in. He skillfully picked up the baby and sat at the table to nurse him. Although he had no children before, he brought all the children in the family, so he carried the baby to feed him. They are very skilled.

Xiaotuanzi stopped howling immediately when he tasted the milk, and ate mouthful after mouthful.

Lu Jing saw that Brother Liu could handle it, so he went to the bed and sat down, he touched Brother Yun's hand outside the quilt, and felt relieved when he felt it was warm, "Is there any discomfort? "

Only then did Brother Yun look away from the baby, and he shook his head, feeling a little pain in his body, but it was not severe.

Now he is refreshed all over, lying in the warm blanket, with Lu Jing and the child beside him, his heart is at ease, and the physical discomfort does not seem so unbearable.

Seeing his eyes drifting away again, Lu Jing knew that he wanted to see the child, but Brother Liu was still breastfeeding the child and couldn't hold it now, so Lu Jing told him something else to divert his attention.

"You have struggled for so long, can you choose a good name now?"

Brother Yun originally wanted Lu Jing to name it, but Lu Jing said that Brother Yun should come up with it. Brother Yun thought about Xiao Mo's name, but finally gave up This idea, I decided to come by myself.

But he attached so much importance to this matter that he thought of many names but felt that it was not the one he liked the most, so he dragged it on until now.

Hearing Lu Jing's question, Brother Yun lowered his head and thought for a while, "Let's call it Lu Zhen, and his nickname is Zhenzhen." The baby was born when he learned the truth, and he also hopes that one day the truth will be revealed to the world.

Lu Jing understood what he meant, and reached out to hold his hand, "Don't worry, we will definitely get justice for mother and grandfather."

Brother Yun nodded, he knew that the culprit of all this was Su Yuquan, He wants to watch his tall building collapse, instead of killing himself with hatred.

While talking, Brother Liu had already finished feeding the baby and brought the baby over. Lu Jing moved away and asked him to put the baby next to Brother Yun. noisy.

Brother Yun's eyes were full of love, and he reached out to tease him, Lu Jing told Brother Liu to go down to rest, and he would take care of him at night.

Brother Liu carefully taught Lu Jing how to feed and cook milk, and then went back to rest.

Lu Jing looked at one big and one small on the bed, and a faint smile appeared in her eyes.

Yunhuazhai just launched the winter ready-to-wear album at the end of last month, and the freshness of everyone has not yet passed. Today, the shopkeeper smiled and took out a new album to introduce to everyone.

Everyone looked at it curiously, and found that the album was full of baby products, from clothes and shoes to hats and socks, as well as quilts and dolls.

What's rare is that the style and color scheme are very cute, and I haven't seen it before. Not to mention that there are children at home, even Mrs. Fu Lang, who has no children, likes it.

The embroidery room has already produced the first batch of finished products, which were sold out on the day it was launched together with the album.

Those who have children buy them for their own children, and those without children buy them as gifts. Small dolls sell faster than other things. Many masters and ladies like them. They are sold out just after noon. People who came to ask later learned that the finished products sold After finishing, you can only place an order for customization.

The shopkeeper was grinning from ear to ear, and the profit of the shop almost doubled that day.

The guests who were acquainted with Lu Jing and his wife knew that Brother Yun would be born this month, so they said with emotion: "I'm afraid Boss Lu designed these for his upcoming child, otherwise he would never have seen him draw them before." "Yes

, Boss Lu is not only good to Fu Lang, but also to the children." "

It would be better if there are more styles, I like every one of them, and my girl has already bought a whole set of that doll." "

Also It must be Yunhuazhai, my sister-in-law who came from Fucheng has never seen these novelties, and she likes them very much." "..." There is a wharf in Tingyun County, and some merchants have taken a fancy to Yunhuazhai


one-size-fits-all before. Ready-to-wear, resold.

Yunhuazhai does not do wholesale, so even if they buy a lot, the price will not be cheap, at most there is only a discount price of the senior membership card, so the price they get is not low.

But they were clever, and they knew the prices in various places, so they shipped the ready-made clothes to the state capitals that hadn't opened Yunhuazhai branch yet.

