Chapter 26 Mr.

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Brother Yun heard Lu Jing's plan, but he didn't hit Lu Jing.

In his opinion, Brother Lu is so good at hunting that he must have abilities beyond the reach of others. He wanted to try picking herbs, so Brother Yun decided to accompany him to try.

"Brother Lu, it's really not difficult to identify herbs. I can explain it to you according to medical books, but each herb requires different picking techniques. If you make a mistake, you may not be able to use it." Brother Yun paused, and tentatively said:

" Why don't I go with you when I'm well?"

Lu Jing subconsciously refused: "No."

Brother Yun was injured in the mountain and almost died, and he didn't want him to go up the mountain again.

Brother Yun also knew what Lu Jing was worried about, he said: "I'm with you, we just need to pick herbs, you will protect me, won't you?" Looking at

Brother Yun's probing eyes, Lu Jing also knew in his heart What he said was not unreasonable, and finally nodded in agreement.

Brother Yun also showed a happy smile when he saw that he agreed.

Brother Yun asked Lu Jing to go to the cabinet in his room to get medical books. During the time he was injured, Lu Jing had been to his room many times, so he didn't bother to avoid it.

Lu Jing took the medical book, moved a chair and sat next to Brother Yun. Brother Yun took the book, opened the pages and compared the pictures to explain to him.

"Tianwu grass, sweet in taste, shaped like an umbrella cover, grows mostly on the cliffs of high mountains. It can soothe the nerves and nourish the brain, nourish yin and tonify deficiency.

" Used as medicine, it can prolong life and nourish vitality."


In addition to the well-known Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng, Brother Yun also introduced to Lu Jing many precious herbs that ordinary people have never heard of.

Lu Jing was also fascinated for a while when he heard his eloquence.

"These are all the precious herbs that may grow within the range of Wumi Mountain."

Brother Yun closed the book and handed it to Lu Jing, "Put this book with you first, and you can read it at any time."

Lu Jing smiled Received it, "Thank you, Mr. Xue, for teaching me."

Brother Yun blushed after hearing what he said, and said angrily, "Brother Lu is talking nonsense! If someone else hears it, he will be a joke."

Lu Jing was serious Said: "Mr. refers to a person with rich knowledge. You taught me the knowledge of identifying herbs. Of course, you are my teacher."

Brother Yun couldn't talk to him, turned around and ignored him.

Lu Jing thought his puffy look was cute, but she also knew that he couldn't be teased anymore, so she stopped talking.

Brother Yun gave him a book to remind him of one thing. He still can't recognize the traditional Chinese characters that are commonly used today, so he is half illiterate.

Since I plan to live a good life in the future, I must learn to read, otherwise many things will be inconvenient.

Moreover, he has a ready-made teacher here.

Brother Yun heard that Lu Jing stopped talking, and the heat on his face slowly dropped. He turned his head and took a sneak peek, and saw Lu Jing frowned thinking about something.

Lu Jing raised her eyes at the moment he was peeking, and smiled jokingly as if she caught a child doing something bad, but changed the subject before Brother Yun became angry from embarrassment.

"Brother Yun, can you teach me how to read? The writing in my hometown is a bit different from here."

Brother Yun realized that he was being teased by Lu Jing again and was about to blow his hair, but he was attracted by the content of his words. He was startled, asked his little brother to teach him how to read...

In the Dayu dynasty, younger brothers and women were not allowed to take part in the imperial examinations. The school was full of men. Even if there were younger brothers and women with outstanding talents, they would not be recognized by scholars. Brother Lu actually asked him to teach him how to read ...

Brother Yun looked at Lu Jing, with a smile on his lips and a calm expression, looking at him expectantly, as if he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it.

Brother Yun smiled happily: "Of course." "

Then it's settled. Next time I go to town, I'll buy paper and ink."

Lu Jing smiled, maybe Brother Yun didn't know, he How many more smiles in two days.

In the next few days, Lu Jing read the medical books from time to time, and if there were any words she didn't understand, she would ask Brother Yun. When Brother Yun's hands were better and he could cook for himself, Lu Jing decided to go to the mountain once.

They didn't go out these few days, only Wu Dazhuang and Du Qingshan came to visit. Lu Jing accepted that they helped go up the mountain to find Brother Yun, and planned to treat them to a meal.

Before going out, Lu Jing carefully told Brother Yun: "Don't work, wait for me to talk about anything."

