Chapter 7

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Lu Jing hunted roe deer and bought some pheasants yesterday, and planned to go to the town to sell them today, while Brother Yun went to the mountains to gather herbs as usual.

The two had breakfast together as usual and parted ways.

Brother Yun baked the cakes in the morning and brought two for dry food, then set off with a bamboo basket on his back and a small medicine pick.

He went up all the way and passed the outer edge of the mountain where the villagers often moved. There was no road in the mountain, and the bushes in front of him had to be cut off to move forward. He made marks along the way so as not to get lost.

He picked some mother-in-laws along the way. In spring, mother-in-laws are fresh and tender and can be used as wild vegetable salad. In autumn, they have high medicinal value, and the price is not cheap when they are dried and sent to the hospital.

Turning a small hillside, a small piece of cassia tree appeared in front of it. The fruit was already ripe, and it could be used as medicine after steaming and drying.

Brother Yun put down the medicine hoe and went forward to pick it. Today's luck is good, even if there are no other herbs later, it's good to have these.

Lu Jing went to Yuntang restaurant familiarly, and the shopkeeper also readily collected the prey.

Including the money from the sale this time, Lu Jing has about three taels of silver in his hand. The weather is getting colder and it will be late autumn soon. He plans to buy winter quilts and cotton clothes.

Walking along the street and looking around, I saw a cloth store within a few steps. Lu Jing saw that most of the people passing by were dressed in rich and noble clothes, and there were a few girls and maids picking out fabrics, so she knew that this was a high-end store and she couldn't afford it. .

So she turned around and continued shopping, and walked another few tens of meters before seeing a cloth shop, which was mostly people in coarse linen clothes. Lu Jing knew that she had come to the right place, and went straight in.

Although Lu Jing was wearing coarse cloth clothes, but she had a good figure and a handsome face, she looked very imposing, Xiao Er hurried up to meet her and greeted her with a smile: "Guest officer, do you want to buy some cloth?"

As he spoke, he led him to the cloth shelf, and introduced him: "Guest officer, look at this piece of fabric, it's dense and thick, and the color is good. It's the best for making cotton-padded clothes. There's also this piece, which was just put on the shelves in our store." Goods, this color is the most popular recently, and you can't go wrong buying it for your wife."

Lu Jing interrupted Xiao Er's endless chatter, "I want two cotton-padded clothes and a quilt, can you do it well? What?"

Xiao Er heard that he was here to buy ready-made clothes, and he asked for a lot of money, the smile on his face was quite sincere, ready-made clothes are expensive, and the profit is higher, and most people buy fabrics and go home to make them themselves.

Xiaoer hurriedly led him to the inner room, and introduced him politely: "Look, sir, all our ready-made clothes are here. If you touch it, the cotton is fully waffled. It will definitely keep you warm. If you like it, you can wear it." Try it."

There are very few clothes suitable for Lu Jing's figure, after all, there are still a few tall men here, and most of the ready-made clothes made in the store are suitable for ordinary height.

Lu Jing chose a suit of indigo and dark green. They are both stain-resistant colors, and they are not afraid of getting dirty when they go hunting in the mountains. After choosing the upper body, let the tailor in the shop mark the unsuitable places on the spot. After a while, they can take it out.

I just choose the quilt at will, it feels thick and the fabric does not prick the skin.

These things cost one or two and a half silver, Lu Jing paid the money readily, was invited to drink tea and waited for a while, then took the changed clothes and quilts and went back.

These things are not heavy, but because the thick cotton is so bulky, it is inconvenient to carry, so Lu Jing plans to go to the bullock cart to have a look, if he can't walk for a while, he will go back by himself .

It was also a coincidence that everyone's things sold out quickly today, so they planned to go back early to save money on meals. It was almost noon, and the ox cart was almost full, so Lu Jing set off for the village not long after getting in the car .

Everyone in the car looked at the clothes and quilts that Lu Jing bought, and they were all surprised.

Lu Jing lives in a dilapidated house at the foot of the mountain. It seems that he has no intention of repairing the house at all, but he spends so much money. This is a ready-made garment in a cloth shop. He can buy two bolts of cloth for one suit. He also bought two suits. Everyone is now uncertain whether he is rich or not.

Some people are only surprised in their hearts, while others can't help but ask.

Brother Xi and his wife, Wang Jinmei, knew before that Lu Jing's hands were loose and he would exchange prey for rice grains. Seeing that he bought so many things today, he was more inclined to guess that he should be rich, so she asked: "Lu hunter, Why do you buy so many ready-made quilts? It's much more cost-effective to buy cloth and come back to make it."

Others also showed gossip expressions, they were originally embarrassed to ask because they didn't know each other well, but when someone asked, they all pricked up their ears.

Lu Jing didn't expect someone he didn't know to talk to him, so he just politely replied: "The tailor-made clothes are more convenient, so I bought them." Listening to

his understatement, Wang Jinmei was sure that he was rich, and so were the rest of them. Such speculation.

Some families with daughters and elder brothers quietly made up their minds, but he took Brother Yun to live with him, everyone still had some concerns, so they planned to take another look.

This time I set off early and arrived at the village in the early hours.

Lu Jing had a lot of things and paid a lot of money. Uncle Zhao sent Lu Jing off after leaving the crowd at the entrance of the village. There was no way to the south of the village. Lu Jing got off the car and walked back to her house at the foot of the mountain with her clothes and quilts in her arms.