Yunhuazhai's ready-made clothes can make money as long as they can be bought first-hand. Now every time a new product comes out, they will order some and sell it. It's just that Yunhuazhai's ready-made clothes are always in stock, and they can't buy much every time. .

After the new batch of baby products came out, merchants came to order one after another. The baby products are relatively small and the production cycle is short. They can buy more, and many adults like dolls and dolls.

Some shops in Tingyun County couldn't buy them, so I didn't hesitate to go a little farther to buy them in shops in the town. In short, after being snapped up by everyone, Yunhuazhai's baby products also fell short of supply.

In Lu's study, Brother Yun held Zhenzhen in his arms and watched Lu Jing's drawing. The dolls sold unexpectedly well, and Lu Jing took advantage of this trend to create more styles.

A few days have passed since Xisan, Zhenzhen is no longer the wrinkled and wrinkled appearance when she was born, and has become white and tender, quite cute.

He doesn't make a fuss, just sits still when he's full, and looks cute and cute.

Yunfei came to the study, and before he could say something serious, he was attracted by Zhenzhen. He stretched out his hand to take Zhenzhen over. Zhenzhen smelled like milk and was beautiful. Yunfei couldn't put it down. I feel more and more reluctant to be real.

He stretched out a finger for Zhenzhen to grasp, and couldn't help but ask boldly: "Brother Yun, why don't you come and live in Yunzhou with me for a while? I'll send a letter to ask them to prepare goat milk and things that Zhenzhen needs to use. I promise Let you father and son stay comfortably."

Lu Jing paused, looked up at Yunfei, smiled and said, "I'm not dead yet?"

Yunfei curled his lips, knowing in his heart that Brother Yun would probably not agree, so he lowered his head and said truthfully, "Why don't you follow me?" Let me go, I see that you two fathers are tired all day long, and I will teach you badly when the time comes."

I really don't know why, seeing Yunfei talking to him seriously, Xu Shi responded to him with a grin.

Yunfei was so heartbroken by his laughter, he also smiled softly at him.

Yun Fei was about to continue saying something to tease him, when Lu Jing's cool voice came from the side, "If you like children, give birth to one yourself, don't show this kind of expression to my son all day long, he looks creepy."

Brother Yun saw that the two were about to quarrel again, so he hurriedly said, "We'll go play with little uncle when Zhenzhen is older. I haven't been to Yunzhou yet."

Yunfei didn't bother to argue with Lu Jing, Instead, talk to Brother Yun about the scenery and food in Yunzhou, and try to hook Brother Yun and Zhenzhen to Yunzhou.

Yunfei has been in Zhexi Town for more than ten days, and he needs to make decisions on many things about Yanyunbu, and he can't delay any longer.

These days, Yunfei also told the two of them the current situation of Cloth in detail. The cloth market in Yunzhou and Huanzhou has been basically occupied by Yanyun Cloth, and he plans to continue to expand to neighboring counties in the next step.

At the workshop, he arranged for people to try to continue to improve the Yun family's dyeing secret method. With the ideas provided by Lu Jing, some results have been achieved now. After they finally make satisfactory results, they will Use the new dyeing method to dye the cloth, and then this batch of cloth will be the first to be supplied to Yunhuazhai.

At that time, with the fame of Yunhuazhai, Xinbu will surely become famous soon.

Several people have the same goal, Lu Jing and Brother Yun don't stay with Yunfei too much, they spend a lot of time together in the future, and now they have more important things to do.

Winter goes to spring, and it's half a year in a blink of an eye.

After having a baby and buying another person, the original house became a bit small, but before Nan Qi specially bought the house next to the Lu family, brother Yun didn't want to move away.

If you don't move, you can only expand, but the town is no better than the village, and there is another family on the other side. The house of that family is more than twice the size of the Lu family now, which is exactly what Lu Jing wanted.

The house was empty and unoccupied, so Lu Jing went to talk to the owner of the house and bought it without a hitch. Lu Jing opened up the two houses and repaired them again.