After getting along with him these few days, Brother Yun has realized that it is useless to be stubborn with him, and he also knows that Lu Jing He was very worried that his ruptured wound would develop abscess again, so he responded obediently: "I understand, Brother Lu, please be careful." Lu Jing felt very different from going up the mountain

this time, as before, he was lazy , but this time he was full of enthusiasm.

He was also very lucky today. After hunting enough pheasants and rabbits for banquets, he unexpectedly encountered a sika deer.

Brother Yun was alone at home, and he was not greedy. After catching the deer, he went straight down the mountain.

It was still early, and when Lu Jing arrived home, it was time for Shen. Brother Yun was reading a book in the yard. Seeing Lu Jing coming back so early, he happily greeted him.

"It's a deer again!"

Lu Jing gently pushed aside his hand to pick up the prey, and put the sika deer on the ground for him to play with, and put the other prey in the utility room in the backyard for tomorrow's banquet.

There was still a while before dinner, so Lu Jing went out to the village chief's house, and invited the village chief and Wu Dazhuang to have dinner at his house tomorrow afternoon, and asked him to inform other villagers who went up the mountain to help find someone that day.

When he left, the village chief said with emotion to Wu Dazhuang: "Lu Jing is a good person, he knows how to repay his kindness, and he values ​​love and righteousness. If you keep in touch with him more, he will not harm you." Wu Dazhuang scratched his head with a smile and

replied "I know, dad."

Wu Dazhuang has a simple and honest temperament. Some people with evil intentions associate with him because they want to take advantage of him. The village chief sees it and reminds him when necessary. It's okay to raise a good son.

He thought for a while and then said: "I won't go tomorrow, you young people have dinner and make friends, why should I, an old man, get mixed up?"

Lu Jing left Wu's house and went to Liu's house next door to Yun's house, With his hands still not ready, Lu Jing was reluctant to let him cook, so he planned to ask his aunt in the village to help.

Brother Yun didn't want to at first, his hands had scabs for a few days, cooking was no problem, how could he be so delicate.

Lu Jing didn't give him a chance to refuse, and asked him if anyone in the village who had never bullied him cooked delicious food.

Brother Yun saw that he persisted in this way, thought for a while, and said that the sister-in-law Wu next door is a nice person, and he also helped to speak when he was mean, and besides, the cooking of the villagers is not bad, except for the talent who specializes in helping people clean up the banquet. will do better.

Lu Jing decided to invite her.

He asked someone to cook a meal for ten cents. It was an easy job. I don't know how many people rushed to do it when it was released. Brother Yun mentioned Wu's sister-in-law to help her.

Liu Guihua was there when Lu Jing entered the door, and she became excited when she heard Lu Jing's words, and quickly responded, "Yes, why not?"

Sister-in-law Wu was a little hesitant, and she hesitated, "Ten cents is too much, and there is no place in the village You need to charge money for doing a favor, Lu Liehu doesn't have to be so polite, I'll just go and do it for you."

The men in the village only get thirty yuan a day to do manual work, and she just went to cook a meal. Are you embarrassed to take so much money?

Seeing that she was so anxious to death, Liu Guihua pushed out all the money she sent? She can't wait to say directly that you don't want me.

Lu Jing smiled gently, "It's delayed Sister-in-law Wu's other work, I should pay it."

Hearing what he said, Sister-in-law Wu finally nodded.

After discussing with her, Lu Jing went to his house at Shen Shi tomorrow and returned.

Seeing him go out, Liu Guihua immediately gossips with Wu Shi, "He has brother Yun at home, why does he need someone to cook?"

Wu Shi didn't want to say more, and said perfunctorily: "Maybe it's because the injury hasn't healed yet. "

Liu Guihua felt that there was a new gossip, so she didn't stay any longer, packed her things and went under the big tree at the entrance of the village.

After hearing what she said, everyone speculated whether Brother Yun was too injured to move, or why couldn't he even cook a meal? Then it was said that Lu Jing was generous, and he would pay ten cents for someone to cook a meal.

Those who cared about Lu Jing secretly applauded when they heard that Brother Yun was so injured that he couldn't move, and told others intentionally or unintentionally that he was unlucky and deserved the fall.

It was passed around in the village, and by dinner time most people in the village had heard that brother Yun was seriously injured and couldn't even move.

Only the men who were invited to dinner didn't believe it. Considering the way Lu Jing treated Brother Yun before, if that was the case, how could he be in the mood to invite them to dinner?

Rumors were flying all over the sky, and in the house at the foot of the mountain, both of them slept soundly.

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