The meal time was over, his stomach was growling with hunger, and he was really lazy, so he grabbed a handful of rice and made porridge with pickles to make a living.

There is nothing else to do today. After dinner, Lu Jing moved the recliner and put it in the yard to take a nap in the sun.

He has passed such a repetitive and boring life for more than half a year. Sometimes he thinks about his previous life. In the past ten years, he studied hard and got into A with high spirits.

His love and anticipation for life were consumed within two years, leaving him alive and fulfilling his mission.

More than half a year has passed, but he still often wakes up in the middle of the night. The second he wakes up, his body tenses up and prepares for battle. After he sees the surrounding environment clearly, he slowly calms down.

Those days of blood licking seem to have passed for a long time, but they have never been without trace.

Seeing Brother Yun living so hard and earnestly, he felt very good, but he didn't need it, as long as he lived.

It was already noon after Brother Yun finished picking the piece of cassia seeds. He found an open space to sit down and have lunch. The pancakes became soft when they were cold and crispy when they were not hot, but he was very satisfied.

In the past, he could not eat a few meals made of refined grains all year round, but now he eats all of them. Brother Yun thought anxiously: Brother Lu is very kind to me, but I have nothing to repay him.

After eating the pancakes with wild thoughts, he stood up and clapped his hands. It was useless to think too much, the only way to repay Brother Lu was to do more.

Brother Yun walked forward with great vigor, and found another cassia tree after not walking very far.

This piece is bigger than the previous one, and Brother Yun was overjoyed, so he quickly put down his basket and medicine hoe and started picking.

The sun was in full bloom, and this area was not covered. Brother Yun's face and neck were flushed under the sun, but he didn't care. He was filled with joy when he thought of the money that this piece of cassia seeds could sell for.

After all the picking was done, the sun had already begun to slant westward, and Brother Yun walked back contentedly with the heavy bamboo basket on his back, thinking about what to eat for dinner while walking.

Half of yesterday's rabbit is left, and it can be eaten hot, and it can be fried with Chinese cabbage.

I was in a good mood, and the way down the mountain didn't feel so long. As soon as Youshi arrived, Brother Yun opened the door and entered the yard.

Lu Jing was falling asleep on the couch, and the sound of brother Yun opening the door didn't wake him up.

He had cultivated extremely keen observation skills and vigilance in the last days, but the two of them had been together for a while, and brother Yun had been marked as safe for him, so he was still sleeping soundly at this moment.

After Yun brother saw Lu Jing, he relaxed his hands and feet. At this time, the sun was slanting to the west, and the place where Lu Jing slept could no longer get sunlight. The autumn wind was cool, and Yun brother was afraid that he would catch a cold, so he planned to go into the house and get him some clothes. cover.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw the new quilt and cotton padded clothes that Lu Jing bought on the bed. At first glance, they were expensive ready-made clothes from the cloth store. Brother Yun thought: It's over, Brother Lu seems to have been tricked again .

He took Lu Jing's clothes and went out to cover him. Lu Jing felt the movement on his body and slowly opened his eyes.

Brother Yun saw that he woke up just after he was covered, retracted his hand and said embarrassedly: "Did I wake you up, Brother Lu?"

Lu Jing blinked a few times to wake up, looked up and saw that it was getting late, and then Standing up with his clothes on, "No, I slept very well."

Although the two lived together for more than half a month, their conversations were limited to meals, and the communication was very limited. Brother Yun was still very restrained when facing him Feeling, I am afraid that I will not do well.

Although he was sure that Big Brother Lu was a good person, but the uneasiness of being dependent on others was always with him, making him only think about how to appear more useful, so that he should be able to feel more at ease.

The meal was ready quickly, and the two sat opposite each other in the main room to eat.

Brother Yun thought of the cotton-padded clothes and quilts that Lu Jing bought, and asked hesitantly: "Brother Lu, did you go to the cloth store to buy ready-made clothes and quilts?"

Lu Jing nodded: "Yes, winter is coming soon Yes, prepare in advance."

Brother Yun said: "Actually, you can buy cloth and cotton and I will make them for you. This will save you a lot of money."

Lu Jing didn't know that this was possible, he traveled alone for more than half a year, and he didn't understand ordinary people in this world at all. way of life, so he still retains his previous living habits, and goes to the store to buy ready-made whatever he needs.

It's just that even if he knew, he wouldn't bother Brother Yun. Brother Yun wants to collect medicine to make money. If he asks Brother Yun for help, he will delay his time to make money. If he wants to pay for manual work, Brother Yun will definitely not be willing, so he said "It's so convenient, I bought it when I saw it fit."

Brother Yun hurriedly said: "It's also very convenient for me to make, it's not troublesome at all."

Lu Jing didn't respond, he said: "Let's talk about it next time."

Brother Yun was lying on the bed, a little downcast, he didn't understand why Big Brother Lu didn't seem to care about anything, even if he wanted to repay him, he couldn't do anything, except for cooking and laundry, he couldn't refuse Lu Jing even if he volunteered.

The winter clothes are also ready, and the quilt is also ready... By the way, clothes!

Brother Yun's eyes lit up. There are rabbits to eat every now and then at home. He can collect the fur of the rabbits to make a set of rabbit fur clothes for Brother Lu. Brother Lu also goes hunting in the mountains in winter. Cotton clothes are not enough to keep out the cold.

Finally thinking of something he could do for Brother Lu, Brother Yun got out of his frustration and fell asleep peacefully.

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