In the original house, a lotus pond was dug, but it was not planted well, and it looked not much better than the waste water pond. Lu Jing asked someone to renovate it, and built a lake pavilion. It's perfect to enjoy the cool air.

It is now the end of May and the weather is already hot.

A layer of blankets was spread on the floor of the Lake Pavilion in the Lu Mansion, and some dolls and a few wooden toys were scattered on it. The edges and corners of the toys were rounded, and the tentacles were round. One could tell that they were for children to play with. of.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from far and near, and brother Yun walked into the gazebo dressed in apricot color and holding a small dumpling in the same color as him in his arms.

Brother Yun put Zhenzhen on the carpet, and sat aside himself.

He just came back from Yunhuazhai. Today, he is wearing a parent-child outfit prepared by Lu Jing. He is really wearing a small beige-colored robe. Both his and Lu Jing's clothes are also apricot-colored in a large area, and the styles of the clothes are different. , Standing together is very harmonious, and one can tell that it is a family at a glance.

Sure enough, the customers in the shop were full of praise when they saw it. Everyone in this family is very beautiful, and a stop in the shop is simply a living sign.

The guests were itching to see it, and they were also opened up to new ideas, so they ordered several sets of parent-child outfits on the spot.

It really perfectly inherited the advantages of Lu Jing and Brother Yun, the nose and lips are like Brother Yun, but the pair of peach blossom eyes seem to be carved out of the same mold as Lu Jing, when staring at people and laughing, they can make people smile heartily It's all gone.

Every time I take him to the store, all the wives and husbands will be overwhelmed with love, and the ones that are really worn will be sold out on the same day.

Lu Jing recently figured out a parent-child outfit, and today I asked Brother Yun to wear it with Zhenzhen and him in the shop, and it worked really well.

After walking around the shop, Lu Jing had other things to do, so Brother Yun took Zhenzhen home first.

The weather in May, Brother Yun already felt very hot, Lu Jing spread a carpet and put a small couch in the Huxin Pavilion, and now he spends his free time in the Huxin Pavilion.

As soon as Zhenzhen was put on the blanket, he crawled over and hugged his favorite big carp doll. After hugging him in his arms, he showed two toothless gums to Brother Yun.

Brother Yun also smiled at him, seeing that he was having fun, he took the book from the couch next to him and continued to read.

Zhenzhen played by himself for a while, crawled over and threw himself on Brother Yun's lap, raised his head to look at Brother Yun, Brother Yun saw him trying to open his mouth wide, knew that he was hungry, so he pulled the chair next to the pavilion. bell.

Brother Liu quickly warmed up the milk and came over. He really looked at the milk in Brother Liu's hand, and danced happily to Brother Liu.

Brother Yun smiled and nursed him, and couldn't help being amused in his heart. He was really happy for everyone who brought him milk, except Lu Jing.

At the beginning, the two of them didn't notice it, but when Zhenzhen grew up a bit, Lu Jing realized that when Zhenzhen was facing him, he was wow wow, and when he was facing Brother Yun, he was smiling happily.

Lu Jing always wondered if the daily communication with Brother Yun when he was pregnant with him had the opposite effect, making this cub who was less than one year old so rebellious.

Lu Jing now has to quarrel with Zhenzhen every day. After the quarrel, Zhenzhen didn't say anything, so Lu Jing went to put his arms around Brother Yun and complained. Seeing the two of them sticking together, I really want to In the past, every time, Lu Jing deliberately left him in the crib, unable to get out even if he wanted to.

Brother Yun often feels that he has brought two cubs, but Lu Jing is a very reliable father other than being coquettish and complaining every day to get cheap.

Zhenzhen is not a fussy baby, most of the time he sleeps until dawn, but occasionally he will wake up in the middle of the night when he feels uncomfortable. Lu Jing sleeps on the outside of the bed, and always gets up before Brother Yun wakes up. It's true, breastfeeding and changing diapers are very skillful.

After half a year of giving birth, brother Yun ate well and slept soundly, and Lu Jing took care of him according to Dr. Wang's precautions manual. Now his body has recovered to the same level as before.

Outsiders don't know much about the affairs of the Lu family's inner house, but it's not like they haven't heard a few words. Everyone lamented that Lu Jing treated Brother Yun so well that it was unheard of. She will be trampled by the matchmaker who promises to marry her.

The Lu family has a good relationship, and the people in Zhexi Town know it best. When they go shopping in Yunhuazhai, they all feel happy.

Lu Jing also heard some similar stories, and he was happy to spread the word in this direction. Whenever Yun Huazhai opened, their love could be shown.

Of course, Brother Yun didn't have much time to go to Yunhuazhai during this period, so he didn't know about it yet.

Really enjoying the milk, Hu Jin came to find him.

"Fulang, this is a letter for you. Shopkeeper Nan asked me to bring it here. The account book has been moved to the study."

He was sent out to deliver the album of baby supplies at the beginning of the month, and he just came back now, and he brought it back at the same time. A pile of ledgers and silver.

Brother Yun asked him to put the letter and small bundles on the table. After feeding him, he wiped his mouth clean, put him back on the blanket to play with himself, and then opened the letter to read.

Nan Qi and Zhou Yan only came back once during the Chinese New Year. It took Nan Qi two days to get to know Zhenzhen well, and she hugged Zhenzhen every day and never let go.

After going out later, Nan Qi would buy a bunch of food and play for Zhenzhen and bring them back every time. Brother Yun read the beginning of the letter and opened the small package that Hu Jin brought over. kind of toys.

After Zhenzhen saw it, he grinned and crawled this way. Brother Yun poured all the toys on the blanket for him, and Zhenzhen hugged all kinds of toys, so happy that he couldn't see his eyes.

Brother Yun smiled and piled up the toys in the middle of the blanket, then picked up the letter and continued to read, the front of the new one was full of pleasantries and greetings, while the back was about business.

Nan Qi and Zhou Yan have been exploring the market of Yunhuazhai. In half a year, Huanzhou and Yunzhou have opened many branches, and several neighboring prefectural cities have also opened shops. At the end of last month, two People have set off for Wuzhou Prefecture.

Nan Qi said in the letter that the Yunhuazhai in Wuzhou has been repaired and opened for business, because some merchants sold Yunhuazhai's ready-made clothes and dolls to Fucheng before, and Yunhuazhai is quite famous.

The shop's business was good on the opening day, and relying on word of mouth from customers, Yunhuazhai's business quickly boomed.

All the local cloth accounts in Wuzhou sent people to come to discuss business. Only the Su family did not come because they were imperial merchants. Zhou Yan declined the offers from various cloth accounts, saying that Yunhuazhai already had a regular cooperation account. , everyone can only return home in defeat.

There are many big cloth brands in Wuzhou Fucheng, and there is an imperial merchant Su's family, so the rich family knows more about cloth than other fuchengs.

Soon, the distinguished guests of Yunhuazhai discovered that the cloth of Yunhuazhai was different from the current cloth in Wuzhou City. The dyeing looked similar to the cloth of the Su family, but there were subtle differences. Hua Zhai's cloth seems to be even better.

All of a sudden, Yunhuazhai's fabrics and ready-made garments became popular together. Many fabric merchants in Fucheng came to Zhou Yan to inquire about the news. The most poisonous, and immediately planned to go to Yanyunbu to have a look.

Yunfei has not been idle for the past six months. After the markets of Huanzhou and Yunzhou were occupied by him, he began to expand outward. After annexing the market, he set up a business in that state capital. Now there is a Yanyun in Xianzhou next to Wuzhou It is also very convenient for the cloth merchants in Wuzhou Prefecture to get the goods.

Cloth merchants moved upon hearing the news, but several big cloth shops were not calm. The cloth market in Wuzhou was divided up by these big cloth shops. In addition, Wuzhou had a wharf, and the cloth could be sold to the capital. Therefore, Wuzhou There are so many cloth merchants in the government.

A clothing store suddenly came to the city. They thought it was a big customer, but it turned out that he came with a source of goods. Not only that, but his supply of goods could attract so many fabric merchants' interest. They all feel bad.

Each family sent people to look at it, but when they came back, they all said that Yunhuazhai's cloth looked like it was dyed with the Yun family's secret dyeing method, and several big cloth houses suddenly felt that this matter was subtle.

Although the Su family tried their best to cover up what happened back then, it seemed to be seamless, and they all claimed that the Yun family had passed the secret method of dyeing to Su Yuquan.

But everyone has been competitors for so many years, and the other companies have more or less guessed some inside information.

The Yun family sold their property, which was divided up by these cloth houses. Later, the daughter and grandson of the Yun family passed away one after another. From then on, only the Su family in Wuzhou City knew the Yun family's secret dyeing method before, and relying on this dyeing secret method, the Su family finally He climbed up to the position of the emperor and firmly pressed on their heads.

After so many years of this incident, a clothing store suddenly popped up in Wuzhou City that uses the cloth dyed by the Yun family's secret method, and the cloth number that this clothing store cooperates with seems to be the family name of Yun... All of these companies have smelled

it The smell of the storm is coming, all put away their hands and plan to wait and see.

The Su family did not extend an olive branch to Yunhuazhai because of their status as an imperial merchant before, thinking that no matter how good the tailor-made garments are, if they want to do business with high-ranking officials, they must go to their Su family cloth store to get goods. They don't pay attention to clothing stores.

But not long after, I heard that many people were chasing the cloth from the tailor shop. Unlike other families, the Su family has been paying attention to Yunhuazhai, so it was naturally a little later to know the news.

Su Jianfeng is currently working in the cloth shop of the Su family. After he found out, he planned to go to check it himself. He was also a little curious, wondering what kind of cloth attracted so many cloth merchants who had seen the emperor's merchants to be eager to move.

Su Jianfeng followed the address told to him by his servants. Yunhuazhai was not opened on the busiest main street, but on Qingwu Street, which was a little quieter.

Before he reached the door, his eyes were attracted by the ready-made clothes on the wall of the shop. It was already summer, and the colors of the summer clothes were mostly light colors, and all kinds of refreshing colors hung together very nicely.

Su Jianfeng also noticed sharply that there was a small area where baby clothes were hung, and there were a few dolls. He had seen similar dolls from his younger sister, who said they bought them from a merchant, and the quantity was small. I only grabbed this one, and now it seems that the merchants also bought their goods from this clothing store.

Su Jianfeng suppressed the amazement in his heart, walked into the shop, and the clerk greeted him with a smile on his face, "Do you want to see cloth or ready-made clothes?"

Although Su Jianfeng was also very interested in ready-made clothes, he came here for the cloth in the first place. , I plan to go to see the cloth first.

The clerk was clever, seeing his rich and noble clothes, he led him directly to the best cloth cabinet, and introduced him: "My lord, please take a look, this is the best Yanyun brocade in our Yunhuazhai." Su Jianfeng's expression froze

. Maybe he just vaguely felt that they were somewhat similar, but he was in the cloth shop all day long and saw so many cloths, how could he not see that the dyeing method of these cloths was the same as the ones he used at home.

What made him panic was that the dyeing technique of these cloths was even better than his family's, but how could this be, isn't there no one left in the Yun family?

His complexion was not good, and the buddy didn't dare to say anything. At this moment, two little brothers came in, and one of them swore to the other: "I asked the merchant where the dolls came from before, and the merchant I was annoyed by my questioning, so I said that I bought it from Yunhuazhai in Zhexi Town, this Yunhuazhai and that one may be the same..." Before he finished speaking, another little brother cheered and ran

over By the wall where the dolls were hanging, he said happily: "This is it!" He turned to the waiter and said, "This doll, give me one of each style.

" But fell into deep thought, Zhexi Town... The memory of this town came back, and he remembered the silhouette that passed by this town last year.

He put down the cloth in his hand and walked out without saying a word. After he left, the clerk tidied up the cloth he messed up, muttering in his heart: If you don't buy it, don't buy it. What a shame...

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The author has something to say:

Zhenzhen: I know that I can't speak when I'm bullied!

Brother Yun: ...I don't really want to deal with these two actors

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